
GSE Worldwide to Accelerate Growth With Strategic Investment From BC Partners Credit and Continued Support From Gatemore Capital Management

GSE Worldwide to Accelerate Growth With Strategic Investment From BC Partners Credit and Continued Support From Gatemore Capital Management

GSE Worldwide將通過BC Partners Credit的戰略投資和Gatemore Capital Management的持續支持加速增長。
PR Newswire ·  09/03 21:30

NEW YORK, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- GSE Worldwide ("the Company" or "GSE"), a leader in athlete talent management and sports marketing partnerships, announced today that BC Partners Credit, the $8 billion credit arm of BC Partners, a leading alternative investment firm, has made a strategic investment into the company, joining Gatemore Capital Management ("Gatemore") as investors, and providing committed financing to support GSE's growth plans.

NEW YORk,2024年9月3日/PRNewswire/--GSE Worldwide("the Company" or "GSE"), 一家領先的運動員才能管理和體育營銷合作伙伴,今日宣佈BC Partners Credit, BC Partners旗下的80億美元信貸部門,已戰略投資該公司,併成爲Gatemore Capital Management("Gatemore")的投資者之一,提供承諾的融資以支持GSE的增長計劃。

Since Gatemore took control of GSE in 2018, GSE has established itself as a leading sports agency, representing over 275 top athletes across golf, tennis and NFL, including two-time U.S. Open champion Bryson DeChambeau, American tennis stars Tommy Paul and Jessica Pegula, and Dallas Cowboys defensive end DeMarcus Lawrence.


BC Partners Credit's investment enables GSE to execute on an ambitious growth plan that takes advantage of the strong momentum in the sports industry, expanding and enhancing its impressive talent practice and bolstering its capabilities in brand services as well as property ownership and representation.

BC Partners Credit的投資使GSE能夠執行雄心勃勃的增長計劃,充分利用體育產業的強勁勢頭,擴大和加強其令人印象深刻的人才實踐,並增強其在品牌服務以及房地產擁有和代表方面的能力。

Ted Goldthorpe, Head of BC Partners Credit, who will join the GSE Worldwide board following the investment, said: "We are very impressed by GSE's market leadership, growth track record, and roster of clients. We are excited to be a part of GSE's extraordinary growth journey."

BC Partners Credit負責人特德·戈德索普將在投資後加入GSE Worldwide董事會,並表示: "我們對GSE的市場領先地位、增長記錄和客戶名單印象深刻。我們很高興能成爲GSE非凡增長曆程的一部分。"

Michael Principe, CEO of GSE Worldwide, said: "We have earned our position as partner of choice for so many top athletes across football, golf, and tennis. We thank the Gatemore team for their support in getting us to where we are today, and we are thrilled to have the additional support of BC Partners Credit, which enables us to grow our industry-leading position, further enhance our offerings to clients, and push into new verticals of talent and brand management and the ownership and operation of events."

GSE Worldwide首席執行官邁克爾·普林西普表示: "我們已成爲足球、高爾夫和網球等衆多頂級運動員的選擇合作伙伴。我們感謝Gatemore團隊在幫助我們達到今天的位置上所給予的支持,我們也很高興擁有BC Partners Credit的額外支持,這使我們能夠擴大我們在行業中的領先地位,進一步提升我們對客戶的服務,並推進人才和品牌管理以及活動所有權和經營的新垂直領域。"

Liad Meidar, Managing Partner of Gatemore Capital Management who serves as Executive Chairman of GSE, said: "In a span of five years, GSE has risen into one of the preeminent sports talent agencies globally thanks to a clear strategy, dedicated management team, and a company culture built on best-in-class service. We welcome BC Partners as partners and are excited to continue to support the company as it leverages the momentum it has built to unlock the next phase of growth."

