
HEALWELL AI's Pentavere Nominated for 2024 Prix Galien Award, a Prestigious Award, for Its Contributions in AI for Life Sciences and Announces Participation at Key Medical Conferences

HEALWELL AI's Pentavere Nominated for 2024 Prix Galien Award, a Prestigious Award, for Its Contributions in AI for Life Sciences and Announces Participation at Key Medical Conferences

HEALWELL AI的Pentavere榮獲了2024 Prix Galien獎提名,這是一項在人工智能醫療領域做出卓越貢獻的權威獎項,並宣佈參加重要的醫學會議。
newsfile ·  09/05 15:15
  • Pentavere is nominated for a 2024 Prix Galien Award for its contributions in AI and data science benefiting the human condition. The award is offered by the Galien Foundation and considered the most prestigious of all honours in the life sciences and pharmaceutical industry which is regularly awarded to recipients who are believed to have had the greatest impact on human health.
  • This is Pentavere AI's third Prix Galien nomination in 3 years for the Best Digital Health Startup category. To date over 1 million patients have benefited from Pentavere's DARWEN AI system.
  • Pentavere will be presenting at several upcoming globally recognized medical conferences, demonstrating the power of its DARWEN AI platform to generate real world evidence and identify patient cohorts with unmet needs to enable them to gain access to treatments and medicines that will improve patient care and outcomes.
  • Pentavere因其在人工智能和數據科學方面的貢獻而被提名2024年Prix Galien獎。這個獎項由加里恩基金會提供,被認爲是生命科學和藥品行業中最負盛名的榮譽,通常授予對人類健康影響最大的獲獎者。
  • 這是Pentavere AI連續3年獲得Prix Galien最佳數字健康創業公司獎提名。到目前爲止,已有100萬患者受益於Pentavere的DARWEN人工智能系統。
  • Pentavere將在幾個即將舉行的全球知名醫學會議上進行展示,展示其DARWEN人工智能平台的強大能力,以生成真實世界的證據,並確定有未滿足需求的患者群體,幫助他們獲得改善患者護理和結果的治療和藥物。

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - September 5, 2024) - HEALWELL AI Inc. (TSX: AIDX) (OTCQX: HWAIF) ("HEALWELL" or the "Company"), a healthcare technology company focused on AI and data science for preventative care, is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, Pentavere Research Group Inc. ("Pentavere"), a globally recognized AI digital health company, has been nominated as a finalist for a 2024 Prix Galien award. This is Pentavere AI's third nomination in 3 years for the Best Digital Health Startup category. To date over 1 million patients have benefited from Pentavere's DARWEN AI system.

多倫多,安大略省-(新聞稿公司-2024年9月5日)-HEALWELL AI Inc. (TSX: AIDX) (OTCQX: HWAIF)(「HEALWELL」或「公司」), 一家專注於AI和數據科學用於預防保健的醫療技術公司,高興地宣佈其子公司Pentavere Research Group Inc.(「Pentavere」)被提名爲2024年Prix Galien獎的決賽選手。這是Pentavere AI連續3年獲得最佳數字健康創業公司獎提名。到目前爲止,已有100萬患者受益於Pentavere的DARWEN人工智能系統。

The award is offered by the Galien Foundation, a premiere global institution and considered the most prestigious of all honours in the life sciences and pharmaceutical industry which is regularly awarded to recipients who are believed to have had the greatest impact on human health. Winners will be announced during the Prix Galien USA forum on November 7, 2024 at the Alexandria Center for Life Science in New York City.

該獎項由加里恩基金會提供,是一家享有盛譽的全球機構,被認爲是生命科學和藥品行業中最負盛名的榮譽,定期授予那些被認爲對人類健康影響最大的人。獲獎者將在2024年11月7日在紐約市亞歷山大生命科學中心舉行的Prix Galien USA論壇上宣佈。

Aaron Leibtag, Co-Founder and CEO at Pentavere, commented, "To be nominated as a finalist for a Prix Galien award means that a committee of world leading clinicians, scientists, and life science executives believes your innovation is improving the human condition. We are incredibly honoured and humbled to be selected to be part of such a group of innovators. The breakthrough AI & data science results that Pentavere is presenting at world leading medical conferences across multiple disease areas speaks to the power and validation of our DARWEN AI platform and the impact it is having for clinicians and patients."

