
The Real Deal Adds Adam Neumann and Ryan Serhant to Its South Florida Real Estate Forum as Speakers

The Real Deal Adds Adam Neumann and Ryan Serhant to Its South Florida Real Estate Forum as Speakers

PR Newswire ·  09/04 22:49

MIAMI, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Real Deal, the leading source of real estate news and information, is thrilled to announce that two industry titans, Adam Neumann and Ryan Serhant, will join the program for its highly anticipated South Florida Real Estate Forum.

2024年9月4日,邁阿密/美通社——房地產業新聞和信息領域的主要消息來源The Real Deal,非常激動地宣佈兩位行業巨頭亞當·紐曼和瑞安·塞蘭特將加入該計劃,參與備受期待的南佛羅里達房地產業論壇。

Neumann, the visionary co-founder of WeWork and now Flow, will offer his expertise to thousands of industry professionals as a keynote speaker on the main stage. Serhant, the founder of SERHANT. and star of the Netflix real estate show "Owning Manhattan", will share his sales philosophy and off-the-record insights as host of an exclusive, interactive pre-event breakfast available to All-Access pass holders and subscribers of The Real Deal.

WeWork的創始人之一,現任Flow的遠見卓識的合夥人Neumann將作爲主題發言人出現在主舞臺上,爲數千名行業專業人士提供專業知識。塞蘭特,SERHANt.的創始人,也是奈飛房地產節目《曼哈頓地產王》的主角,將作爲獨家互動預活動早餐的主持人,與全程通行證持有者以及The Real Deal的訂閱用戶分享他的銷售理念和幕後見解。

WeWork founder Adam Neumann and "Owning Manhattan's" Ryan Serhant join The Real Deal South Florida Forum

WeWork的創始人亞當·紐曼和《曼哈頓地產王》的瑞安·塞蘭特加入The Real Deal南佛羅里達論壇

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The South Florida Real Estate Forum is the largest of its kind in South Florida, attracting over 6,000 attendees and featuring a comprehensive program of keynote sessions, workshops, and a bustling trade show floor. It will take place November 6 and 7 at the iconic Mana Wynwood Convention Center, with an expanded presence at Mana 320.

南佛羅里達房地產論壇是南佛羅里達地區規模最大的論壇,吸引了超過6000名與會者,並設置了一系列主題演講、研討會以及繁忙的交易展覽。該論壇將於11月6日至7日在標誌性的Mana Wynwood會議中心舉行,並將在Mana 320擴展舉辦。

The breakfast program, featuring Serhant, will be held at Mana 320 and will provide attendees with an exclusive opportunity to connect with industry leaders in a more intimate setting.

早餐活動預計將在Mana 320舉行,由塞蘭特主持,併爲與會者提供一個獨特的機會,以更加親密的方式與業界領袖建立聯繫。

"While South Florida experienced an unprecedented boom, it's now facing many new challenges with high costs, lagging inventory and insurers fleeing the state," Amir Korangy, founder and publisher of The Real Deal noted. "Our speakers all have billions of dollars in play in that market and we aim to understand how they plan to navigate a path forward."

The Real Deal的創始人兼出版商阿米爾·科朗吉指出:「儘管南佛羅里達經歷了空前的繁榮,但現在面臨着衆多新挑戰,如高成本、滯後的庫存以及保險公司逃離該州。」「我們的演講嘉賓在該市場中都有數十億美元在玩,我們的目標是了解他們計劃如何在市場中前行的道路。」

From investors and brokers to developers and policymakers, the Forum's program is designed to offer a comprehensive understanding of the driving forces behind South Florida's real estate market. Topics will range from the branding boom in luxury condos to the future of office in Miami to finding new avenues for financing in a turbulent market.


Additional speakers include renowned industry figures such as Camilo Miguel of Mast Capital, Dina Goldentayer of Douglas Elliman, Edgardo Defortuna of FORTUNE International, Peggy Olin of OneWorld Properties, Nick Pérez of Related Group, Gil Dezer of Dezer Development, and many more.

其他演講嘉賓還包括Mast Capital的Camilo Miguel、Douglas Elliman的Dina Goldentayer、FORTUNE International的Edgardo Defortuna、OneWorld Properties的Peggy Olin、Related Group的Nick Pérez、Dezer Development的Gil Dezer等知名行業人士。

For more information and to register for the South Florida Real Estate Forum, please visit:


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The Real Deal is the leading source of real estate news and information, providing in-depth coverage of the industry's most important trends, deals, and players across sectors including development, brokerage, finance, policy, and technology. With a focus on providing actionable insights and analysis, The Real Deal helps real estate professionals stay informed and make better business decisions.

《The Real Deal》是房地產資訊和信息的主要來源,深度報道行業最重要的趨勢、交易和領域內的重要人物,涵蓋開發、券商、金融、政策和科技等多個板塊。《The Real Deal》專注於提供可行的見解和分析,幫助房地產專業人士保持信息靈通,做出更好的業務決策。


Brian Siegel,IRC,MBA-高級管理董事,Hayden IR,電話:(346)396-8696,

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Head of Marketing


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SOURCE The Real Deal

來源:The Real Deal

