
Binance Appoints Grant Thornton as Global Accounting and Tax Advisor

Binance Appoints Grant Thornton as Global Accounting and Tax Advisor

幣安任命Grant Thornton爲全球會計和稅務顧問
PR Newswire ·  09/04 21:00

DUBAI, UAE, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Binance, the world's leading blockchain ecosystem and cryptocurrency infrastructure provider, today announces that it has appointed Grant Thornton Singapore, a leading business and professional services firm, to provide global accounting and tax advisory services as it prepares for future audits of its global businesses.

迪拜,阿聯酋,2024年9月4日/PRNewswire/--全球領先的blockchain生態系統和數字貨幣基礎設施提供商Binance今日宣佈,已任命領先的業務和專業服務公司Grant Thornton Singapore爲其全球業務未來審計做準備,提供全球會計和稅務諮詢服務。

For the 2023 financial year alone, Binance entities have completed 25 audits thus far with an unqualified (clean) opinion.


Grant Thornton Singapore will provide professional non-audit and non-assurance services in advising Binance on technical accounting, financial reporting, audit preparedness, and tax matters. In particular, the firm will advise Binance on accounting policies, cryptocurrency and non-crypto related transactions in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). It will also provide assistance in enhancing existing accounting policies and documentation of business transactions.

Grant Thornton Singapore將爲Binance提供專業的非審計和非保證服務,就技術會計、財務報告、審計準備和稅務事務提供建議。特別是,該公司將根據國際財務報告準則(IFRS)就會計政策、加密貨幣和非加密貨幣相關交易提供建議。還將幫助增強現有的會計政策,並記錄業務交易。

Kaiser NG, SVP, Finance at Binance commented: "Collaboration with Grant Thornton is an important step in building trust in our accounting processes and giving us a huge boost in preparing for future audits."

Binance財務高級副總裁Kaiser NG評論道:「與Grant Thornton的合作是建立對我們會計流程的信任的重要一步,併爲未來審計做了巨大努力。」

"Over the last few years, as Binance continues to mature and evolve as a financial institution, it has made significant changes to its governance and business structures that are more in line with traditional financial businesses. We expect these changes to provide confidence and help make Binance's business more transparent and easier for global regulators to understand as we continue to grow."


Chetan Hans, Head of CFO Services, ESG & Sustainability at Grant Thornton, remarked: "We are excited to work with Binance to enhance their accounting policies. As advisors, we will be helping Binance in their commitment to aligning its accounting policies with IFRS standards, and we are eager to support Binance's management in achieving this goal.' "

Grant Thornton的CFO服務、ESG及可持續性負責人Chetan Hans指出:「我們很高興能與Binance合作,增強其會計政策。作爲顧問,我們將幫助Binance履行其承諾,將其會計政策與IFRS標準保持一致,並急於支持Binance管理層實現這一目標。」

About Binance


Binance is a leading global blockchain ecosystem behind the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume and registered users. Binance is trusted by more than 200 million people in 100+ countries for its industry-leading security, transparency, trading engine speed, protections for investors, and unmatched portfolio of digital asset products and offerings from trading and finance to education, research, social good, payments, institutional services, and Web3 features. Binance is devoted to building an inclusive crypto ecosystem to increase the freedom of money and financial access for people around the world with crypto as the fundamental means. For more information, visit:


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