
Haleon Announces the Launch of Eroxon, The First and Only FDA Cleared OTC Gel for Erectile Dysfunction, Available for U.S. Preorder Without a Prescription

Haleon Announces the Launch of Eroxon, The First and Only FDA Cleared OTC Gel for Erectile Dysfunction, Available for U.S. Preorder Without a Prescription

PR Newswire ·  09/03 20:15
  • Eroxon is Haleon's first offering in the sexual health space
  • Clinical studies show Eroxon is safe and effective in men with ED
  • Eroxon is available now for Amazon pre-order; available on shelves and online at most major retailers in October 2024
  • Eroxon是Haleon在性健康領域的第一個產品。
  • 臨床研究顯示Eroxon對於有勃起功能障礙(ED)的男性安全有效。
  • Eroxon現已在亞馬遜進行預購,在2024年10月份將在大多數主要零售商的實體店和網上銷售。

WARREN, N.J., Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Eroxon, the first-and-only FDA cleared gel available without a prescription for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED), is now available for pre-order in the United States through Amazon and will be available at most major retailers in October 2024.


Eroxon Product Packaging

Eroxon is clinically proven to help men get an erection within 10 minutes to foster physical intimacy (individual results may vary). The treatment stimulates nerve endings in the penis to help men with ED get and maintain an erection during sex. Given existing prescription solutions may take up to an hour to work (based on labels), Eroxon addresses a significant unmet need for men experiencing ED.


Clinical study results show that Eroxon is safe and effective in men with ED. While ED can be caused by underlying physical conditions, psychological challenges such as stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues may also contribute to ED, especially in younger men. Eroxon aims to help men with ED enhance intimacy and connection in their relationships, fostering closer and more fulfilling partnerships.


Lisa Paley, President, North America at Haleon, said: "At Haleon, we have a clear purpose to deliver better everyday health with humanity. Introducing Eroxon to U.S. consumers reflects our belief that sexual health is a critical part of wellness. We understand how important making meaningful and intimate connections are to one's wellbeing, and Eroxon helps achieve just that. We are proud to take this bold step to make this first-of-its-kind over-the-counter (OTC) gel treatment accessible to the millions of men in the U.S. who are affected by ED."

Haleon北美區總裁Lisa Paley表示:"在Haleon,我們有一個明確的目標,就是以人性化的方式改善日常健康。向美國消費者推出Eroxon反映了我們的信念,即性健康是健康的重要組成部分。我們理解,建立有意義和親密的聯繫對一個人的健康至關重要,而Eroxon正是幫助實現這一目標的。我們很自豪能夠邁出這一重要步驟,將這種首創的OTC凝膠治療方案推廣給數百萬受到ED困擾的男性."

Gerald Brock, MD, FRCSC, Haleon Partner, said: "The body of scientific evidence for Eroxon supports it as an effective, fast-acting, and accessible OTC ED treatment with an excellent safety profile."

Gerald Brock, MD, FRCSC, Haleon合作伙伴說:「有關Eroxon的科學證據支持它作爲一種有效、快速、易於獲得的場外交易的ED治療方法,並具有出色的安全性。」

How to use Eroxon:


  • Unscrew cap. Pierce the tube seal with top of cap.
  • Squeeze tube firmly to empty all the contents onto finger(s), which will provide the correct dose.
  • Massage the gel onto the head of your penis for about 15 seconds. If you are uncircumcised, gently pull your foreskin back as far as comfortable before applying the gel. It may take a few attempts to achieve the desired effect.
  • You can apply the gel, or your partner can apply the gel to your penis as part of foreplay. In a clinical study, partners applied the product for the male as part of foreplay, which resulted in better outcomes.
  • 旋開蓋子,並用蓋子頂部戳破管口密封。
  • 用力擠壓管子,將所有內容擠入手指上,這樣可以提供正確的劑量。
  • 將凝膠塗抹在陰莖頭部約15秒。如果你是包皮未割除的,塗抹凝膠前請輕輕將包皮拉回到舒適的位置。可能需要幾次嘗試才能達到預期效果。
  • 您可以自己塗抹凝膠,或者您的伴侶可以作爲前戲的一部分爲您的陰莖塗抹凝膠。在臨床研究中,伴侶爲男性在前戲中塗抹了該產品,取得了更好的效果。

For more information on Eroxon and ED, visit, and to preorder visit Amazon.


