
MillerKnoll Announces New Head of Geiger and DatesWeiser

MillerKnoll Announces New Head of Geiger and DatesWeiser

MillerKnoll ·  09/03 12:00

Zeeland, Michigan, September 3, 2024 – MillerKnoll, a global design leader, announced today that R.J. Stelter has been appointed Senior Vice President and General Manager of Geiger and DatesWeiser. In this role, Stelter will lead all areas and functions of the business, develop growth strategy, and maintain operational excellence to drive profitability for both brands.

密歇根州茲蘭特市,2024年9月3日-全球設計領導者MillerKnoll今天宣佈,R.J. Stelter被任命爲蓋爾和DatesWeiser的高級副總裁兼總經理。在這個職位上,Stelter將負責業務的各個方面和職能,制定增長戰略,並保持卓越的運營以推動兩個品牌的盈利能力。

Stelter brings more than a decade of MillerKnoll experience to his new role. He most recently served as MillerKnoll Vice President, Distribution Channels and Dealer Development for Americas Contract, where he led our dealer integration efforts and created new programs and avenues for dealer partnership. Prior to this position, Stelter served in a number of leadership positions for Herman Miller, including Vice President of North American Contract Sales.

Stelter在新職位上擁有十多年的MillerKnoll經驗。他最近擔任MillerKnoll美洲合同部門的銷售渠道和經銷商發展副總裁,在這個崗位上,他領導了我們的經銷商整合工作,創建了新的經銷商合作項目和途徑。在此之前,Stelter曾擔任Herman Miller的多個領導職務,包括北美合同銷售副總裁。

"Since first walking their factory floors, I've long been an admirer of Geiger and DatesWeiser's craftmanship and commitment to high-quality, modern design," commented Stelter.


Geiger has always been proud to serve customers across a range of industries, working with its architecture and design partners to create statement-making spaces that offer a premium level of polish and sophistication. In 2021, Geiger joined operations with DatesWeiser, which specializes in exceptional standard and custom-made conference and meeting room solutions, with technology incorporated in discreet, thoughtful ways. Since its beginnings, the DatesWeiser brand has earned a reputation as a design partner committed to customer choice and innovation.


About MillerKnoll
MillerKnoll is a collective of dynamic brands that comes together to design the world we live in. The MillerKnoll brand portfolio includes Herman Miller, Knoll, Colebrook Bosson Saunders, DatesWeiser, Design Within Reach, Edelman, Geiger, HAY, HOLLY HUNT, Knoll Textiles, Maharam, Muuto, NaughtOne, and Spinneybeck|FilzFelt. MillerKnoll is an unparalleled platform that redefines modern for the 21st century by building a more sustainable, equitable and beautiful future for all.

關於MillerKnoll:MillerKnoll是一個由多個具有活力品牌組成的集體,共同致力於設計我們生活的世界。MilledKnoll品牌系列包括Herman Miller、Knoll、Colebrook Bosson Saunders、DatesWeiser、Design Within Reach、Edelman、Geiger、HAY、HOLLY HUNT、Knoll Textiles、Maharam、Muuto、NaughtOne和Spinneybeck|FilzFelt。MillerKnoll是一個無與倫比的平台,通過爲所有人打造更加可持續、公平和美麗的未來,重新定義21世紀的現代化。
MillerKnoll是一個集結動態品牌的集體,共同致力於設計我們生活的世界。MillerKnoll品牌組合包括Herman Miller、Knoll、Colebrook Bosson Saunders、DatesWeiser、Design Within Reach、Edelman、Geiger、HAY、HOLLY HUNt、Knoll Textiles、Maharam、Muuto、NaughtOne和Spinneybeck|FilzFelt。MillerKnoll是一個無與倫比的平台,通過爲21世紀建設一個更可持續、更公平和更美麗的未來,重新定義現代。

About Geiger
At Geiger, why we do things and how we do them are inexorably one. Achieving quality through craft, celebrating materiality through elegant simplicity, improving the work environment for individuals through design that endures. Standards of craftsmanship and customer satisfaction set more than 50 years ago by founder John Geiger have driven the company's growth and continued to inspire people today. Founded in Toronto and headquartered in Atlanta since 1979, Geiger is a wholly owned subsidiary of publicly held MillerKnoll.

關於 Geiger 在 Geiger,我們爲何要做事和我們如何做事是不可分割的。通過手工製作實現品質,在高雅簡約中慶祝物質性,通過持久的設計改善個人的工作環境。50 多年前由創始人 John Geiger 設立的工藝標準和客戶滿意度推動了公司的發展,並持續激勵着我們今天的人。Geiger 成立於多倫多,自 1979 年起總部位於亞特蘭大,是公開持股的 MillerKnoll 的全資子公司。
在Geiger,我們爲什麼做事和我們如何做這些事情是緊密相連的。通過工藝實現品質,通過優雅簡約來慶祝物質性,通過持久的設計改善個人的工作環境。創始人John Geiger在50多年前設立的工藝標準和客戶滿意度標準推動了公司的增長,並繼續激勵着今天的人們。成立於多倫多並自1979年起總部設在亞特蘭大的Geiger是米勒諾爾(MillerKnoll)的全資子公司。

About DatesWeiser
Founded in 1982 in Buffalo, New York, DatesWeiser was founded by Jim Dates and Allan Weiser with a shared ambition to create the finest custom furniture. Today, DatesWeiser continues to build beautifully designed, timeless products. Every piece is impeccably crafted, incorporating technology in discreet, thoughtful ways. Collaboration and innovation are our core values— understanding how to interpret client needs is what makes DatesWeiser a trusted partner and ensures confidence in durable, lasting products. DatesWeiser is committed to customer choice, and our vast portfolio of mixed materials and streamlined processes reflect our commitment to quality and sustainability.

DatesWeiser成立於1982年,位於紐約州布法羅,由Jim Dates和Allan Weiser共同創立,共同有志要打造最優質的定製傢俱。如今,DatesWeiser繼續打造設計優美、永恒的產品。每件作品都經過無可挑剔的製作,以細緻周到的方式巧妙地融入了科技。協作和創新是我們的核心價值觀——理解如何解讀客戶需求是使DatesWeiser成爲值得信賴的合作伙伴並增強對持久耐用產品信心的關鍵。DatesWeiser致力於提供客戶選擇,我們廣泛的材料組合和簡化的流程展示了我們對質量和可持續性的承諾。

