
Amex Announces Mineral Resource Estimate on Perron Project

Amex Announces Mineral Resource Estimate on Perron Project

newsfile ·  09/05 18:30

Montreal, Quebec--(Newsfile Corp. - September 5, 2024) - Amex Exploration Inc. (TSXV: AMX) (FSE: MX0) (OTCQX: AMXEF) ("Amex" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed a Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") on the company's flagship Perron Project in the northwestern Abitibi region of Quebec. The majority of ounces come from the Company's High-Grade Zone ("HGZ"), with important contributions from the Denise Zone ("Denise"), the Gratien Zone ("Gratien"), the Grey Cat Zone ("Grey Cat") and the Team Zone ("Team"). The drillhole database for the resource was closed on June 30, 2024, meaning recent drilling has not been included in this resource iteration at Perron. All zones on the property remain open in multiple directions for further expansion and Amex's current continuing drill program is fully funded until the conclusion of 2025.

魁北克蒙特利爾--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年9月5日)——美國運通勘探公司(TSXV:AMX)(FSE:MX0)(OTCQX:AMXEF)(「美國運通」 或 「公司」)欣然宣佈,它已經完成了該公司位於魁北克阿比蒂比西北部的旗艦佩倫項目的礦產資源估算(「MRE」)。大部分盎司來自公司的高等級區域(「HGZ」),其中重要貢獻來自丹尼斯區(「丹尼斯」)、Gratien區(「Gratien」)、灰貓區(「灰貓」)和團隊區(「團隊」)。該資源的鑽孔數據庫已於2024年6月30日關閉,這意味着最近的鑽探未包含在Perron的資源迭代中。該物業上的所有區域保持多方向開放,以進一步擴張,美國運通目前的持續鑽探計劃將在2025年底之前獲得全額資金。

See Figure 1 for the location of the Perron Project, Figure 2 for a plan view of mineral resources at the Perron Project, Figure 3 for a sectional view of mineral resources of the Perron Project, and Table 1 for a summary of total mineral resources, Table 2 for summary of total mineral resources by zone and Table 3 for parameters used to constrain resources at Perron.


Amex will be hosting a webinar today with Victor Cantore, CEO and Aaron Stone, VP Exploration at 1:00pm EDT to discuss the MRE in more detail. Please register here:


MRE Highlights:


  • Open pit and underground stope constrained 594,100 of measured and indicated ounces at 4.28 g/t Au and 1,049,650 of inferred ounces at 3.80 g/t Au.
  • The MRE shows excellent continuity throughout the project with exceptional high grade throughout, specifically in the High-Grade Zone (HGZ) which alone hosts 336,170 of measured and indicated ounces at 12.05 g/t Au and 415,470 of inferred ounces at 10.49 g/t Au.
  • Of important significance within the HGZ is with improved confidence, comes increased grade. With regard to the HGZ under Table 2, as drill spacing is tightened to upgrade resources from inferred to indicated to measured, the grade improves. This is rare in the gold industry and speaks to exceptional continuity of the zone.
  • The MRE is a base case for the gold at Perron and includes drilling up to June 30, 2024. Approximately 600,000 m of accumulative fully funded drilling is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.
  • All zones remain open at Perron, providing excellent future mineral resource expansion potential.
  • Metallurgical test work by SGS Canada achieved an overall gold recovery of up to 99% in the HGZ and up to 95% in the Denise, Team, Gratien and Grey Cat Zones.
  • Near by housing, roads, electricity and labour are expected to favourably impact the economics of the Perron project in the upcoming PEA expected later this year.
  • The Perron project also hosts VMS (copper-zinc) mineralization which has not been included in today's MRE nor any of the silver credits that exist in some zones of the property. The Company plans to complete the modelling requirements surrounding these additional metals in the future, which is expected to enhance the economics of the project.
  • 露天礦和地下采場限制了測定和指示的594,100盎司爲4.28克/噸金,推斷的1,049,650盎司爲3.80克/噸金。
  • MRE 在整個項目中表現出良好的連續性,整個項目的品位都非常高,特別是在高品位區(HGZ),僅高品位區(HGZ)就有 336,170 盎司的測定和指示盎司(12.05 g/t Au)和415,470盎司的推斷盎司(10.49 g/t Au)。
  • HGZ 內部具有重要意義的是信心的提高,等級也隨之提高。關於表 2 下的 HGZ,隨着鑽孔間距的收緊以將資源從推斷升級到指示再到測量,等級有所提高。這在黃金行業中很少見,表明該區域具有非凡的連續性。
  • MRE 是 Perron 黃金的基礎案例,包括截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日的鑽探。預計到2025年底,將完成約60000000萬的累計全額資金鑽探。
  • Perron 的所有區域都保持開放,爲未來的礦產資源擴張提供了極好的潛力。
  • 加拿大SGS的冶金測試工作使HGZ的黃金總回收率高達99%,丹尼斯、Team、Gratien和Grey Cat區的黃金總回收率高達95%。
  • 在預計於今年晚些時候發佈的PEA中,住房、道路、電力和勞動力預計將對Perron項目的經濟產生積極影響。
  • Perron項目還擁有VMS(銅鋅)礦化,該礦化並未包含在當今的MRE中,也未包含在該物業某些區域存在的任何白銀信貸。該公司計劃在未來完成圍繞這些額外金屬的建模要求,這有望提高該項目的經濟性。

