
Hello Group Inc. (MOMO) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Hello Group Inc. (MOMO) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

富途資訊 ·  09/04 00:40  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Hello Group Inc. (MOMO) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是摯文集團Inc. (MOMO) 2024年第二季度業績會講話摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Hello Group Inc. reported Q2 2024 total revenue at RMB2.69 billion, a decrease of 14% year-over-year but a sequential growth of 5%.

  • Adjusted operating income stood at RMB477 million, showing a decline of 33% year-over-year and a decrease of 7% sequentially.

  • Non-GAAP net income was RMB449.2 million compared to RMB632.1 million year-over-year, reflecting a decline due to a one-off non-cash tax provision in Q1.

  • Significant declines were observed across both the Momo and Tantan apps in terms of live broadcasting revenue and value-added service revenue.

  • 摯文集團Inc.報告,2024年第二季度總營業收入爲26.9億人民幣,同比下降14%,環比增長5%。

  • 調整後營業利潤爲47700萬人民幣,同比下降33%,環比下降7%。

  • 非GAAP淨利潤爲44920萬人民幣,與去年同期的63210萬人民幣相比下降,這是因爲Q1期間出現一次性非現金稅收準備。

  • 廣播收入和增值服務收入方面,陌陌和探探應用都出現了顯著下降。

Business Progress:


  • Momo's focus has been on optimizing the community ecosystem and improving user interactions through AI and algorithm enhancements. Efforts include improving female user experience and increasing successful social interactions.

  • Tantan continues efforts to enhance the core dating experience despite facing challenges like user base stability and revenue trends.

  • Growth initiatives for overseas expansion, particularly in MENA, are underway, with emphasis on localized operations and product adaptations to cater to regional preferences.

  • 陌陌的重點是優化社區生態系統,並通過AI和算法改進來提高用戶交互。努力包括改善女性用戶體驗和增加成功的社交互動。

  • 在面對用戶基數穩定性和營收趨勢等挑戰時,探探繼續努力提升核心約會體驗。

  • 在海外擴張方面的增長舉措正在進行中,特別注重本地化運營和產品適應區域偏好。



  • Overseas business growth driven by satisfactory management of channel investments and localization efforts, especially noted in MENA regions.

  • Strategic reemphasis on enhancing Momo and Tantan's core user experiences and service offerings, aiming long-term profitable growth.

  • 境外業務的增長得益於渠道投資和本地化工作的滿意管理,尤其在中東和北非地區有顯著進展。

  • 戰略重點重新強調提升陌陌和探探的核心用戶體驗和服務內容,旨在實現長期盈利增長。



  • Revenue declines attributed to decreased number of paying users and adverse effects from user interface upgrades, especially on Tantan.

  • Ongoing need for substantial marketing investments due to weak brand awareness, thereby stressing financial resources.

  • 營收下降歸因於付費用戶數量減少以及探探用戶界面升級的不利影響。

  • 由於品牌知名度較低,需要大量的市場營銷投資,從而給財務資源帶來壓力。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


