
Spectral Medical Provides August Tigris Trial Update

Spectral Medical Provides August Tigris Trial Update

Spectral Medical提供了Tigris試驗8月更新
GlobeNewswire ·  09/03 19:30

Management provides view on recently announced Vantive-Carlyle Group transaction

管理層就最近宣佈的Vantive-Carlyle Group交易提供了看法

TORONTO, Sept. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Spectral Medical Inc. ("Spectral" or the "Company") (TSX: EDT), a late-stage theranostic company advancing therapeutic options for sepsis and septic shock, today provided an update on the Company's Tigris trial, a Phase 3 follow-on study evaluating the use of Polymyxin B Hemoperfusion ("PMX") in a randomized controlled trial of adults treated for endotoxemia and septic shock.

多倫多,2024年9月3日(環球新聞社)--光譜醫療公司("光譜"或"公司") (tsx: edt) 一個晚期治療公司,致力於推進敗血症和感染性休克的治療選擇,今天就公司的Tigris試驗進行了更新,這是一項第3階段跟蹤研究,評估Polymyxin b血液灌注("PMX") 在對待內毒素血癥和感染性休克的成年人的隨機對照試驗中的應用。

Tigris Enrollment:


  • Robust enrollment into the second half of 2024, which continues the pace experienced since January 2024:
    • 129 patients enrolled at end of August 2024
      • Four patients enrolled in August, which is a typically slow period for clinical trial activity
      • 48 patients enrolled in 2024 so far – represents the most robust enrollment rates since the start of the Tigris study
  • With 21 patients to full enrollment, the Company has entered the final push to fully enroll and finish the Tigris trial
    • Based on current rate of enrollment, Tigris could be completed as early as December 2024
  • 2024年下半年的招募態勢強勁,延續了自2024年1月以來的步伐:
    • 截至2024年8月底,已有129名患者入組
      • 8月份入組了4名患者,這在臨床試驗活動通常較慢的時期是很有意義的
      • 到目前爲止,2024年已有48名患者入組——是Tigris研究開始以來最強勁的入組速度
  • 隨着21名患者的招募,公司已進入完全招募和完成Tigris試驗的最後階段。
    • 根據目前的招募速度,Tigris可能最早在2024年12月完成。

Dr. John Kellum, Chief Medical Officer of Spectral, noted, "It's gratifying to see that despite August vacation schedules, enrollment continues to be strong. We continue to enjoy very strong activity at our sites. As such, we remain confident in finalizing full Tigris enrollment around year end 2024."

Spectral首席醫療官John Kellum博士指出:「儘管是八月假期,但招募工作仍然強勁。我們的研究中心的活動仍非常活躍。因此,我們有信心在2024年年底前完成Tigris試驗的全部招募。」

Vantive-Carlyle Group Transaction:


On August 13, 2024, Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) announced that it had reached a definitive agreement with The Carlyle Group (NASDAQ:CG) to divest its Vantive business ("Vantive-Carlyle transaction") (Baxter Announces Definitive Agreement to Divest Its Vantive Kidney Care Segment to Carlyle for $3.8 Billion | Baxter). Spectral Medical's PMX distribution agreement with Baxter will be assigned to Vantive upon closing of the Vantive-Carlyle transaction, which is expected to close in late 2024 or early 2025.

2024年8月13日,巴克斯特國際(紐交所:BAX)宣佈已與納斯達克:CG 的凱雷集團達成最終協議,將其Vantive業務出售(「Vantive-Carlyle交易」)(巴克斯特宣佈與凱雷就以38億美元出售其Vantive腎臟護理業務達成最終協議| Baxter)。Spectral Medical與巴克斯特的PMX分銷協議將在Vantive-Carlyle交易完成後轉讓給Vantive,預計該交易將在2024年底或2025年初完成。

Chris Seto, Chief Executive Officer of Spectral, commented, "We believe the Vantive-Carlyle transaction is an overwhelmingly positive event for Spectral. The Carlyle Group has been a leading private equity investor in the medical technology sector, with investments totaling over $40 billion in enterprise value. While the announcement means that Vantive will have a change of ownership, it does not mean it will have a change in strategy. EAA and PMX is a unique product offering that has the potential to be a high margin, high growth offering for Vantive. Ultimately, with the change in ownership to The Carlyle Group, Vantive should be in a strong financial position to support and drive the commercialization effort of EAA and PMX."

Spectral首席執行官Chris Seto評論道:「我們認爲Vantive-Carlyle交易對Spectral來說是一個非常積極的事件。凱雷集團一直是醫療技術行業的領先私募股權投資者,其企業價值超過400億美元。儘管這一宣佈意味着Vantive將改變所有權,但並不意味着其戰略將發生變化。EAA和PMX是一種獨特的產品,具有高利潤、高增長的潛力,可爲Vantive帶來競爭力。最終,憑藉凱雷集團的所有權變更,Vantive將身處強勁的財務狀況,以支持並推動EAA和PMX的商業化努力。」

About Spectral


Spectral is a Phase 3 company seeking U.S. FDA approval for its unique product for the treatment of patients with septic shock, Toraymyxin ("PMX"). PMX is a therapeutic hemoperfusion device that removes endotoxin, which can cause sepsis, from the bloodstream and is guided by the Company's Endotoxin Activity Assay (EAA), the only FDA cleared diagnostic for the risk of developing sepsis.


PMX is approved for therapeutic use in Japan and Europe and has been used safely and effectively on more than 340,000 patients to date. In March 2009, Spectral obtained the exclusive development and commercial rights in the U.S. for PMX, and in November 2010, signed an exclusive distribution agreement for this product in Canada. In July 2022, the U.S. FDA granted Breakthrough Device Designation for PMX for the treatment of endotoxic septic shock. Approximately 330,000 patients are diagnosed with septic shock in North America each year.


The Tigris Trial is a confirmatory study of PMX in addition to standard care vs standard care alone and is designed as a 2:1 randomized trial of 150 patients using Bayesian statistics. Endotoxic septic shock is a malignant form of sepsis .


The trial methods are detailed in "Bayesian methods: a potential path forward for sepsis trials".


Spectral is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol EDT. For more information, please visit .


Forward-looking statement


Information in this news release that is not current or historical factual information may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of securities laws. Implicit in this information, particularly in respect of the future outlook of Spectral and anticipated events or results, are assumptions based on beliefs of Spectral's senior management as well as information currently available to it. While these assumptions were considered reasonable by Spectral at the time of preparation, they may prove to be incorrect. Readers are cautioned that actual results are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including the company's ability to raise capital and the availability of funds and resources to pursue R&D projects, the recruitment of additional clinical trial sites, the rate of patient enrollment, the successful and timely completion of clinical studies, the success of Baxter's commercialization efforts, the ability of Spectral to take advantage of business opportunities in the biomedical industry, the granting of necessary approvals by regulatory authorities as well as general economic, market and business conditions, and could differ materially from what is currently expected.


The TSX has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this statement.


For further information, please contact:


Ali Mahdavi Chris Seto
Capital Markets & Investor Relations CEO
Spinnaker Capital Markets Inc. Spectral Medical Inc.
Ali Mahdavi Chris Seto
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