Jacques Trottier, PhD, Executive Chairman of Amex Exploration, commented, "I am very proud of our progress to date. Throughout my time at Perron, I was convinced that the project hosted a significant high-grade gold resource, so it is fantastic to have realised this. In my opinion, the high-grade nature of Perron is what truly sets its apart from its peers and we have just begun to scratch the surface of the potential. The grade at Perron compares very favourably to many of the recent world class projects in Canada and elsewhere. There is significant room for this resource to grow, as much of the property is yet to be explored. New machine learning and AI techniques have generated new high priority targets for us, some of which we have begun to test with success. Given the projects quality high-grade ounces, proximity to infrastructure and workforce, we look forward to releasing our project economics in the PEA, which remains on track for Q4 of this year. It should also be noted that this resource is purely gold focused. None of the silver credits that may exist across our zones have been modelled, neither have any of our copper-zinc mineralization of the QF Zone, Central Polymetallic Zone and Donna Copper Zone. We do plan on looking at these additional metals in future work, which should be accretive to the project."


Aaron Stone, P.Geo, Vice President Exploration of Amex Exploration, continued, "This resource is an excellent starting point for Amex. Drilling never stops at Perron and we continue to work diligently on expanding and defining our known zones as well as exploring for further discoveries. Work has begun at site to better understand the mineralization and structure of the Team and Denise Zones to better guide infill drilling to increase their ounce count. Recent work in western zones such as Gratien, Grey Cat and Alizée have also yielded some very interesting high-grade results which need to be followed up on with further drilling. Since discovery of the JT Zone only a few months ago, our understanding of gold emplacement at Perron has been rapidly evolving and we are starting to see some geological similarities with the Windfall project. The mineralized felsic to intermediate dike that was found has given us a lot to think about for the genesis of all gold-bearing zones within the Beaupré Block. Studies have begun to validify this new theory, but if gold enrichment at Perron does turn out to be intrusion related, this will change our approach on how we search for another High-Grade Zone on the property. I am personally very excited by this as we continue to work closely with our strategic partners to unlock the full value that we believe is still to be discovered at Perron."

美國運通探索副總裁P.Geo的亞倫·斯通繼續說:「這個資源是美國運通的絕佳起點。Perron 的鑽探從未停止,我們將繼續努力擴大和定義我們的已知區域,並探索進一步的發現。現場工作已經開始,以更好地了解Team和Denise Zones的礦化和結構,以更好地指導填充鑽探以增加其盎司數量。最近在諸如Gratien、Grey Cat和Alizee之類的西部地區開展的工作也得出了一些非常有趣的高等級結果,需要後續進行進一步的鑽探。自從幾個月前發現Jt區以來,我們對Perron金礦的理解一直在迅速發展,我們開始看到與Windfall項目的一些地質相似之處。所發現的礦化長英質到中間的堤防給了我們很多思考,以了解博普雷區塊內所有含金區的起源。研究已經開始證實這一新理論,但如果事實證明佩倫的黃金富集與入侵有關,這將改變我們在該地產上尋找另一個高品位區域的方式。我個人對此感到非常興奮,因爲我們將繼續與戰略合作伙伴密切合作,以釋放我們認爲Perron仍有待發現的全部價值。」

Victor Cantore, President and CEO, Director of Amex Exploration, added, "There are limited projects around the world that are this high-grade in nature, and the grade of the HGZ puts the Perron Project in line with these world class assets. As we move forward our goal is to build ounces while simultaneously advancing the project towards production through advancing economic studies and permitting."


Figure 1: Location of Perron Project, central Abitibi, 4km to the east of the Quebec-Ontario border. Perron is marked by a gold star and is directly adjacent to number 11, the historical producing Normétal VMS mine. Note the location of the Windfall Project, number 28, to the east along the same deformation corridor as the Perron Project.

圖 1:位於魁北克-安大略省邊境以東 4 公里處的阿比提比中部 Perron 項目的位置。Perron 以金星爲標誌,與 11 號礦直接相鄰,這是歷史上出產的 Normetal VMS 礦。注意第 28 號的 Weinfall Project 位於與佩倫項目相同的變形走廊向東的位置。

Figure 2: Plan view of constrained mineral resources at Perron.

