
Worst May Be Over For The Brewing Industry

Worst May Be Over For The Brewing Industry

Business Today ·  09/05 11:24

Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia is on a positive trajectory, reflecting a promising outlook following its 2Q24 results. The company is set to benefit from various macroeconomic factors that are likely to enhance its market performance. Recent trends suggest that the worst may be over for the Malaysian brewing industry, with Carlsberg positioning itself favourably for future growth.


CGS International Stock Broking House continue to maintain an ADD call on Carlsberg Malaysia, highlighting the stock's undemanding valuation and attractive dividend yield. Trading at a 15.8x FY25 P/E ratio, which is at the lower end of its historical range, and offering a FY24 dividend yield of 5.1%, Carlsberg's shares present a compelling investment opportunity. The expected return of revenue growth and the company's strategic market positioning are likely to act as catalysts for further share price appreciation.


For 2Q24, Carlsberg Malaysia's performance showed signs of a turnaround. Industry revenue growth reached 5.1% year-on-year in the first half of 2024, surpassing the 5% price increase implemented in April 2024. This growth indicates that industry volumes have turned positive, reversing the previous negative trend seen throughout 2023. Analysts from Carlsberg and Heineken Malaysia have expressed confidence that the sector has moved past its recent challenges. The introduction of Sapporo, Carlsberg's premium Japanese beer, has started strong in Malaysia, with initial volumes surpassing those of its previous offerings. The product swap in Singapore, however, is anticipated to take more time due to the competitive Japanese beer market there.


The outlook for the Malaysian beer industry remains optimistic, bolstered by increasing tourism, upcoming civil servant salary hikes, and additional cash handouts. These factors are expected to drive industry revenue growth by 5.0% in 2024, 5.7% in 2025, and 5.1% in 2026. With the scaling back of RON95 petrol subsidies, consumer spending is likely to rise, further benefiting the sector. Following Carlsberg's 2Q24 results, core net profit estimates for the company have been revised upwards by 0.6% for FY24, 2.2% for FY25, and 1.7% for FY26. The target price for Carlsberg shares has been increased to RM22.87 from RM22.70, based on a GGM-derived valuation model with an ROE of 10.5%, a COE of 9%, and a long-term growth rate of 4%.

在旅遊業的增長、即將到來的公務員加薪以及額外的現金補助的推動下,馬來西亞啤酒行業的前景仍然樂觀。預計這些因素將推動行業收入在2024年增長5.0%,在2025年增長5.7%,在2026年增長5.1%。隨着 RON95 汽油補貼的縮減,消費者支出可能會增加,從而進一步使該行業受益。根據嘉士伯公佈24季度業績,該公司的核心淨利潤預期已上調24財年0.6%,25財年上調2.2%,26財年上調1.7%。根據通用汽車衍生的估值模型,嘉士伯股票的目標價格已從22.70令吉上調至22.87令吉,投資回報率爲10.5%,COE爲9%,長期增長率爲4%。

Source: CGS
Title: Improving macro for better outlook


