
Telomir Pharmaceuticals Appoints Dr. Itzchak Angel, Former Head of Pharmacology at Synthelabo (Now Sanofi-Aventis), to Lead IND and INAD Applications for Human and Veterinary Indications

Telomir Pharmaceuticals Appoints Dr. Itzchak Angel, Former Head of Pharmacology at Synthelabo (Now Sanofi-Aventis), to Lead IND and INAD Applications for Human and Veterinary Indications

特洛米制藥公司任命前賽諾菲安萬特藥理學主管Itzchak Angel博士負責人獸適應症的IND和INAD申請
Accesswire ·  09/04 19:30

MIAMI, FL / ACCESSWIRE / September 4, 2024 / Telomir Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:TELO) ("Telomir" or the "Company"), a pre-clinical-stage company seeking to lead developments in longevity science through the treatment of age-related conditions, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Itzchak Angel as Chief Scientific Advisor.

邁阿密,佛羅里達州/ACCESSWIRE/2024年9月4日/Telomir Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (納斯達克: TELO)("Telomir"或"公司"),一家處於臨床前階段的公司,致力於通過治療與年齡相關的疾病,引領長壽科學的發展,很高興宣佈任命Itzchak Angel博士爲首席科學顧問。

Dr. Angel, in collaboration with Telomir's senior management, will look to expedite the pre-clinical and clinical path of Telomir's lead product candidate, Telomir-1, a novel small molecule designed to lengthen the DNA's protective telomere caps, which are crucial in the aging process.


Telomir is presently optimizing drug production and forming strategic partnerships with leading researchers. These collaborations are focused on gathering comprehensive data that will help identify the most efficient routes to regulatory approval of Teomir-1 for both human and veterinary indications. By streamlining its development processes and leveraging expert partnerships, Telomir is positioning Telomir-1 to move as quickly as possible into clinical trials.


Dr. Angel, renowned for his extensive career in pharmaceutical innovation, was previously the Head of Pharmacology at Synthelabo (now part of Sanofi-Aventis), where he played pivotal roles in developing several groundbreaking drugs, including the widely used sleep aid, Ambien (zolpidem) and the BPH drug, Uroxatral (Alfuzosin).


Dr. Angel's expertise spans over 40 years, during which he has been instrumental in the research, development, and regulatory approval of numerous therapies across various therapeutic areas. His tenure at Synthelabo included leading the development of Litoxetine for depression and Deriglidole for Type-II diabetes, alongside his contributions to the advancement of Ambien, which became a leading treatment for insomnia worldwide. Beyond Synthelabo, Dr. Angel has held leadership roles in multiple pharmaceutical companies, where he guided drug candidates from conception through clinical trials and into the market. Dr. Angel has been previously President and CEO of Accellta, a company that offers revolutionary solutions for stem cell culturing and development. .His work has encompassed a broad range of therapeutic areas, including neurology, psychiatry, metabolic diseases, urology and stem cell technology.

Angel博士的專業知識跨越40年,期間他在各個治療領域的研究、開發和監管批准了多種療法,他在Synthelabo的任期中,引領Litoxetine抗抑鬱症和Deriglidole二型糖尿病等治療藥物的開發,同時對Ambien的推進做出貢獻,使其成爲全球領先的失眠治療方法。除Synthelabo外,Angel博士還在多家藥品公司擔任領導職務,在那裏他指導了從構思到臨床試驗並進入市場的藥物候選者。 Angel博士此前曾擔任Accellta的總裁兼首席執行官,該公司提供了針對幹細胞培養和開發的革命性解決方案。他的工作涵蓋了廣泛的治療領域,包括神經學、精神病學、代謝疾病、泌尿學和幹細胞科技。

"We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Angel to Telomir Pharmaceuticals," said Erez Aminov, Chairman and CEO of Telomir. "Dr. Angel's remarkable achievements, including his successful development of several drugs to the market and vast expertise in other therapies, along with his current work at MIRA Pharmaceuticals, position him as a visionary leader in the field. At MIRA, Dr. Angel has been pivotal in advancing the development of novel drug candidates, such as Ketamir-2, a promising oral ketamine analog, and MIRA-55, designed to treat anxiety and cognitive decline. His leadership will be invaluable as we pursue similar groundbreaking efforts at Telomir."

「我們非常高興歡迎Dr. Angel加入Telomir Pharmaceuticals,」Telomir的董事長兼首席執行官Erez Aminov說道。「Dr. Angel的傑出成就包括他在藥品市場上成功開發了幾種藥物以及在其他治療領域的廣泛專業知識,還有他目前在MIRA Pharmaceuticals的工作,使他成爲這個領域的具有遠見的領導者。在MIRA,Dr. Angel在推進新型藥物候選的開發方面起到了重要作用,例如有望口服的Ketamir-2(卡西酮類似物)和用於治療焦慮和認知衰退的MIRA-55。他的領導力將在我們在Telomir開展類似的開創性工作時發揮不可估量的作用。」

Following recent positive coverage of Telomir-1 on ABC, which highlighted its transformative effects in senior dogs, Telomir is advancing plans to pursue Investigational New Animal Drug (INAD) applications for veterinary in parallel to the Investigational New Drug (IND) submission in humans. This dual-track approach underscores Telomir's commitment to harnessing the potential of Telomir-1 to improve quality of life for older humans and animals, including pets.