圖 2:Perron 受限礦產資源的平面圖。

Figure 3: View looking to the north of mineral resources delineated at Perron. Note the HGZ has been defined to 1.3km vertically and remains open at depth.

圖 3:在佩倫描繪的礦產資源以北的視圖。請注意,HGZ 已被定義爲垂直距離 1.3 千米,並且在深度保持開放。

Table 1: Summary of total Mineral Resources at the Perron Project

表 1:Perron 項目總礦產資源摘要

All Zones Open Pit Constrained UG stopes Total
COG 0.42 Au g/t COG 1.29 Au g/t
Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz.
Measured 131,250 1.395,880 445,250 6.6094,530 576,500 5.42100,400
Indicated 706,600 1.8040,780 3,030,580 4.65452,920 3,737,200 4.11493,700
Indicated+Measured 837,850 1.7346,660 3,475,830 4.90547,450 4,313,700 4.28594,100
Inferred 996,500 2.0164,420 7,597,300 4.03985,220 8,593,800 3.801,049,650
所有區域 露天礦受限 UG 停了下來 總計
COG 0.42 金克/噸 COG 1.29 Au g/t
Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz
已測量 131,250 1.395,880 445,250 6.6094,530 576,500 5.42100,400
已指明 706,600 1.8040,780 3,030,580 4.65452,920 3,737,200 4.11493,700
指示+已測量 837,850 1.7346,660 3,475,830 4.90547,450 4,313,700 4.28594,100
推斷 996,500 2.0164,420 7,597,300 4.03985,220 8,593,800 3.801,049,650

Table 2: Summary of Mineral Resources at the Perron Project by zone

表 2:按區域劃分的 Perron 項目礦產資源摘要

Open Pit Constrained UG stopes Total

COG 0.42 Au g/t COG 1.29 Au g/t
HG Zone Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz.
Measured 400 1.3820 136,000 15.9569,740 136,400 15.9069,750
Indicated 13,590 1.18515 717,800 11.52265,900 731,400 11.33266,410
Indicated+Measured 14,000 1.18530 853,800 12.23335,630 867,800 12.05336,170
Inferred 3,330 0.5660 1,228,060 10.52415,410 1,231,400 10.49415,470

露天礦受限 UG 停了下來 總計

COG 0.42 金克/噸 COG 1.29 Au g/t
HG 區域 Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz
已測量 400 1.3820 136,000 15.9569,740 136,400 15.9069,750
已指明 13,590 1.18515 717,800 11.52265,900 731,400 11.33266,410
指示+已測量 14,000 1.18530 853,800 12.23335,630 867,800 12.05336,170
推斷 3,330 0.5660 1,228,060 10.52415,410 1,231,400 10.49415,470

Note: As ounces in the High-Grade Zone increase in confidence from inferred to indicated to measured, so does the grade. This is rare in gold deposits and displays the exceptional continuity of high-grade mineralization within this zone.


Open Pit Constrained UG stopes Total

COG 0.42 Au g/t COG 1.29 Au g/t
Denise Zone Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz.
Measured 92,800 1.113,310 208,550 2.4616,520 3,013,410 2.0519,820
Indicated 324,760 1.3614,230 1,304,960 2.45102,730 1,629,720 2.23116,960
Indicated+Measured 417,560 1.3117,540 1,513,500 2.45119,250 1,931,060 2.20136,780
Inferred 3,400 0.6070 2,239,690 2.94211,600 2,243,100 2.93211,660

Open Pit Constrained UG stopes Total

COG 0.42 Au g/t COG 1.29 Au g/t
Team Zone Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz.
Measured 38,040 2.092,560 93,640 2.607,810 131,680 2.4510,370
Indicated 205,450 2.3415,470 629,150 2.4449,420 834,600 2.4264,880
Indicated+Measured 243,490 2.3018,030 722,790 2.4657,230 966,280 2.4275,250
Inferred 273,450 2.1618,980 1,039,890 2.7391,320 1,313,340 2.61110,300

Open Pit Constrained UG stopes Total

COG 0.42 Au g/t COG 1.29 Au g/t
AZ Zone Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz.




1.871,160 19,310 1.871,160

Open Pit Constrained UG stopes Total

COG 0.42 Au g/t COG 1.29 Au g/t
N110 Zone Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz.

1.83340 5,720 1.83340

2.40580 7,500 2.40580

2.16920 13,220 2.16920
Inferred 240 2.4820 87,300 2.206,200 87,540 2.206,220

Open Pit Constrained UG stopes Total

COG 0.42 Au g/t COG 1.29 Au g/t
CPZ Zone Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz.

2.81120 1,340 2.81120

2.024,150 63,980 2.024,150

2.034,270 65,320 2.034,270

1.507,140 148,210 1.507,140

Open Pit Constrained UG stopes Total

COG 0.42 Au g/t COG 1.29 Au g/t
Gratien Zone Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz.

