
Exacto Announces Growth Investment From S2G Ventures and Skyline Global Partners

Exacto Announces Growth Investment From S2G Ventures and Skyline Global Partners

Exacto宣佈從S2G Ventures和Skyline global partners獲得增長投資。
PR Newswire ·  09/05 01:00

Strategic Partnership Seeks to Enhance Exacto's Innovation Capabilities, Expand Geographic Reach, and Drive Sustainable Growth in the Agriculture Sector


SHARON, Wis., Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Exacto, LLC ("Exacto"), a full-service innovation partner in the agricultural, turf, and ornamental horticulture markets, announced today a growth investment from S2G Ventures ("S2G") and Skyline Global Partners ("Skyline"). This strategic investment seeks to strengthen Exacto's leadership position and accelerate the introduction of new solutions, including in soil and water management.

威斯康星州沙倫,2024年9月4日/ PRNewswire / - 農業,草坪和園藝市場的全方位創新合作伙伴Exacto,LLC("Exacto")今天宣佈,S2G Ventures("S2G")和Skyline Global Partners("Skyline")對其進行了增長性投資。此項戰略投資旨在加強Exacto的領導地位,並加速新解決方案的推出,包括土壤和水資源管理方面的解決方案。

With this new partnership, Exacto aims to expand its impact across the agricultural supply chain, advancing sustainable practices and improving resource efficiency. The infusion of capital and experience from S2G and Skyline will help enable Exacto to scale its operations, with the goal of bringing new solutions to market faster and expanding its footprint in key growth areas while maintaining profitability.


Founded in 1981, Exacto brings over four decades of experience in developing comprehensive, full-season offerings that enhance crop protection, plant health, nutrition, seed treatments, and soil enhancement products. By improving application efficiency and reducing environmental impact, Exacto's products seek to deliver superior results for customers and growers, boosting crop performance and driving positive economic outcomes.


Exacto's commitment to innovation and intellectual property has made the company a trusted partner for leading agrichemical distributors and retailers. Exacto products are used annually on 130 million U.S. acres. This investment marks a pivotal moment in Exacto's growth journey, positioning the company for even greater success as it continues to prioritize technology-driven advancements.


As part of this investment, Exacto's current management team, led by CEO Wally Beecroft, will remain in place, ensuring continuity as the company enters its next growth phase. Looking ahead, Exacto also plans to make strategic hires and expand its leadership team to further support its ambitious growth objectives.

作爲這一投資的一部分,Exacto的現任管理團隊,由首席執行官Wally Beecroft領導,將繼續留任,確保公司進入下一階段的增長時保持連續性。展望未來,Exacto還計劃進行戰略性錄用,擴大領導團隊以進一步支持其雄心勃勃的增長目標。

"Our family started Exacto in 1981. As we have grown to be the industry leader we have always worked to develop leading formulations; the highest quality; and a culture based on values, processes and innovation. S2G and Skyline are the perfect partners to accelerate our growth globally around our full growing season solutions," said Kenny Cox, CEO of Cox Family Holdings.

我們家族於1981年創立了Exacto。隨着我們成爲行業領袖,我們始終致力於開發領先的配方;最高質量;以及基於價值觀、流程和創新的文化。Cox Family Holdings的CEO Kenny Cox表示:"S2G和Skyline是加速我們在全球範圍內發展全面生長季解決方案的完美合作伙伴。"

"Exacto is a hidden gem that will flourish and accelerate as a part of S2G and Skyline. Exacto's innovation pipeline is unmatched on traditional chemistry and fast growing biological product segments. Exacto uniquely partners and leads their customers to improved delivery and results," said Kip Pendleton, Board Member of Cox Family Holdings.

"Exacto是一個隱藏的創業板,將作爲S2G和Skyline的一部分蓬勃發展和加速。Exacto的創新管道在傳統化學和快速生物製品領域無與倫比。Exacto獨特地與客戶合作,並帶領他們改善交付和結果。"Cox Family Holdings的董事Kip Pendleton表示。

This investment will enable Exacto to further build on its strong foundation by focusing on three key areas: capacity expansion; IP investments; and enhancing commercial team and customer service excellence. With S2G and Skyline's support, Exacto also plans to further invest in its innovation pipeline and expand its global presence.


"Our perspective is that Exacto's management team has built a remarkable business with a strong IP strategy and market leadership in the private label sector," said Sanjeev Krishnan, Managing Partner at S2G. "With the support of S2G's value creation capabilities, we believe Exacto is poised to strengthen its position as an industry leader and continue to innovate at the forefront of the sector. We look forward to supporting the management team and existing shareholders as they lead Exacto into its next phase of growth."