Dr. Angel will concentrate his scientific efforts to unveil and experimentally demonstrate the molecular mechanisms of action of Telomir-1, focusing on several aspects of ion-chelation, cytokine modification and intracellular pathways involved in the potential activities of Telomir-1. One of the potential pathways being explored includes targeting rare aging-related diseases, such as progeria-a genetic disorder characterized by dramatically accelerated aging in children. Progeria, caused by a mutation in the LMNA gene, leads to the rapid shortening of telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes, which results in early cellular aging and significantly reduced lifespan. This rare condition affects approximately one in 20 million people worldwide, making it a potentially ideal candidate for orphan drug designation, which could expedite the regulatory process. Telomir-1, which in pre-clinical testing to date appears to elongate telomeres, may offer a promising therapeutic approach for progeria. By potentially slowing down or reversing the cellular aging process, Telomir-1 could provide a much-needed treatment option for patients with this devastating condition. While Telomir is conducting a variety of preclinical studies to gather IND-enabling data across multiple age-related conditions, progeria remains a promising target as a potential indication that could accelerate the pathway through clinical trials and ultimately to market.

Dr. Angel將集中自己的科學研究工作,揭示和實驗性地證明Telomir-1的作用分子機制,重點關注離子螯合、細胞因子修飾以及涉及Telomir-1潛在活性的細胞內途徑的幾個方面。正在探索的潛在途徑之一包括針對罕見的與衰老相關的疾病,例如這是一種由LMNA基因突變引起的遺傳性疾病,其特點是兒童的明顯加速衰老。Progeria導致染色體末端的保護帽——端粒的迅速縮短,進而導致細胞早期衰老和顯著的壽命縮短。這種罕見情況影響着全球大約2000萬人口,因此可能是孤兒藥物認定的一個理想候選人,這可能加快審批程序。迄今爲止,Telomir-1在臨床前測試中似乎延長了端粒,可能爲Progeria提供了有前途的治療手段。通過潛在地減緩或逆轉細胞衰老過程,Telomir-1可能爲患有這種毀滅性疾病的患者提供急需的治療選擇。儘管Telomir正在進行各種臨床前研究,收集涵蓋多種與衰老相關疾病的調查新藥(IND)數據,但Progeria仍然是一個有前途的目標,康復病症將加速臨床試驗的推進並最終上市。

"Based on my extensive experience in stem-cell biology and developing therapies that target similar molecular and cellular mechanisms, I am truly impressed by the potential of Telomir-1," said Dr. Itzchak Angel. "After thoroughly evaluating the initial data, I am convinced that Telomir-1 represents a significant breakthrough in the field of aging, immune modulation and regenerative medicine. I am excited to contribute to what I believe is one of the most important projects in advancing treatments that could contribute to healthy lifespan and address age-related conditions in both humans and animals."

「基於我在幹細胞生物學和開發針對類似分子和細胞機制的治療方面的豐富經驗,我對Telomir-1的潛力印象深刻,」 Itzchak Angel博士說。「在徹底評估初步數據之後,我確信Telomir-1代表着老齡化、免疫調節和再生醫學領域的重大突破。我很高興能爲我認爲是推動能夠有助於健康壽命並解決人類和動物的年齡相關疾病的最重要項目之一做出貢獻。」

Dr. Michael Roizen, Telomir's Special Advisor and former Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic, noted, "The ability of Telomir-1 to elongate telomeres and support stem cell health could be revolutionary in the field of longevity. As we continue to gather data and strengthen our scientific foundation, we remain dedicated to bringing this innovative therapy closer to clinical trials and ultimately, to those who may benefit from its effects. I look forward to working with Dr. Angel on this project."


About Telomir Pharmaceuticals


Telomir Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:TELO) is a pre-clinical stage pharmaceutical company seeking to lead development in longevity science in both humans and animals. The Company is focused on the development of Telomir-1, a novel small molecule designed to lengthen the DNA's protective telomere caps, which are crucial in the aging process.


Telomeres are the protective end caps of a chromosome made up of DNA sequences and proteins. As humans age, telomeres shorten, with metal reactivity accelerating the process, which presents humans and pet animals with an increased chance of contracting a number of degenerative and age-related diseases. Telomir's goal is to develop, gain regulatory approval for and commercialize Telomir-1, proposed to be dosed orally, with the broader aim of promoting longevity and enhancing overall quality of life.


The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute (Sweden) awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2009 for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase.


Telomir-1 is in preclinical development and has not yet been tested in humans. There is no assurance that Telomir-1 will proceed through development or will ultimately receive FDA approval for marketing.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This press release, and the statements of Telomir's management or advisors contained in or related thereto, contain "forward-looking statements," which are statements other than historical facts made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements may be identified by words such as "aims," "anticipates," "believes," "could," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "goal," "intends," "may," "plans," "possible," "potential," "seeks," "will," and variations of these words or similar expressions that are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Any such statements in this press release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements regarding (i) the anticipated benefits of Dr. Angel's role with the Company as described herein, (ii) anticipated timelines for preclinical and clinical testing of Telomir-1, (iii) the potential therapeutic benefits of Telomir-1 generally and (iv) the potential lead indications for Telomir-1.


Any forward-looking statements in this press release are based on Telomir's current expectations, estimates and projections only as of the date of this release and are subject to a number of significant risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those set forth in or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the potential use of the data from our studies, our ability to develop and commercialize Telomir-1 for specific indications and safety of Telomir-1. These and other risks concerning Telomir's programs and operations are described in additional detail in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, which is on file with the SEC. Telomir explicitly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except to the extent required by law.


Contact Information


Helga Moya
(813) 864-2558

Helga Moya
(813) 864-2558

SOURCE: Telomir Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

來源:Telomir Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