Indicated 22,530 2.191,580 127,350 3.9616,220 149,880 3.7017,800
Indicated+Measured 22,530 2.191,580 127,350 3.9616,220 149,880 3.7017,800
Inferred 147,330 3.5916,990 1,361,620 3.39148,500 1,508,950 3.41165,500

Open Pit Constrained UG stopes Total

COG 0.42 Au g/t COG 1.29 Au g/t
Grey Cat Zone Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz.

Indicated 135,390 2.028,790 111,750 2.468,860 247,140 2.2217,650
Indicated+Measured 135,390 2.028,790 111,750 2.468,860 247,140 2.2217,650
Inferred 291,020 1.9718,400 996,130 2.2973,210 1,287,150 2.2191,610

露天礦受限 UG 停了下來 總計

COG 0.42 金克/噸 COG 1.29 Au g/t
丹尼斯專區 Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz
已測量 92,800 1.113,310 208,550 2.4616,520 3,013,410 2.0519,820
已指明 324,760 1.3614,230 1,304,960 2.45102,730 1,629,720 2.23116,960
指示+已測量 417,560 1.3117,540 1,513,500 2.45119,250 1,931,060 2.20136,780
推斷 3,400 0.6070 2,239,690 2.94211,600 2,243,100 2.93211,660

露天礦受限 UG 停了下來 總計

COG 0.42 金克/噸 COG 1.29 Au g/t
團隊專區 Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz
已測量 38,040 2.092,560 93,640 2.607,810 131,680 2.4510,370
已指明 205,450 2.3415,470 629,150 2.4449,420 834,600 2.4264,880
指示+已測量 243,490 2.3018,030 722,790 2.4657,230 966,280 2.4275,250
推斷 273,450 2.1618,980 1,039,890 2.7391,320 1,313,340 2.61110,300

露天礦受限 UG 停了下來 總計

COG 0.42 金克/噸 COG 1.29 Au g/t
AZ 區域 Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz




1.871,160 19,310 1.871,160

露天礦受限 UG 停了下來 總計

COG 0.42 金克/噸 COG 1.29 Au g/t
N110 區域 Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz

1.83340 5,720 1.83340

2.40580 7,500 2.40580

2.16920 13,220 2.16920
推斷 240 2.4820 87,300 2.206,200 87,540 2.206,220

露天礦受限 UG 停了下來 總計

COG 0.42 金克/噸 COG 1.29 Au g/t
CPZ 專區 Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz

2.81120 1,340 2.81120

2.024,150 63,980 2.024,150

2.034,270 65,320 2.034,270

1.507,140 148,210 1.507,140

露天礦受限 UG 停了下來 總計

COG 0.42 金克/噸 COG 1.29 Au g/t
Gratien Zone Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz

已指明 22,530 2.191,580 127,350 3.9616,220 149,880 3.7017,800
指示+已測量 22,530 2.191,580 127,350 3.9616,220 149,880 3.7017,800
推斷 147,330 3.5916,990 1,361,620 3.39148,500 1,508,950 3.41165,500

露天礦受限 UG 停了下來 總計

COG 0.42 金克/噸 COG 1.29 Au g/t
灰貓專區 Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz

已指明 135,390 2.028,790 111,750 2.468,860 247,140 2.2217,650
指示+已測量 135,390 2.028,790 111,750 2.468,860 247,140 2.2217,650
推斷 291,020 1.9718,400 996,130 2.2973,210 1,287,150 2.2191,610

Open Pit Constrained UG stopes Total

COG 0.42 Au g/t COG 1.29 Au g/t
UHGZ Zone Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz.


2.082,590 38,780 2.082,590

2.082,590 38,780 2.082,590

1.867,110 118,800 1.867,110

Open Pit Constrained UG stopes Total

COG 0.42 Au g/t COG 1.29 Au g/t
E2 Zone Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz.


2.642,450 28,850 2.642,450

2.642,450 28,850 2.642,450

2.1320,850 303,900 2.1320,850

露天礦受限 UG 停了下來 總計

COG 0.42 金克/噸 COG 1.29 Au g/t
UHGZ 專區 Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz


2.082,590 38,780 2.082,590

2.082,590 38,780 2.082,590

1.867,110 118,800 1.867,110

露天礦受限 UG 停了下來 總計

COG 0.42 金克/噸 COG 1.29 Au g/t
E2 區域 Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz


2.642,450 28,850 2.642,450

2.642,450 28,850 2.642,450

2.1320,850 303,900 2.1320,850

Open Pit Constrained UG stopes Total

COG 0.42 Au g/t COG 1.29 Au g/t
JT Zone Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz. Tonnes Au gpt Au oz.

