
Oruka Therapeutics Completes Merger With ARCA Biopharma, Begins Trading Under ORKA, Appoints CRISPR CEO as Chairman

Oruka Therapeutics Completes Merger With ARCA Biopharma, Begins Trading Under ORKA, Appoints CRISPR CEO as Chairman

Oruka Therapeutics完成了與方舟生物醫藥的合併,開始以ORKA交易,任命CRISPR的CEO爲董事長
Benzinga ·  09/03 19:06

Oruka Therapeutics, Inc. ("Oruka") (NASDAQ:ORKA), a biotechnology company developing novel biologics designed to set a new standard for the treatment of chronic skin diseases, including plaque psoriasis, today announced the completion of its previously announced merger with ARCA biopharma, Inc. The combined company will operate under the name Oruka Therapeutics, Inc., and its shares are expected to begin trading on the Nasdaq Global Market today, September 3, 2024, under the ticker symbol "ORKA". In addition, Oruka announced the appointment of Samarth Kulkarni, PhD, current Chairman and CEO of CRISPR Therapeutics, as Chairman of Oruka's Board of Directors.

Oruka Therapeutics, Inc.("Oruka")(NASDAQ:ORKA)是一家生物技術公司,開發設計用於治療慢性皮膚病的新型生物製品,包括斑塊型銀屑病。它今天宣佈與ARCA生物製藥公司完成了之前宣佈的合併。合併後的公司將以Oruka Therapeutics,Inc.的名義運營,並有望開始在納斯達克全球市場上進行交易,交易代碼爲"ORKA"。此外,Oruka宣佈任命CRISPR Therapeutics的現任董事長兼首席執行官Samarth Kulkarni,博士爲Oruka的董事會主席。

Concurrent with the merger, Oruka completed a previously announced $275 million private placement with a syndicate of new and existing investors including Fairmount, Venrock Healthcare Capital Partners, RTW Investments, Access Biotechnology, Commodore Capital, Deep Track Capital, Perceptive Advisors, Blackstone Multi-Asset Investing, Avidity Partners, Great Point Partners LLC, Paradigm BioCapital, Braidwell LP and Redmile Group, along with multiple large investment management firms. Following the merger, private placement, and reverse stock split, there are approximately 46.3 million shares of the combined company's common stock and common stock equivalents outstanding, including shares of common stock underlying pre-funded warrants and Series B non-voting convertible preferred stock, and excluding employee and director equity.

與合併同時,Oruka完成了之前宣佈的2.75億美元定向增發的私募股權融資,交易方包括Fairmount、Venrock Healthcare Capital Partners、RTW Investments、Access Biotechnology、Commodore Capital、Deep Track Capital、Perceptive Advisors、Blackstone Multi-Asset Investing、Avidity Partners、Great Point Partners LLC、Paradigm BioCapital、Braidwell LP和Redmile Group,以及數家大型投資管理公司。合併、私募股權融資和股票逆向拆分完成後,合併公司的普通股和普通股等價物的流通股總數約爲4630萬股,包括普通股基礎上已發行的預融資權證和B系列非表決可轉換優先股,不包括員工和董事的股權。