"我們認爲Exacto的管理團隊已經打造了一家在私人制品領域擁有強大知識產權戰略和市場領導地位的非凡企業。"S2G的合夥人Sanjeev Krishnan表示。"在S2G價值創造能力的支持下,我們認爲Exacto已經做好了在行業領袖地位上加強其位置和繼續在行業前沿創新的準備。我們期待支持管理團隊和現有股東,讓他們帶領Exacto進入下一個增長階段。"

"At S2G, we see tremendous potential in Exacto's ability to scale," said Cristina Rohr, Managing Director at S2G. "Our focus will be on activating key growth levers, including geographic expansion and strategic investments in IP, to enhance Exacto's capacity to consistently deliver outstanding value to its customers."

"在S2G,我們看到Exacto在擴張能力方面有巨大潛力。"S2G的董事總經理Cristina Rohr表示。"我們的重點將是激活關鍵的增長槓桿,包括地理擴張和對知識產權的戰略投資,以增強Exacto爲客戶持續提供卓越價值的能力。"

Hennepin Partners served as financial advisor and Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath served as legal counsel to Cox Family Holdings in connection with the transaction. Perkins Coie LLP served as legal counsel to S2G.

Hennepin Partners擔任Cox Family Holdings在交易中的財務顧問,Faegre Drinker Biddle&Reath擔任法律顧問。Perkins Coie LLP擔任S2G的法律顧問。

About Exacto, LLC:
Founded in 1981, Exacto is a leading private label supplier of solutions to the agricultural, turf, and ornamental horticulture markets, with over four decades of experience serving the agricultural industry. With a central focus on improving resource efficiency in soil and water, Exacto's innovative solutions help producers maximize the effectiveness of their inputs throughout the growing season. As growers manage plant health through seed treatment, irrigation, fertilizer, and crop protection programs, Exacto's solutions enhance delivery and reduce losses to off-target areas. Exacto's impact across the agricultural supply chain drives positive environmental and economic outcomes for the entire value chain, both in the United States and globally. For more information, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

關於Exacto, LLC:

About S2G Ventures:
S2G is a multi-stage investment firm focused on venture and growth-stage businesses across food and agriculture, oceans and energy. The firm provides capital and value-added resources to entrepreneurs and leadership teams pursuing innovative market-based solutions that S2G believes are cheaper, faster or better than traditional alternatives. With a commitment to creating long-term, measurable outcomes, S2G structures flexible capital solutions that can range from seed and venture funding through growth equity to debt and infrastructure financing. For more information about S2G, visit or connect with us on LinkedIn.

關於S2G Ventures:
S2G是一家多階段投資公司,專注於食品和農業、海洋和能源領域的創業和成長階段的企業。該公司爲追求比傳統選擇更便宜、更快或更好的創新市場解決方案的創業者和領導團隊提供資金和增值資源。S2G致力於創造長期可衡量的成果,其靈活的資本解決方案可以從種子和創業融資到成長股權、債務和基礎設施融資等多樣。欲了解更多關於S2G的信息,請訪問官方網站。「或在上述渠道與我們聯繫」 LinkedIn.

About Skyline Global Partners:
Skyline Global Partners LLC is a lower middle market private equity firm based in Chicago, Illinois. Skyline focuses on buyouts and growth equity investments on a control or minority ownership basis in the United States and Canada. Skyline targets growing and differentiated companies in manufacturing, consumer products, food/agriculture, healthcare, and business services. Skyline's investment professionals have over 75 years of combined experience in private equity, investment banking, commercial lending, entrepreneurship, operations, strategy consulting, and executive search.

關於Skyline Global Partners:
Skyline Global Partners LLC是一家位於伊利諾伊州芝加哥的中低檔股權投資公司。Skyline專注於在美國和加拿大進行控股或少數股權投資的併購和成長型股權投資。Skyline的目標是在製造業、消費產品、食品/農業、醫療保健和商業服務領域發展迅速且具有差異化的公司。Skyline的投資專業人士在私募股權、投資銀行、商業貸款、創業精神、運營、戰略諮詢和高管搜索方面擁有超過75年的綜合經驗。

Media Contact:
Ally Dunne
[email protected]

[email protected]

Any views expressed in this release are the personal views of the commentators as of the indicated date, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Exacto, S2G Ventures or Skyline Global Partners.

本文所表達的任何觀點均系評論員在指定日期的個人觀點,不一定代表Exacto、S2G Ventures或Skyline Global Partners的觀點。


信息來源:Exacto, LLC