- -

Indicated 4,880 1.23190 480 1.7530 5,360 1.28220
Indicated+Measured 4,880 1.23190 480 1.7530 5,360 1.28220
Inferred 277,700 1.119,900 54,370 1.572,740 332,080 1.1812,640

露天礦受限 UG 停了下來 總計

COG 0.42 金克/噸 COG 1.29 Au g/t
Jt Zone Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz Au gpt Au oz

- -

已指明 4,880 1.23190 480 1.7530 5,360 1.28220
指示+已測量 4,880 1.23190 480 1.7530 5,360 1.28220
推斷 277,700 1.119,900 54,370 1.572,740 332,080 1.1812,640

Note: Drilling on the JT Zone has tripled in amount since the drill database was cut off for the resource calculation. The Company is confident that the JT Zone will significantly grow in size and is especially buoyed by its potential geological implications for mineralization contained throughout the entirety of the Beaupré Block at Perron.

注意:自從因資源計算而切斷鑽探數據庫以來,在 Jt Zone 上的鑽探量增加了兩倍。該公司相信,Jt區的面積將顯著擴大,這尤其受到其對Perron整個Beaupreé區塊礦化的潛在地質影響的推動。

Cautionary statement: These mineral resources are not mineral reserves as they do not have demonstrated economic viability. The quantity and grade of reported Inferred resources in this Mineral Resource Estimate are uncertain in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to define these Inferred resources as Indicated or Measured, and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in upgrading them to these categories. Totals may not add up due to rounding of numbers.


Please note that the Company states this is not a Maiden Resource Estimate due to a previous resource estimate completed on the Gratien Zone in 2009 for 69,907 inferred ounces of gold (please refer to SEDAR filing submitted June 2, 2009. Report is titled Resource Estimate, Form 43-101F1 Technical Report, Project Perron, is dated May 10, 2009 and was authored by Qualified Person Jacques Marchand P. Eng).

請注意,該公司表示這不是首次資源估算,因爲此前曾於2009年在Gratien區完成了推斷的69,907盎司黃金的資源估算(請參閱2009年6月2日提交的SEDAR文件)。報告標題爲 「資源估算,43-101F1 表格技術報告,佩倫項目」,日期爲 2009 年 5 月 10 日,由合格人士 Jacques Marchand P. Eng)撰寫。

Resource Estimation Methodology and Parameters


As part of the resource estimation process, the Company and GoldMinds compiled, verified and modelled all technical information available from the Project


Parameters used in the definition of cut-of grades, modifying factors to enable reasonable prospect of economic extraction, pit constrained and mineable shapes as per CIM 2019 Guidelines.

根據CiM 2019指南,用於定義截止等級、修改因子以實現合理的經濟開採前景、礦坑限制和可開採形狀時使用的參數。

Table 3: Parameters used for constraining resources at Perron

表 3:用於限制 Perron 資源的參數

Pit parameters Stope parameters

Open Pit Underground
Total processing costs ($) 28.00 28.00
Mining cost (rock) ($) 5.00 75.00
Specific gravity (rock) 2.7 2.7
Pit slopes (overburden) 20
Pit slopes (rock) 45
Mining cost (overburden) 5
Specific gravity (overburden) 1.9
Au price ($USD) 1900 1900
Exchange rate ($CAD/$USD) 1.35 1.35
Au price (CAD$/g) 82.47 82.47
Recovery 95% 97%
COG (g/t Au) 0.42 1.29

礦坑參數 停機參數

露天礦坑 地下
總處理成本 ($) 28.00 28.00
採礦成本(岩石)(美元) 5.00 75.00
比重(岩石) 2.7 2.7
礦坑斜坡(覆蓋層) 20
礦坑斜坡(岩石) 45
採礦成本(超負荷) 5
比重(覆蓋層) 1.9
澳元價格(美元) 1900 1900
匯率(加元/美元) 1.35 1.35
Au 價格(加元/g) 82.47 82.47
恢復 95% 97%
COG(g/t Au) 0.42 1.29

Perron Gold project Mineral Estimate notes:

Perron Gold 項目《礦產估算》註釋:

  • The mineral resource estimate is compliant with CIM 2019 standards and guidelines for reporting mineral resources and reserves.
  • Resources are presented undiluted and in situ and are considered to have reasonable prospects for economic extraction. The resources at surface are constrained by pit optimization surfaces and the underground resources are constrained by mineable shapes.
  • The database comprised a total of 1,533 drill holes for 617,836.50 metres of drilling (which includes historical drilling completed by previous operators) in the extent of the mineral resource, of which (312,051.20 metres) 264,462 samples were assayed as of June 30th, 2024, grid spacing are variable (The Genesis file is Amex_24 Aout 2024_MR.gnft and where the database file is BD_AMEX_08 Jul 2024_MR.accdb).
  • All NQ core assays reported by AMEX were obtained by analytical methods described below under "QA&QC".
  • Geological interpretation of the deposits was based on lithologies, mineralized zones orientation and the mineral observations. Each zone has its own characteristic of mineral occurrence and amount of free gold.
  • Interpretation was initially made from cross-sections at intervals, and then completed in GENESIS, a modelling software, where selections of mineralization intervals were combined to generate mineralization wireframes. Envelopes are generally subvertical with various plunges.
  • The mineral resource estimate encompasses a total of 189 envelopes, sub-vertical gold-bearing envelopes/domains each defined by individual wireframes with a minimum true thickness of 2.0 metres.
  • Samples were composited within the mineralization envelopes into 1.0 metre length composites. A value of zero grade was applied in cases of core not assayed.
  • High grade capping was done on composite data and established using a statistical analysis on a per-zone basis for gold. Capping varied from 5 g/t Au to 200 g/t Au and was applied on composites within each specific envelope.
  • Density values were applied on the different mineralized zones (t/m3) varied from 2.67 to 2.83 from core measurement.
  • Inverse distance squared grade estimation is used. The trial of Ordinary Kriging (OK) was rejected due to smearing and non-effective representation of high-grade areas.
  • Most of the estimates are based on a block dimension of 2m North, 2m East and 2m height and estimation parameters determined by variography. The High-Grade zone has blocks of 2.5m East x 5m Z (Elevation) x 0.5m North.
  • The Perron mineral resource estimate is categorized as Measured, Indicated and Inferred mineral resource as follows:
    • The Measured mineral resource category is automatic & manually defined and encloses areas where drill spacing is generally less than 30m (search radius of 15m), blocks are informed by a minimum of three drill holes, and reasonable geological and grade continuity is shown.
    • The Indicated mineral resource category is manually defined and encloses areas where drill spacing is generally less than 60m (search radius of 30m), blocks are informed by a minimum of three drill holes, and reasonable geological and grade continuity is shown.
    • The Inferred mineral resource category is manually defined and encloses areas where drill spacing is less than 130m (search radius of 65m), blocks are informed by a minimum of two drill holes, and reasonable, but not verified, geological and grade continuity is observed.
  • Estimates use metric units (metres, tonnes and g/t). Metal contents are presented in troy ounces (metric tonne x grade / 31.10348).
  • GoldMinds is not aware of any known environmental, permitting, legal, title-related, taxation, socio-political or marketing issues, or any other relevant issue not reported in the technical report, that could materially affect the mineral resource estimate.
  • 礦產資源估算符合 CiM 2019 報告礦產資源和儲量的標準和指南。
  • 資源未經稀釋和就地提供,被認爲具有合理的經濟開採前景。地表資源受礦坑優化表面的限制,地下資源受可開採形狀的限制。
  • 該數據庫共包含1,533個鑽孔,用於在礦產資源範圍內進行617,836.50米的鑽探(包括以前的運營商完成的歷史鑽探),截至2024年6月30日,對264,462個樣本進行了檢測,網格間距可變(創世文件爲Amex_24 Aout 2024_mr.GNFT,其中數據庫文件爲 BDAM_GNFT EX_2024 年 7 月 8 日_mr.accdb)。
  • 美國運通報告的所有NQ核心分析均通過下文 「QA&QC」 中描述的分析方法獲得。
  • 礦牀的地質解釋以巖性、礦化帶取向和礦物觀測爲基礎。每個區域都有自己的礦物分佈和遊離金量的特徵。
  • 最初是按間隔對橫截面進行解釋,然後在建模軟件GENESIS中完成,在該軟件中,礦化間隔的選擇組合在一起,生成礦化線框。信封通常是次垂直的,有不同的跌幅。
  • 礦產資源估算包括總共189個包絡線,即亞垂直含金包絡/域,每個包絡線由單個線框定義,最小真實厚度爲2.0米。
  • 樣品在礦化包絡層內合成 1.0 米長的複合材料。對於未進行岩心檢測,則使用零等級的值。
  • 高品位上限是根據綜合數據完成的,並通過對黃金的每個區域進行統計分析來確定。封蓋範圍從 5 g/t Au 到 200 g/t Au 不等,並應用於每個特定包膜內的複合材料。
  • 根據岩心測量,應用於不同礦化區(t/m3)的密度值從2.67到2.83不等。
  • 使用反距離平方等級估計。普通克里金(OK)的試驗因塗抹和對高等級區域的表現不佳而被拒絕。
  • 大多數估算值基於北側200萬、東200萬和高度爲200萬的區塊維度,以及由變異學確定的估算參數。高等級區域的方塊爲東 250萬 x 500萬 Z(海拔)x 50萬(向北)。
  • Perron 礦產資源估算值分爲測量、指示和推斷的礦產資源,如下所示:
    • 測量的礦產資源類別是自動和手動定義的,它包含鑽孔間距通常小於 3000萬(搜索半徑爲 15m)的區域,區塊由至少三個鑽孔告知,並且顯示了合理的地質和品位連續性。
    • 指示的礦產資源類別是手動定義的,包括鑽孔間距通常小於6000萬(搜索半徑爲30m)的區域,區塊由至少三個鑽孔告知,並且顯示了合理的地質和品位連續性。
    • 推斷的礦產資源類別是手動定義的,涵蓋了鑽孔間距小於 13000萬(搜索半徑爲 65 米)的區域,區塊由至少兩個鑽孔告知,並且觀察到合理但未經驗證的地質和品位連續性。
  • 估算值使用公制單位(米、噸和克/噸)。金屬含量以金衡盎司(公噸 x 品位/31.10348)表示。
  • GoldMinds不知道有任何已知的環境、許可、法律、產權相關問題、稅收、社會政治或營銷問題,或技術報告中未報告的任何其他可能對礦產資源估算產生重大影響的相關問題。

