
Fortis Solutions Group Announces Carlos Tapias as CEO

Fortis Solutions Group Announces Carlos Tapias as CEO

Fortis解決方案集團宣佈Carlos Tapias爲首席執行官
PR Newswire ·  09/03 19:00

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Fortis Solutions Group LLC ("Fortis"), a leading provider of high impact printed packaging solutions and a portfolio company of funds managed by Harvest Partners, LP, today announced the appointment of Carlos Tapias as its next Chief Executive Officer.

2024年9月3日,弗吉尼亞海灘/新聞稿--Fortis Solutions Group LLC(以下簡稱"Fortis")是一家領先的高影響力印刷包裝解決方案提供商,由Harvest Partners LP管理的基金組合公司。Fortis今天宣佈任命Carlos Tapias爲其下一任首席執行官。

Mr. Tapias is a highly regarded packaging executive who has more than 20 years of experience with both US and international companies. Previously the Vice President and General Manager of Tekniplex's North America Fresh Food business, Mr. Tapias spearheaded the integration of Grupo Phoenix, acquired in 2021, where he had served as CEO of its US operations. He began his career at Grupo Phoenix as a Sales Manager in 2001 and rose to become CEO of its Latin America operations. Mr. Tapias has a Bachelor of Science in engineering from the Colombia Naval Academy, a Bachelor of Science in industrial engineering from the University of Miami and an Executive Business Administration degree from the Universidad De La Sabana in Colombia.

Tapias先生是一位備受推崇的包裝業高管,擁有超過20年與美國和國際企業的經驗。此前,他擔任Tekniplex北美新鮮食品業務的副總裁兼總經理,同時還領導了2021年收購的Grupo Phoenix的整合工作。在Grupo Phoenix,Tapias先生曾擔任其美國業務的首席執行官。他於2001年在Grupo Phoenix開始擔任銷售經理,並逐漸晉升爲其拉丁美洲業務的首席執行官。Tapias先生擁有哥倫比亞海軍學院的工程學士學位,邁阿密大學的工業工程學士學位以及哥倫比亞Universidad De La Sabana的商業行政碩士學位。

After fourteen years as CEO of Fortis, John O. Wynne, Jr. will become Chairman of the Board of Directors as part of the planned transition and continue to lead the company's merger and acquisition activities. "I am very appreciative of the wonderful team at Fortis," said Mr. Wynne. "I never envisioned that we would grow from a single site with a single product line to a leading North American provider of packaging solutions. I would also like to thank Harvest Partners for their support with this transition during their investment. Carlos is an outstanding leader who will take Fortis to even greater heights, and I look forward to supporting the entire Fortis team in my new role."

在擔任Fortis首席執行官長達14年之後,John O. Wynne, Jr.將成爲董事會主席,繼續領導公司的合併和收購活動。溫恩先生表示:「對Fortis團隊感到非常感激。我從未想到我們會從一個只有一個產品線的單一站點發展成爲領先的北美包裝解決方案提供商。我還要感謝Harvest Partners在此次投資過程中對此次過渡的支持。Carlos是一位傑出的領導者,他將把Fortis帶上更高的峯頂,我期待在新的角色中繼續支持整個Fortis團隊。」

Mr. Tapias said, "I am honored and excited to join the Fortis team. This transition represents a pivotal moment for the company as we strive to deliver exceptional value to our customers and stakeholders, and to build the next chapter of our story together."


Jim Mitchel, Partner at Harvest Partners commented, "We are thrilled to welcome Carlos to the Fortis team. His extensive experience and proven track record as a sales and operations leader in the packaging industry gives us great confidence in his ability to lead Fortis into the future."

Harvest Partners的合夥人Jim Mitchel評論道:「我們非常高興歡迎Carlos加入Fortis團隊。他在包裝行業的銷售和運營領導方面的豐富經驗和業績記錄使我們對他領導Fortis進入未來的能力充滿信心。」

Fortis currently has over 1,300 employees across twenty manufacturing sites in the US and Canada.


For more information, or to contact a sales representative to learn more about how Fortis can make a difference for you, please call 1-844-FSG-LBLS or visit .


About Fortis Solutions Group
At Fortis Solutions Group, we provide a differentiated approach giving our customers a powerful advantage in the marketplace through industry leading lead times, quality control, color management and solutions-oriented approaches. We deliver a breadth of product offerings utilizing our outstanding flexographic, letterpress, offset and digital printing capabilities. These offerings include pressure sensitive and shrink sleeve labels, multi-ply coupon and flexible packaging printing, extended booklet printing, pouches, folding cartons, label applicators and variable data printing. Headquartered in Virginia Beach, VA, the company also has manufacturing and sales offices in Catoosa, OK, Cordova, TN, Decatur, AL, Ellington, CT, Flowery Branch, GA, High Point, NC, Lewisville, TX, Marietta, GA, Merced, CA, Montgomery, IL, Napa, CA, Norfolk, VA, Novi, MI, Orem, UT, Paso Robles, CA, Santa Fe Springs, CA, Somersworth, NH, St-Hubert, Quebec, Canada, and West Chester, OH.

關於Fortis Solutions Group
在Fortis Solutions Group,我們採用差異化的方法,爲我們的客戶在市場上提供強大的優勢,通過行業領先的交貨時間、質量控制、色彩管理和解決方案取向的方法。我們提供廣泛的產品選擇,利用我們出色的柔版印刷、凸版印刷、膠印和數碼印刷能力。這些產品包括壓敏和熱縮套標籤、多層優惠券和柔性包裝印刷、延長型說明書印刷、袋子、折盒、標籤應用器和變量數據印刷。公司總部位於弗吉尼亞比奇,還在俄克拉荷馬州卡圖薩、田納西州科多瓦、阿拉巴馬州迪凱特、康涅狄格州埃林頓、佐治亞州弗勞里布蘭奇、北卡羅來納州海波因特、德克薩斯州劉易斯維爾、佐治亞州馬裏埃塔、加利福尼亞州默塞德、伊利諾伊州蒙哥馬利、加利福尼亞州納帕、弗吉尼亞州諾福克、密歇根州諾維、猶他州奧勒姆、加利福尼亞州帕索羅布萊斯、加利福尼亞州聖塔費、新罕布什爾州薩默斯沃思、聖休貝爾特,魁北克,加拿大以及俄亥俄州西切斯特等地設有製造和銷售辦事處。

About Harvest Partners
Founded in 1981, Harvest Partners, LP is an established private equity investment firm with over 40 years of experience investing in middle-market companies and partnering with high-quality management teams to acquire and build growing businesses. For more information, please visit .

關於Harvest Partners
成立於1981年,Harvest Partners,LP是一家成立時間超過40年的私募股權投資公司,專注於投資中等規模公司,並與高素質管理團隊合作,收購和發展增長型企業。要了解更多信息,請訪問。 .



Lambert by LLYC:
Lisa Baker, (603) 868-1967, [email protected]
Joanne Lessner, (212) 222-7436, [email protected]

Lambert by LLYC:
Lisa Baker, (603) 868-1967, [email protected]
Joanne Lessner, (212) 222-7436, [email protected]

SOURCE Fortis Solutions Group LLC

SOURCE Fortis Solutions Group LLC

