
Minnesota DOT Selects Quarterhill's ITHEIA AI Classification System for Traffic Monitoring

Minnesota DOT Selects Quarterhill's ITHEIA AI Classification System for Traffic Monitoring

PR Newswire ·  09/04 18:30
  • Quarterhill will supply 15 portable iTHEIA video-based AI traffic count and classification systems for the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
  • iTHEIA is a self-contained, non-intrusive traffic classifier that sets a new standard for safety, efficiency, and accuracy in traffic data collection.
  • Quarterhill將嚮明尼蘇達州交通部供應15套便攜式iTHEIA基於視頻的AI交通計數和分類系統。
  • iTHEIA是一個自包含的非侵入式交通分類器,爲交通數據採集設定了新的安全、效率和準確性標準。

TORONTO, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Quarterhill Inc. ("Quarterhill" or the "Company") (TSX: QTRH) (OTCQX: QTRHF), a global leader in providing intelligent transportation system solutions, announced today the award of a contract for the supply of iTHEIA AI Video Automatic Traffic Recorders ("ATR") for Minnesota DOT ("MnDOT").

2024年9月4日,多倫多/市場新聞 - Quarterhill Inc.(「Quarterhill」或「公司」)(TSX: QTRH)(OTCQX: QTRHF),全球智能交通系統解決方案領導者,今天宣佈獲得供應iTHEIA AI視頻自動交通記錄儀(「ATR」)的合同,爲明尼蘇達交通部(「MnDOT」)提供服務。

Quarterhill's iTHEIA utilizes advanced AI to accurately count and classify all common vehicle types, including passenger cars, trucks, buses, RVs, and motorcycles. iTHEIA operates on a powerful edge computing platform, ensuring high accuracy and reliability without requiring internet connectivity. This provides a self-contained system that does not need cloud processing to classify but can be connected to a network for easy access to data if desired.


By using iTHEIA, transportation agencies like MnDOT can efficiently improve road safety and enhance traffic management. For these agencies, it is important that traffic data meets federal reporting requirements, and iTHEIA has been trained to classify vehicles according to the Federal Highway Administration's standard ("FHWA") 13-Class scheme.


The Portable iTHEIA system is intended for short-term deployments, providing a simple way to acquire data from multiple locations. iTHEIA eliminates the need for in-road sensors, reducing costs and enhancing safety as users never have to set foot on the road to set up and operate the system.


"iTHEIA is a game-changer for us," stated John Hackett from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. "Deploying this AI classifier device is fast and simple – setup in under 30 minutes – and it watches over three lanes of traffic without risk to our staff's safety on busy roads. The iTHEIA AI Classifier is the only way we can get FHWA 13 Class counts on some of our busy roadways."

明尼蘇達州交通部的John Hackett表示:「iTHEIA對我們來說是一個改變遊戲規則的設備。這款人工智能分類器設備的部署快速簡便,不到30分鐘即可完成設置,且在繁忙的道路上可以監控三條車道,而不會給我們的員工在繁忙的道路上的安全帶來風險。iTHEIA AI分類器是我們在某些繁忙道路上獲取FHWA 13級數據的唯一方法。」

"MnDOT's order for multiple portable iTHEIA units represents a significant milestone for Quarterhill," said Chuck Myers, CEO of Quarterhill. "It not only reinforces our commitment to revolutionizing traffic data using AI but also marks an exciting step forward in our partnership with the state. It signals to the industry and to our customers that we are setting the standard for safety, efficiency, and accuracy in traffic data collection."

「MnDOT對多個便攜式iTHEIA設備的訂購是Quarterhill的一個重要里程碑,」Quarterhill公司的CEO Chuck Myers說道,「它不僅強化了我們利用人工智能來革新交通數據的承諾,同時也標誌着我們與該州合作伙伴關係向前邁出了一大步。它向行業和我們的客戶傳遞了一個信息,即我們正在爲交通數據採集的安全、效率和準確性設定標準。」

About Quarterhill


Quarterhill is a leading provider of tolling and enforcement solutions in the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) industry. Our goal is technology-driven global leadership in ITS, via organic growth of our tolling and enforcement businesses, and by continuing an acquisition-oriented investment strategy that capitalizes on attractive growth opportunities within ITS and its adjacent markets. Quarterhill is listed on the TSX under the symbol QTRH and on the OTCQX Best Market under the symbol QTRHF. For more information: .

Quarterhill是智能交通系統(ITS)行業中收費和執法解決方案的領先供應商。我們的目標是通過擴大我們的收費和執法業務,以及繼續以收購爲導向的投資策略,實現技術驅動的全球領導地位,並利用ITS以及其周邊市場的有吸引力的增長機會。Quarterhill在TSX上以QTRH的符號上市,並在OTCQX Best Market上以QTRHF的符號上市。更多信息請訪問: .

Forward-looking Information


This news release contains forward-looking information and forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws (collectively, "forward-looking statements"). Such forward-looking statements relate to future events, conditions or future financial performance of ‎Quarterhill based on future economic conditions and courses of action. All statements other ‎than statements of historical fact may be forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements ‎are often, but not always, identified by the use of any words such as "seek", "anticipate", "budget", ‎‎"plan", "goal", "expect" and similar expressions.


Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, assumptions, ‎uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those ‎anticipated in such forward-looking statements. Material risk factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained in this news release include, among others, demand for Quarterhill's products and services; general economic and market conditions; competition; risks relating to technological advances and cyber-security; and other risks set forth in the Company's most recent annual information form available on SEDAR+ at . The Company believes the expectations reflected in ‎the forward-looking statements are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations ‎will prove to be correct and such forward-looking statements included in this news release should not be ‎unduly relied upon.‎ Material factors and assumptions used to develop the forward-looking statements contained in this news release include, among others: Quarterhill's ability to execute on its business plan; demand for Quarterhill's products and services; operating assumptions; and financial projections and cost estimates. Quarterhill has no intention, and undertakes no obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.


SOURCE Quarterhill Inc.

消息來源:Quarterhill Inc。

