
New Broadridge Whitepaper Highlights Operational Resilience and DORA Compliance Challenges Facing Global Financial Services

New Broadridge Whitepaper Highlights Operational Resilience and DORA Compliance Challenges Facing Global Financial Services

PR Newswire ·  09/04 14:00

EU regulatory deadline requires a prompt industry response; globally, operational resiliency shortfalls can be addressed and scaled via mutualized services


NEW YORK and LONDON, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: BR), a global Fintech leader, released a new whitepaper focused on the imperative need for financial services firms to enhance their operational resilience in reaction to the European Union's Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) and other global regulations. This comprehensive whitepaper, titled 'Building Resilience Across Borders: A holistic approach to global operational resilience and navigating the regulatory maze,' highlights the extensive regulatory expectations and the strategic preparations necessary for compliance.

紐約和倫敦,2024年9月4日 /美通社/ -- 全球金融科技領導者 broadridge 金融解決方案公司 (NYSE: BR) 發佈了一份名爲《跨越邊界打造彈性:全球運營彈性和應對監管輾轉騰挪的整體方法》的綜合白皮書,着重強調金融服務公司基於歐洲聯盟的《數字運營彈性法案》(DORA)和其他全球法規的迫切需求,以增強其運營彈性。該白皮書詳細闡述了廣泛的監管期望和爲合規所需的戰略準備工作。

"Now more than ever, operational resiliency is a critical priority for financial firms around the world, driven by a fundamental need to strengthen trust and security in response to the growing risk of cyberattacks and disruptions," said Mike Sleightholme, President of Broadridge International. "The broad and in-depth scope of DORA mandates a significant transformation in risk management frameworks, policies and governance structures relating to both inhouse and third-party systems, posing urgent challenges that the industry needs to address ahead of the January 17, 2025 deadline."

"現在,運營彈性對全球金融機構來說尤爲重要,這是由於不斷增長的網絡攻擊和干擾風險迫使其加強信任和安全的根本需求," broadridge 國際總裁 Mike Sleightholme 說道。"DORA 的廣泛和深入的範圍要求對內部和第三方系統的風險管理框架、政策和治理結構進行重大轉型,這爲行業提出了緊迫的挑戰,需要他們在2025年1月17日截止日期之前解決。"

"Regulators are emphasizing and prioritizing operational resilience, yet there is a growing sense that many firms remain far from ready, exposing themselves not only to operational resiliency risk but also to regulatory compliance risk," said Virginie O'Shea, Founder of Firebrand Research, who worked with Broadridge to develop the whitepaper. "Firms must act now to mobilize their DORA action plans, including a detailed assessment of their critical systems and services, and an impact analysis to ensure they can deliver a compliant operating model and meet recovery and reporting objectives aligned to DORA's requirements."

"監管機構強調和優先考慮運營彈性,然而越來越多的公司感到他們離準備好還有很大差距,這不僅暴露了他們面臨運營彈性風險,也面臨着違規風險," Firebrand Research 創始人 Virginie O'Shea 與 broadridge 合作撰寫了白皮書。"公司必須立即行動起來,動員起他們的 DORA 行動計劃,其中包括對關鍵體系和服務的詳細評估,以及影響分析,以確保他們能夠提供符合 DORA 要求的合規運營模式,並滿足恢復和報告目標。"

Key findings from the whitepaper include:


  • Worldwide regulatory priority: Besides the EU, regions such as the US, Canada, the UK, South Africa, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia are also tightening their operational resilience regulations.
  • Global scope and impact of DORA mandates significant changes to operational risk management and resilience across nearly all areas of financial services, impacting firms operating in the EU irrespective of where their headquarters and third-party suppliers are located.
  • Clock is ticking, firms must begin their DORA compliance preparations now, as the January 2025 enforcement date necessitates extensive system reviews and data reporting readiness. Firms must focus resources on mobilising their action plan, potentially leveraging mutualized shared services.
  • Watch out for regulatory enforcement, noncompliance with operational resilience mandates is likely to result in stringent enforcement actions. Firms need to start prioritizing cybersecurity and risk reduction today.
  • Increased regulatory focus on third-party service providers and internal IT systems highlights the need for thorough operational reviews and compliance assurance.
  • 全球監管重點:除了歐盟之外,美國、加拿大、英國、南非、日本、香港、新加坡和澳大利亞等地區也在加強其運營韌性規定。
  • DORA的全球範圍和影響對金融服務的幾乎所有領域的運營風險管理和韌性都產生了重大變化,影響在歐盟運營的公司,不論他們的總部和第三方供應商位於何處。
  • 時鐘滴答作響,公司必須立即開始進行DORA合規準備,因爲2025年1月的實施日期要求進行廣泛的系統審查和數據報告準備。公司必須將資源集中在推動行動計劃上,有可能利用分攤式共享服務。
  • 注意監管執法,不遵守運營韌性規定可能會導致嚴格的執法行動。公司需要從今天開始優先考慮網絡安全和風險減少。
  • 加強對第三方供應商和內部IT系統的監管關注,凸顯了進行徹底的運營審查和合規保證的必要性。

To download the full whitepaper, click here.


About Broadridge

關於Broadridge Broadridge Financial Solutions(紐交所:BR)是一家全球Fintech領導者,營收超過60億美元,爲銀行,經紀商,資產和财富管理公司以及上市公司提供支持投資、公司治理和通訊的關鍵基礎設施。我們提供以技術驅動的解決方案,爲客戶推動業務轉型。Broadridge的基礎設施作爲全球通信中心,通過聯繫數以千計的公共公司和共同基金與全球數以千萬計的個人和機構投資者。我們的技術和運營平台支持全球超過10萬億美元的股票,固定收益和其他證券的日常交易。Broadridge被認證爲偉大的工作場所,是標普500指數的一部分,在21個國家僱傭超過14,000名員工。

Broadridge Financial Solutions (NYSE: BR), is a global technology leader with the trusted expertise and transformative technology to help clients and the financial services industry operate, innovate, and grow. We power investing, governance, and communications for our clients – driving operational resiliency, elevating business performance, and transforming investor experiences.


Our technology and operations platforms underpin the daily trading of more than $10 trillion of equities, fixed income and other securities globally. A certified Great Place to Work, Broadridge is part of the S&P 500 Index, employing over 14,000 associates in 21 countries. For more information about us, please visit .

我們的技術和運營平台支持全球超過10萬億美元的股票、固收和其他證券的每日交易。作爲一家獲得認證的優秀工作場所,Broadridge是S&P 500指數的一部分,在21個國家僱傭了超過14,000名員工。如需了解更多信息,請訪問。

Broadridge Contacts:
Edings Thibault
Head of Investor Relations, Broadridge
[email protected]

Edings Thibault
[email protected]

Gregg Rosenberg
Global Head of Corporate Communications
[email protected]

Gregg Rosenberg
[email protected]

SOURCE Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.

來源:broadridge金融解決方案, Inc.

