
POSCO Zhongtai Air Solution Launched, Signaling the Start of High Purity Rare Gas Business

POSCO Zhongtai Air Solution Launched, Signaling the Start of High Purity Rare Gas Business

浦項鋼鐵 ·  09/04 12:00

Inauguration ceremony held on August 26...To begin commercial production of high purity rare gases from Q4 2025


POSCO Zhongtai Air Solution was launched on August 26 and will fully participate in the high purity rare gas production business.


POSCO Zhongtai Air Solution is a joint venture in which POSCO Holdings and Zhongtai Cryogenic Technology (hereinafter "Zhongtai") hold 75.1% and 24.9% of shares, respectively. Zhongtai is a company that specializes in gas-related facility production and engineering and is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The company has rare gas production facilities and specialty technologies in the area of gases such as air separation units.

POSCO Zhongtai Air Solution是POSCO Holdings和中泰低溫技術(以下簡稱「中泰」)共同持有75.1%和24.9%股份的合資公司。中泰是一家專門從事燃料幣相關設備生產和工程的公司,已經在深圳證券交易所上市。該公司在空分裝置等燃料幣領域擁有稀有氣體生產設施和專業技術。

High purity rare gases refers to Neon (Ne), Xenon (Xe), and Krypton (Kr) with a purity of 99.999%, which are usually used in high tech industries including semiconductors, displays, and satellite thrusters.


These rare gases exist in extremely small amounts, and can be produced only when there is a large air separation unit in a steel mill. Also, since the rare gases from large air separation units have a purity below 41%, they must go through a high purity refining process to be used in semiconductor production.


Until now, high purity rare gases have mainly been imported from overseas such as from the United States, China, and Ukraine. Since POSCO is the only domestic company with large air separation units, it has a favorable precondition for producing high purity rare gases.


POSCO Zhongtai Air Solution will begin the construction of a high purity rare gas production plant on a 39000m2 site south of Gwangyang DongHoAn in November of this year. It plans to begin commercial production in Q4 2025. The company decided to supply high purity rare gases produced here to domestic and foreign semiconductor companies such as Samsung Electronics, SK Hynix, and Intel.

POSCO Zhongtai Air Solution將於今年11月在光陽東湖岸的南部39000平方米的地方建設一座高純稀有氣體生產廠。計劃於2025年第四季度開始商業化生產。該公司決定將此處生產的高純稀有氣體供應給三星電子、斯凱奇、英特爾等國內外半導體企業。

POSCO Zhongtai Air Solution is expected to localize high purity rare gases for semiconductors, which were mostly dependent on imports, and lead the stabilization of the supply chain with this business. In addition, by processing rare gases from large air separation units into high-profit products, it is anticipated to expand the industrial gas business portfolio of the POSCO Group.

預計POSCO Zhongtai Air Solution將實現對半導體的高純稀有氣體的本地化,減少對進口的依賴,並通過這一業務引領供應鏈的穩定。此外,通過將大型空分裝置的稀有氣體加工成高利潤產品,預計將擴大POSCO集團的工業燃料幣業務組合。

POSCO Zhongtai Air Solution president Sun-gu Jeong said, "Our company started off from POSCO's industrial gas business division and is equipped with sufficient capacity to build rare gas facilities. We are planning to safely establish high purity rare gas production facilities and production systems."

浦項鋼鐵中泰空氣解決方案總裁Jeong Sun-gu表示:「我們公司起源於浦項鋼鐵的工業氣體業務部門,並擁有足夠的能力來建設稀有氣體設施。我們計劃安全地建立高純度稀有氣體生產設施和生產系統。」

▲POSCO Zhongtai Air Solution employees are seen in a commemorative photo to mark its foundation on August 26. (Photo) Fourth from the left, POSCO Zhongtai Air Solution President Sun-gu Jeong.

▲浦項鋼鐵中泰空氣解決方案員工在紀念8月26日的成立的照片中被看到。 (照片)浦項鋼鐵中泰空氣解決方案總裁Jeong Sun-gu站在左邊的第四個。

