
Saving Malaysia's Ulu Muda Forest

Saving Malaysia's Ulu Muda Forest

Business Today ·  09/03 14:45

SIG has partnered with WWF Switzerland and WWF Malaysia to launch a three-and-a-half-year project aimed at improving the management of over 170,000 hectares in Malaysia's Ulu Muda Forest Complex.


The initiative, part of WWF's Forests Forward program, also includes a pilot restoration of 25 hectares within the forest.


Angela Lu, President & General Manager Asia-Pacific at SIG, highlighted the importance of this collaboration: "With this second project, we will create tangible improvements in forest management and forest restoration in Ulu Muda while continuing to inspire others to support thriving forests."

SIG亞太區總裁兼總經理Angela Lu強調了這一合作的重要性:「通過這第二項目,我們將在烏魯穆達森林綜合地域板塊創造實質性的森林管理和恢復改進,同時繼續激勵他人支持森林的繁榮。」

The Ulu Muda Forest Complex, located in the state of Kedah in northwestern Peninsular Malaysia, is one of the last remaining large intact lowland forests in the country. It serves as a critical biodiversity hotspot and is home to a large population of endangered Asian elephants.

烏魯穆達森林綜合地域板塊位於馬來西亞半島西北部的吉打州,是該國最後一片大型未受破壞的低地森林之一。 它是重要的生物多樣性熱點,並且是瀕臨滅絕的亞洲象的棲息地。

The forest is also the region's most important water catchment, supporting significant domestic, industrial, and agricultural water needs. Over 4,900 local villagers depend on the forest for their livelihoods.

這片森林也是該地區最重要的水源地,支持着重要的家庭、工業和農業用水需求。 逾4,900名當地村民依賴這片森林謀生。

Jason Hon, Associate Director, Peninsular Malaysia & Sustainable Markets, WWF-Malaysia, emphasized the broader impact of the project: "Investment in Ulu Muda Forest Complex – a biodiversity hotspot – can help improve climate resilience and the management of forests, enhance water and food security, and strengthen our community empowerment initiatives.

WWF馬來西亞半島馬來西亞總監暨可持續市場業務總監Jason Hon強調了該項目的更廣泛影響:“對烏魯穆達森林綜合地域板塊的投資可以幫助提高氣候適應性和森林管理,增強水源和糧食安全,並加強我們的社區自治計劃。

WWF-Malaysia welcomes greater investment and continued collective actions for the conservation of this landscape. Together, we can safeguard this invaluable natural resource for both present and future generations."

WWF馬來西亞歡迎對該地區的保護進行更大的投資和持續的集體行動。 我們一起可以保護這一寶貴的自然資源,造福現今和未來的世代。”

SIG's partnership with WWF Switzerland began in October 2022, focusing on supporting resilient forest ecosystems worldwide.


The first project under this partnership, launched in late 2022, targeted the protection and restoration of the Central Pacific Landscape in Mexico, a critical habitat for jaguars.


The new project in Ulu Muda will build on this success by strengthening the forest's ability to provide vital ecosystem services for northern Peninsular Malaysia, including ensuring water security and supporting economic and food security.