Gatemore Capital Management執行主席,GSE執行主席利亞德·梅達爾表示: "在五年的時間裏,憑藉明確的戰略、專業的管理團隊和建立在一流服務基礎上的公司文化,GSE已成爲全球卓越的體育人才代理公司之一。我們歡迎BC Partners成爲合作伙伴,並期待繼續支持公司,使其利用已建立的勢頭開啓下一個增長階段。"

Fidus Partners acted as financial advisor to GSE Worldwide. Three Ocean Partners acted as financial advisor to BC Partners Credit.

Fidus Partners擔任GSE Worldwide的財務顧問。Three Ocean Partners擔任BC Partners Credit的財務顧問。

About GSE Worldwide

關於GSE Worldwide

GSE Worldwide is a leading sports and lifestyle marketing and management company, representing high-profile sports, broadcasting and other notable personalities in all aspects and stages of their careers, including the best and brightest amateurs, established superstars and post-career legends. GSE also advises brands and properties in their marketing and business objectives and manages, owns or operates unforgettable, world-class sporting events.

GSE Worldwide是一家領先的體育和生活方式營銷及管理公司,代表高知名度的體育、廣播和其他著名名人在他們職業生涯的方方面面,包括最優秀且最閃耀的新手、已經成名的超級巨星以及事業後的傳奇人物。GSE還爲品牌和資產提供建議,以實現他們的營銷和業務目標,並管理、擁有或運營難忘的世界級體育賽事。

Formed in 2018 following Gatemore Capital Management's acquisition, GSE Worldwide currently offers its clients full-service talent in football, golf, tennis and NIL as well as broadcasting, coaching, lifestyle and talent marketing, while providing consulting, activation, and event production services to brands and properties. GSE is headquartered in New York and operates across the world.

GSE Worldwide成立於2018年,是Gatemore Capital Management收購後成立的,目前爲客戶提供足球、高爾夫、網球和NIL等全方位的全方位才能,以及廣播、教練、生活方式和人才營銷服務,同時爲品牌和資產提供諮詢、推廣和活動製作服務。GSE總部位於紐約,遍佈全球。

About BC Partners & BC Partners Credit

關於BC Partners和BC Partners Credit

BC Partners is a leading international investment firm in private equity, private debt, and real estate strategies. BC Partners Credit was launched in February 2017, with a focus on identifying attractive credit opportunities in any market environment, often in complex market segments. The platform leverages the broader firm's deep industry and operating resources to provide flexible financing solutions to middle-market companies across Business Services, Industrials, Healthcare and other select sectors. To date, BC Partners Credit has completed more than 400 transactions. For further information, visit .

BC Partners是全球領先的私募股權、私募債務和房地產戰略投資公司。BC Partners Credit於2017年2月推出,重點尋找在任何市場環境中具有吸引力的信貸機會,通常是在複雜的市場領域中。該平台利用整個公司廣泛的行業和運營資源,爲商業服務、工業、醫療保健和其他精選領域的中型企業提供靈活的融資解決方案。迄今爲止,BC Partners Credit已完成400多筆交易。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About Gatemore Capital Management

關於Gatemore Capital Management

Gatemore Capital Management manages an activist strategy focused on companies across consumer, industrial, healthcare, sports, media, and technology sectors. Gatemore primarily targets fundamentally sound businesses that are underperforming and/or undervalued but have strong potential for recovery and growth. Gatemore's strategy is to influence outcomes and drive outperformance through thought leadership and deep engagement, aiming to effect positive change and unlock value within the companies in which they invest.

Gatemore Capital Management管理着一項活躍策略,重點關注消費品、工業、醫療保健、體育、媒體和科技等行業中的公司。Gatemore主要針對基本健康但業績不佳和/或低估的企業,這些企業具有強大的恢復和增長潛力。Gatemore的策略是通過思想領導力和深度參與來影響結果並推動超額回報,旨在在投資的公司內部實現積極變革並釋放價值。

GSE Worldwide
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BC Partners
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SOURCE GSE Worldwide

來自GSE Worldwide