Pentavere的聯合創始人兼首席執行官Aaron Leibtag評論道:「被提名爲Prix Galien獎的決賽選手意味着一組世界領先的臨床醫生、科學家和生命科學高管委員會相信你的創新正在改善人類條件。能夠被選爲這樣一群創新者的一部分,我們感到非常榮幸和謙卑。Pentavere在多個疾病領域參加世界領先醫學會議,展示了DARWEN人工智能平台的力量和驗證,以及它對臨床醫生和患者的影響。」

Pentavere is also proud to present and participate in several upcoming globally recognized medical conferences, demonstrating the power of its DARWEN AI platform to generate real world evidence and identify patient cohorts with unmet needs to enable them to gain access to treatments and medicines that will improve patient care and outcomes. Results and new clinical discoveries from Pentavere's DARWEN AI system are being presented at the following upcoming medical conferences:

Pentavere還自豪地宣佈並參與了幾個即將舉行的全球認可的醫學會議,展示其DARWEN AI平台的力量,以產生真實世界的證據,並確定有未滿足需求的患者群體,使他們能夠獲得治療和藥物,從而改善患者護理和預後。Pentavere的DARWEN AI系統的結果和新的臨床發現將在以下即將舉行的醫學會議上展示:

46th ESPEN Congress on Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
Date: September 7-10
Presenting Real World Evidence: Longer-term effectiveness and safety of teduglutide in adults with short bowel syndrome

46th ESPEN Congress on Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
日期: 9月7-10日
提供真實世界的證據: Teduglutide對成人短腸綜合徵的長期療效和安全性

Hosted in Milan, Italy, the programme of ESPEN 2024 offers a great opportunity for physicians, dietitians, pharmacists, nutritionists, scientists and nurses involved in the field of nutrition and metabolism to meet and discuss cutting edge science in an informal atmosphere, strengthening old and sparkling new collaborations.

ESPEN 2024將在意大利米蘭舉辦,該會議爲從事營養和代謝領域的醫生、營養師、藥劑師、營養師、科學家和護士提供了一個很好的機會,他們可以在一個非正式的氛圍中會面並討論尖端科學,加強舊的合作關係並開展新的合作。

66th American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 2024 Annual Meeting
Date: September 29-Oct. 2
Presenting DARWEN AI clinical co-pilot validation: AI for Early Identification of Radiation-Related Toxicities from the Electronic Health Records

66th American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 2024 Annual Meeting
日期: 9月29日-10月2日
展示DARWEN AI臨床聯合飛行驗證: 從電子病歷中早期識別放射相關毒性的人工智能

Hosted in Washington, DC, the ASTRO Annual Meeting program offers top science and education related to the field of radiation oncology. The meeting's theme, "Targeting Provider Wellness for Exceptional Patient Care," is an important aspect of practice that deserves our consideration.


United European Gastroenterology Week
Date: October 12-15
Presenting Real World Evidence: Effectiveness of Intravenous Vedolizumab Induction and Dose Escalation in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease


Hosted in Vienna, Austria, UEG Week and Postgraduate Teaching (PGT) are premier venues for researchers from across the globe to present their latest findings. UEG Week combines world-class scientific research and invited lectures by leading minds in gastroenterology.


American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting
Date: October 24-28
Presenting Real World Evidence: Outcomes of patients with Hereditary Angioedema with Normal C1-Inhibitor Function


Hosted in Boston, MA, thought leaders from around the world will come together at ACAAI's 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting in Boston to deliver and exchange dynamic information on advancing patient care. The College is committed to providing attendees with essential Podium to Practice takeaways that can be quickly implemented into practice to help improve patient care.