About Erectile Dysfunction
ED is a common condition, impacting 1 in 4 men over the age of 221 – that's 30 million men.2 Men with ED may have trouble getting or maintaining an erection firm enough for sexual activity. Some men have trouble on occasion, while others may not be able to get an erection at all. ED typically becomes more prevalent as you age, impacting half of men over the age of 40.3 However, mild-to-moderate symptoms often go undetected and untreated, especially in younger men. For more information about erectile dysfunction (ED), please visit our website

勃起功能障礙(ED)是一種常見疾病,影響了221歲以上男性中的四分之一,即3000萬人。2 患有ED的男性可能在性活動中難以獲得或保持足夠堅挺的勃起。有些男性偶爾會遇到困難,而其他人可能根本無法勃起。ED通常隨年齡增長而變得更常見,影響到40歲以上男性的一半。3 然而,輕度到中度的症狀通常不會被察覺和治療,尤其是在年輕男性中。有關勃起功能障礙(ED)的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站。

About Eroxon
Eroxon, launched by Haleon in the United States, is the first-and-only FDA cleared gel available without a prescription for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). The treatment works directly on the penis to stimulate nerve endings leading to increased blood flow to help men get and keep an erection for sex/intimacy. Eroxon is a convenient and accessible ED treatment for millions of men. For more information, please visit our website


About Haleon U.S.
Haleon (NYSE: HLN) is a leading global consumer health company with a purpose to deliver better everyday health with humanity. Haleon's product portfolio spans five major categories: Oral Health, Pain Relief, Respiratory Health, Digestive Health, and Wellness. Built on trusted science, innovation, and deep human understanding, Haleon's U.S. brands include Abreva, Advil, Benefiber, Centrum, Emergen-C, Excedrin, Flonase, Gas-X, Nexium, Nicorette, Parodontax, Polident, Preparation H, Pronamel, Sensodyne, Robitussin, Theraflu, TUMS, Voltaren, and more. For more information on Haleon and its brands, please visit or contact [email protected].

Haleon(紐交所: HLN)是一家領先的全球消費者健康公司,旨在以人性化的方式提供更好的日常健康。Haleon的產品組合涵蓋了口腔健康、疼痛緩解、呼吸健康、消化健康和健康保健五個重要領域。基於可靠的科學、創新和深入的人性理解,Haleon在美國的品牌包括Abreva、Advil、Benefiber、Centrum、Emergen-C、Excedrin、Flonase、Gas-X、Nexium、Nicorette、Parodontax、Polident、Preparation H、Pronamel、Sensodyne、Robitussin、Theraflu、TUMS、Voltaren等。有關Haleon及其品牌的更多信息,請訪問或聯繫 [email protected]。

  1. Selvin E, Burnett A, Platz E Prevalence and risk factors for erectile dysfunction in the U S Am Jour of Med 2007 (120) 151-157
  2. National Institutes of Health (NIH) website niddk nih gov/kudiseases/pubs/ED/index aspx Downloaded 5/14/12
  3. Feldman HA, Goldstein I, Hatzichristou DG, Krane RJ, McKinlay JB. Impotence and its medical and psychosocial correlates: results of the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. J Urol. 1994 Jan;151(1):54-61. doi: 10.1016/s0022-5347(17)34871-1. PMID: 8254833.
  1. Selvin E, Burnett A, Platz E 在美國的勃起功能障礙的患病率和危險因素。 醫療期刊2007(120)151-157
  2. 美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)網站 下載日期5/14/12
  3. Feldman HA, Goldstein I, Hatzichristou DG, Krane RJ, McKinlay Jb. 《馬薩諸塞州男性老化研究》對陽萎及其醫學和心理相關因素的研究結果。《美國泌尿外科學雜誌》 1994年1月;151(1):54-61. doi: 10.1016/s0022-5347(17)34871-1. PMID: 8254833.