Further details regarding the 2024 mineral resource estimate, key assumptions, parameters and methods used to estimate the mineral resources of the Perron Gold Project will be available on SEDAR Plus () under the Corporation's issuer profile within 45 days in accordance with NI 43-101. The resource estimate will be the basis for the ongoing PEA to be released in Q4, 2024.

根據NI 43-101,有關2024年礦產資源估計、關鍵假設、參數和用於估算Perron黃金項目礦產資源的方法的更多詳細信息將在45天內在SEDAR Plus () 的發行人簡介下公佈。資源估算將成爲2024年第四季度發佈的持續PEA的基礎。

Independent Qualified Persons


The Mineral Resource Estimate was prepared for Amex Exploration Inc. under the supervision of GoldMinds Geoservices Inc. ("GMG"). The Qualified Persons ("QP's") have reviewed and approved the content of this news release. Independent QP's from GMG who have prepared and supervised the preparation of the technical information relating to this Mineral Resource Estimate are:

《礦產資源估算》是在GoldMinds Geoservices Inc.(「GMG」)的監督下爲美國運通勘探公司編制的。合格人士(「QP」)已審查並批准本新聞稿的內容。GMG的獨立QP負責編制和監督與本礦產資源估算相關的技術信息的準備工作:

- Merouane Rachidi, Ph.D. P.Geo.
- Claude Duplessis, Eng.

-Merouane Rachidi,P.D.P.Geo。

Perron Project Qualified Person and QA&QC

Perron 項目合格人員和 QA&QC

Jérôme Augustin P.Geo. Ph.D., (OGQ 2134), an independent "qualified person" as defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (the "Qualified Person"), has reviewed and approved the geological information reported in this news release. The drilling campaign and the quality control program have been planned and supervised by Jérôme Augustin. Core logging and sampling were completed by Laurentia Exploration. The quality assurance and quality control protocols include insertion of blank or standard samples every 10 samples on average, in addition to the regular insertion of blank, duplicate, and standard samples accredited by Laboratoire Expert during the analytical process.

Jerome Augustin P.Geo。博士(OGQ 2134)是《國家儀器43-101——礦業項目披露標準》中定義的獨立 「合格人員」(「合格人員」),已審查並批准了本新聞稿中報道的地質信息。鑽探活動和質量控制計劃由傑羅姆·奧古斯丁策劃和監督。岩心測井和採樣工作由勞倫西亞勘探公司完成。質量保證和質量控制協議包括平均每10個樣本插入空白樣本或標準樣品,此外還包括在分析過程中定期插入經Laboratoire Expert認可的空白、重複和標準樣品。

For all analyses targeting gold mineralization, gold values are estimated by fire assay with finish by atomic absorption. Values over 3 ppm Au are reanalyzed by fire assay with finish by gravimetry by Laboratoire Expert Inc, Rouyn-Noranda. Samples containing visible gold mineralization are analyzed by metallic sieve. For additional quality assurance and quality control, all samples were crushed to 90% less than 2 mm prior to pulverization, in order to homogenize samples which may contain coarse gold.

對於所有針對金礦化的分析,金值均通過火法測定得出,最後通過原子吸收完成。Rouyn-Noranda的Laboratoire Expert Inc通過火法對金值超過3 ppm的值進行了重新分析,最後通過重力法完成。使用金屬篩對含有可見金礦化的樣品進行分析。爲了進一步保證質量和質量控制,所有樣品在粉碎前均被粉碎至小於2 mm的90%,以便使可能含有粗金的樣品均質化。

Furthermore, gold mineralization associated with base metals were sent to ALS Canada Ltd., Rouyn-Noranda with the same quality assurance and quality control protocol to LabExpert. Gold values are estimated by fire assay with finish by atomic absorption. Zinc, Copper and Silver values are estimated by four acid digestion multi elements Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES), ME-ICP61. Zinc values over 1%, copper values over 1% and silver values over 100 g/t are estimated by four acid digestion ICP-AES, OG62.

