
Cemex US Supports Urgent Infrastructure Repair in Alabama

Cemex US Supports Urgent Infrastructure Repair in Alabama

PR Newswire ·  09/04 20:30

DEMOPOLIS, Ala., Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Cemex announced it has contributed to the successful repair of the Demopolis Lock and Dam on the Tombigbee River. Operated by the Army Corps of Engineers, the project restored the functionality of the dam, which serves as a crucial artery for commercial navigation in the Southern United States, connecting the Tennessee River to the Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico.


A failure of the upper miter sill not only rendered the dam unusable but also resulted in the rerouting of commerce, severely impacting businesses and communities across the region. Recognizing the urgency and significance of the project, Cemex collaborated to supply more than 2,000 cubic yards of Vertua concrete to expedite the repair process.


The project presented several challenges, including weather conditions, stringent temperature control requirements for underwater concrete pours and highly detailed product mix designs to ensure durability and longevity in underwater conditions. The complexity of the project necessitated the deployment of divers for on-site monitoring during placements. Despite the challenges, Cemex ensured the successful completion of the project without any injuries.


"Fortifying the repair of the Demopolis Lock and Dam exemplifies our commitment to supporting vital infrastructure and economic development in the communities we serve," said Marc Tyson, Cemex U.S. Regional President – Mid-South Region. "Through collaboration, innovation, and relentless dedication to quality, we were able to overcome challenges and deliver concrete solutions that restore critical infrastructure and facilitate commerce."

Cemex美國區域總裁 - 中南區馬克·泰森表示:「加固德莫波利斯水閘的維修工作體現了我們支持關鍵基礎設施和地區經濟發展的承諾。通過合作、創新和對質量的不懈追求,我們能夠克服挑戰,提供恢復關鍵基礎設施並促進商業的混凝土解決方案。」

By helping restore functionality to the Demopolis Lock and Dam, Cemex has contributed to the resilience and prosperity of the region's infrastructure and economy.


About Cemex U.S.
Cemex is a global building materials company that provides high-quality products and reliable services with a rich history of improving the wellbeing of those it serves through innovative building solutions, efficiency advancements and sustainability efforts. Its U.S. network includes 8 cement plants, close to 50 strategically located cement terminals, nearly 50 aggregate quarries and more than 280 ready-mix concrete plants. Cemex U.S. has been repeatedly recognized for its efforts in sustainability and energy management, including earning U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for the last five consecutive years since 2019.

Cemex是一家全球性的建築材料公司,提供高質量產品和可靠服務,通過創新的建築解決方案、效率提升和可持續發展努力來改善所服務對象的福祉。其美國網絡包括8家水泥廠、近50個戰略位置的水泥終端、近50個骨料採石場和280多個預拌混凝土攪拌站。Cemex美國在可持續發展和能源管理方面屢獲殊榮,包括自2019年以來連續五年獲得美國EPA ENERGY STAR合作伙伴獎。


來源:Cemex USA