DARWEN, Pentavere's AI engine, unlocks a deeper understanding of patient treatment needs by enabling effortless data access and rapid insight generation. DARWEN harnesses EMR data and utilizes advanced large language models to analyze disparate and siloed clinical notes that are otherwise very challenging to access, allowing meaningful solutions to some of healthcare's biggest challenges and delivering on the current need for medicine to become more personalized.


Dr. Alexander Dobranowski
Chief Executive Officer



HEALWELL是一家專注於AI和數據科學的醫療技術公司,專注於預防保健。其使命是通過疾病的早期識別和發現來改善醫療保健並拯救生命。利用其獨有的專有技術,該公司正在開發和商業化先進的臨床決策支持系統,可以幫助醫療保健提供者檢測罕見和慢性疾病,提高他們的實踐效率,最終幫助提高患者的健康結果。HEALWELL正在執行以技術和臨床科學能力的發展和收購爲中心的戰略,這些能力與公司的路線圖相互補充。HEALWELL在多倫多證券交易所 (TSX) 上公開交易,股票代碼爲「AIDX」,在OTC Exchange上下市,股票代碼爲「HWAIF」。如果想了解更多HEALWELL的信息,請訪問

HEALWELL is a healthcare technology company focused on AI and data science for preventative care. Its mission is to improve healthcare and save lives through early identification and detection of disease. Using its own proprietary AI technology and competencies which includes data science, electronic health records and clinical research offerings, the Company is developing and commercializing advanced clinical decision support systems that can help healthcare providers detect rare and chronic diseases, improve efficiency of their practice and ultimately help improve patient health outcomes. HEALWELL is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "AIDX" and on the OTC Markets under the symbol "HWAIF". To learn more about HEALWELL, please visit

HEALWELL是一家專注於AI和數據科學的醫療技術公司,其使命是通過早期疾病識別和檢測來改善醫療保健並拯救生命。公司正在開發和商業化先進的臨床決策支持系統,以幫助醫療機構檢測罕見和慢性疾病,提高其業務效率,最終有助於改善患者的健康結果。HEALWELL在多倫多證券交易所上市,股票代碼爲"AIDX",在OTC Markets上市,股票代碼爲"HWAIF"。欲了解更多關於HEALWELL的信息,請訪問。

About Pentavere


Pentavere Research Group is a globally recognized and award-winning AI digital health company that has built a best-in-class AI engine to identify patients that are eligible for approved medications or interventions, to improve outcomes for patients and help drive therapy growth and penetration. Pentavere's AI system, DARWEN, identifies patients that are eligible for but not receiving approved medications or interventions, improving outcomes for patients and helping drive appropriate therapy growth and penetration. For more information, visit: .

Pentavere研究集團是一家全球公認並屢獲殊榮的人工智能互聯網醫療公司,建立了一流的人工智能引擎,用於識別符合條件的患者,以改善患者結局,並幫助推動治療的增長和滲透。Pentavere的人工智能系統DARWEN能識別符合條件但未接受批准藥物或干預措施的患者,從而改善患者結局,幫助推動適當的治療增長和滲透。欲了解更多信息,請訪問: .

Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements in this press release, constitute "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws, including statements about the potential benefits of using generative AI to improve patient outcomes and advance precision medicine initiatives; Pentavere's anticipated participation in upcoming medical conferences; and the anticipated timing of announcing the winners of the 2024 Prix Galien and are based on assumptions, expectations, estimates and projections as of the date of this press release. Forward-Looking statements are often, but not always, identified by words or phrases such as "enable", "is presenting", "improve", "growth", "advancing" or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain future conditions, actions, events or results "will", "may", "could", "would", "should", "might" or "can" be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative of any of these terms . Forward-Looking statements are necessarily based upon management's perceptions of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as a number of specific factors and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by HEALWELL as of the date of such statements, are outside of HEALWELL's control and are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies which could result in the forward-looking statements ultimately being entirely or partially incorrect or untrue. Forward-Looking statements contained in this press release are based on various assumptions, including, but not limited to, the following: third parties continuing to offer award programs, conferences and other similar events on anticipated terms and timelines; the stability of general economic and market conditions; HEALWELL's ability to comply with applicable laws and regulations; HEALWELL's continued compliance with third party intellectual property rights; the effects of competition in the industry; the requirement for increasingly innovative product solutions and service offerings; trends in customer growth and the adoption of new technologies in the industry; anticipated viewership and impact of the publication; and that the risk factors noted below, collectively, do not have a material impact on HEALWELL's business, operations, revenues and/or results. By their nature, forward-looking statements are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that may be general or specific and which give rise to the possibility that expectations, forecasts, predictions, projections, or conclusions will not prove to be accurate, that assumptions may not be correct, and that objectives, strategic goals and priorities will not be achieved.

本新聞稿中的某些陳述構成「前瞻性信息」和「前瞻性陳述」(統稱爲「前瞻性陳述」),適用加拿大適用證券法的定義,包括有關利用生成式人工智能改善患者結局並推進精準醫學倡議潛在收益的陳述; Pentavere預計參加即將舉行的醫學會議; 和預計於2024年宣佈蓋爾利安獎得主的時間,這些陳述基於本新聞發佈日期的假設、期望、估計和預測。前瞻性陳述通常憑藉本新聞稿中的詞語或短語進行識別,例如「使能」、「正在展示」、「改進」、「增長」、「推進」或這些詞語和短語的變體,或陳述某些未來條件、行動、事件或結果「將可能」、「可能」、「可能」,「可能」、「應該可能」或「能夠」被採取、發生或實現,或這些術語的任何否定形式。前瞻性陳述必須基於管理層對歷史趨勢、當前狀況和預期的未來發展的認知,以及多個具體因素和假設,這些因素和假設被認爲在HEALWELL發佈此類陳述的日期合理,但超出了HEALWELL的控制範圍,並且固有地受到重大業務、經濟和競爭不確定性和不確定性的影響,這可能導致最終前瞻性陳述完全或部分不正確或不實。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述基於各種假設,包括但不限於: 第三方繼續按預期條款和時間表提供獎項計劃、會議和其他類似活動; 普通經濟和市場狀況的穩定性; HEALWELL遵守適用法律法規的能力; HEALWELL繼續遵守第三方知識產權權利; 行業內競爭的影響; 日益創新產品解決方案和服務提供的要求; 行業中客戶增長和新技術採納的趨勢; 出版品預期的觀衆和影響; 以及下文中指出的風險因素,總體而言,這些風險因素對HEALWELL的業務、運營、收入和/或業務結果沒有實質影響。由於其特性,前瞻性陳述可能面臨一般或特定固有風險和不確定性,這使得期望、預測、預測、預測或結論可能不準確,假設可能不正確並且目標、戰略目標和優先級可能無法實現。

Known and unknown risk factors, many of which are beyond the control of HEALWELL, could cause the actual results of HEALWELL to differ materially from the results, performance, achievements, or developments expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risk factors include but are not limited to those factors which are discussed under the section entitled "Risk Factors" in HEALWELL's most recent annual information form dated April 1, 2024, which is available under HEALWELL's SEDAR+ profile at . The risk factors are not intended to represent a complete list of the factors that could affect HEALWELL and the reader is cautioned to consider these and other factors, uncertainties and potential events carefully and not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-Looking statements are provided for the purpose of providing information about management's expectations and plans relating to the future. HEALWELL disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking statements, except to the extent required by applicable law. All of the forward-looking statements contained in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements.


For more information:


Pardeep S. Sangha
Investor Relations, HEALWELL AI Inc.
Phone: 604-572-6392

Pardeep S. Sangha
投資者關係,HEALWELL AI Inc。