此外,與賤金屬相關的金礦化被送往加拿大ALS有限公司,Rouyn-Noranda,其質量保證和質量控制協議與LabExpert相同。金的價值是通過火焰分析估算的,最後通過原子吸收來估算。鋅、銅和銀的值是通過四種酸消化多元素電感耦合等離子體——原子發射光譜(ICP-AES),ME-ICP61 估算得出的。通過四次酸消化ICP-AES,OG62估算出鋅值超過1%,銅值超過1%,銀值超過100克/噸。

About Amex


Amex Exploration Inc. has made significant gold discoveries on its 100% owned high-grade Perron Gold Project located ~110 kilometres north of Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, consisting of 117 contiguous claims covering 4,518 hectares. The project is well-serviced by existing infrastructure, on a year-round road, 10 minutes from an airport and just outside the town of Normétal (~8 km). In addition, the project is in close proximity to a number of major gold producers' milling operations. The project host both bulk tonnage and a high-grade gold style mineralization. Since January 2019, Amex has intersected significant gold mineralization in multiple gold zones and discovered copper-rich VMS zones.

美國運通勘探公司在其 100% 擁有的高品位佩倫金礦項目中發現了重大黃金,該項目位於魁北克省魯安-諾蘭達以北約110公里處,包括117個連續索賠,佔地4518公頃。該項目由現有基礎設施提供良好的服務,道路全年開放,距離機場10分鐘路程,就在諾梅塔爾鎮外(約8公里)。此外,該項目緊鄰許多主要黃金生產商的研磨業務。該項目擁有散裝噸位和高品位金式礦化區。自2019年1月以來,美國運通在多個金礦區發現了大量的金礦化區,並發現了富含銅的VMS區域。

For further information please contact:


Victor Cantore
President and Chief Executive Officer
Amex Exploration: +1-514-866-8209


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-looking statements


This news release contains forward-looking statements. All statements, other than of historical facts, that address activities, events or developments that the Company believes, expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future including, without limitation, the planned exploration program on the HGZ and Denise Zone, the expected positive exploration results, the extension of the mineralized zones, the timing of the exploration results, the ability of the Company to continue with the exploration program, the availability of the required funds to continue with the exploration and the potential mineralization or potential mineral resources are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are generally identifiable by use of the words "will", "should", "continue", "expect", "anticipate", "estimate", "believe", "intend", "to earn", "to have', "plan" or "project" or the negative of these words or other variations on these words or comparable terminology. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control or predict, that may cause the actual results of the Company to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from current expectations include, among other things, failure to meet expected, estimated or planned exploration expenditures, failure to establish estimated mineral resources, the possibility that future exploration results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations, general business and economic conditions, changes in world gold markets, sufficient labour and equipment being available, changes in laws and permitting requirements, unanticipated weather changes, title disputes and claims, environmental risks as well as those risks identified in the Company's annual Management's Discussion and Analysis. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described and accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Although the Company has attempted to identify important risks, uncertainties and factors which could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be others that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements except as otherwise required by applicable law.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述。除歷史事實以外的所有陳述,涉及公司認爲、預期或預計將來會或可能發生的活動、事件或發展,包括但不限於HGZ和Denise區的計劃勘探計劃、預期的積極勘探結果、礦化區的擴展、勘探結果的時機、公司繼續勘探計劃的能力、繼續勘探所需資金的可用性以及潛在的礦化或潛在的礦產資源是前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述通常可通過使用 「將」、「應該」、「繼續」、「期望」、「預期」、「估計」、「相信」、「打算」、「獲利」、「擁有」、「計劃」 或 「項目」 等詞語或這些詞語或類似術語的其他變體來識別。前瞻性陳述受許多風險和不確定性的影響,其中許多風險和不確定性超出了公司的控制或預測能力,這可能導致公司的實際業績與前瞻性陳述中討論的結果存在重大差異。可能導致實際結果或事件與當前預期存在重大差異的因素包括,除其他外,未能達到預期、估計或計劃的勘探支出,未能確定估計的礦產資源,未來的勘探結果可能與公司預期不一致,總體業務和經濟狀況,世界黃金市場的變化,足夠的勞動力和設備可用,法律和許可要求的變化,意想不到的天氣變化,所有權糾紛以及索賠、環境風險以及公司年度管理層討論和分析中確定的風險。如果其中一種或多種風險或不確定性成爲現實,或者前瞻性陳述所依據的假設被證明不正確,則實際結果可能與所描述的結果存在重大差異,因此,讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性陳述。儘管公司已嘗試確定可能導致實際業績出現重大差異的重要風險、不確定性和因素,但可能還有其他因素導致業績與預期、估計或預期不符。除非適用法律另有要求,否則公司無意更新這些前瞻性陳述,也不承擔任何義務。

