

CITIC Securities: Hong Kong stock market is expected to welcome a monthly level of valuation recovery trend.

中信證券研究 ·  Sep 3 08:23

Source: CITIC Securities
Authors: Xu Guanghong, Wang Yihan

The recent market has been paying close attention to the impact of the US economic recession and interest rate cuts. We compared the 8 economic indicators used by NBER to measure economic recessions. Based on the current situation and the early signs of bottoming out in some indicators, it is still too early to worry about an economic recession. If a rate cut cycle begins in September, it is expected to quickly lead to the recovery of major economic indicators. Historically, the average duration of recovery after preventive rate cuts is about 1-2 quarters. Therefore, the impact of external economic recession concerns on the Hong Kong stock market is limited. As the rate cut approaches, the narrowing of the interest rate differential between China and the United States, the strengthening of the RMB exchange rate, or the temporary inflow of foreign capital into the Hong Kong stock market may follow. Although the behavior of funds and market trends need to be analyzed in conjunction with multiple factors such as the current domestic fundamentals, policy expectations, and geopolitical risk changes, considering the recent re-emergence of bottom characteristics in the Hong Kong stock market, the temporary alleviation of external risk concerns, and the gradual emergence of domestic policy expectations, we believe that the Hong Kong stock market is likely to welcome a monthly-level valuation recovery trend, and the short-term internet, consumer, and financial industries with significant value-for-money ratios are expected to benefit.

The concern about the US economic recession is premature.

After the release of the US employment data in July, the market expressed concerns about the US economic recession due to the triggering of the critical point of the 'Samuelson rule'. However, the increase in labor supply in recent years has also led to an increase in the unemployment rate, so the Samuelson rule indicator may be ineffective. Furthermore, we further measure the US economic situation by observing the 8 economic indicators used by NBER to define economic recessions. The current situation of each indicator is much better than the average low point during historical recessions (with unemployment rate as the high point). In particular, some indicators have recently shown signs of bottoming out, such as the real GDP growth rate reaching 3.1% in the second quarter, an increase of 2.5 percentage points compared to the end of 2022; the growth rates of real personal consumption expenditure and wholesale and retail sales also increased by 1.7/5.6 percentage points, highlighting that concerns about the US economic recession are premature. In addition, the current US disinflation process is generally smooth, and if a rate cut cycle begins in September, it is expected to lead to a smooth economic recovery and increase the probability of a 'soft landing'.

The transmission path of the US economic recession to the trend of the Hong Kong stock market.

However, considering that the current US economy is still experiencing a mild downturn, concerns about further economic downturn may still periodically affect market sentiment. There are two transmission paths through which the US economic recession affects the performance of the Hong Kong stock market: 1) Directly affecting the economic fundamentals of China through suppressing exports, and suppressing the profitability level of the Hong Kong stock market. However, this path often takes a longer time to manifest; 2) Before the impact on the fundamentals occurs, external risks often first affect investor sentiment and market valuation. When comparing the trend of the Hong Kong stock market during historical US recessions, in the majority of cases, the Hang Seng Index has already started to show a significant decline about a month before the recession began. During deep recessions, the Hang Seng Index has experienced a longer duration of decline, ranging from six months to one year, and has started to rebound about 3-4 months before the end of the recession. During shallow recessions, the Hang Seng Index has experienced a decline for about 1-2 months, followed by a renewed upward trend. Looking at different sectors, during the middle period before the recession, defensive sectors in the Hong Kong stock market such as utilities and essential consumer goods experienced relatively small declines; while in the later period of the recession, growth and cyclical sectors benefiting from economic recovery expectations and loose liquidity, such as information technology, finance, and real estate, have shown higher increases.

The interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve may lead to an increase in incremental capital flows into the Hong Kong stock market.

Among the nine interest rate reduction cycles since 1980, the duration of four relief-style interest rate reductions is relatively longer (averaging 28 months), and the interest rate reduction amplitude is relatively higher (averaging 577 basis points); while the duration of five preventive interest rate reductions (about one quarter) and the interest rate reduction amplitude (averaging 77 basis points) are relatively lower. Historically, it takes an average of about 1-2 quarters for the first interest rate reduction to be transmitted to major economic indicators in the United States and for the indicators to stabilize and rebound, further providing support to the resilience of the U.S. economy. From the perspective of the transmission path of interest rate reductions on the Hong Kong stock market, since the Hong Kong stock market is dominated by foreign capital, loose monetary policies in foreign markets will drive the narrowing of interest rate differentials between China and the United States and the strengthening of the RMB exchange rate, thereby attracting foreign capital inflows into the Hong Kong stock market. However, from a retrospective analysis, foreign capital did not show a trend of flowing into the Chinese market before and after interest rate reductions, and the Hong Kong stock market did not necessarily rise. It also needs to be analyzed in conjunction with multiple factors such as the current domestic fundamentals, policy environment, and changes in geopolitical risks. However, combining the performance of the Hang Seng Index in the month before and after the preventive interest rate reductions, it showed a significant upward trend; coupled with the fact that the current valuations of Hong Kong stocks have once again fallen to a position with great cost-performance ratio, we believe that the Hong Kong stock market may experience a phase of increased allocation of funds before and after actual interest rate reductions. In terms of sectors, growth sectors such as medical care and consumer goods, as well as cyclical sectors such as energy and materials and finance and real estate, often perform well in the month before and after interest rate reductions.

The characteristics of the bottom of the Hong Kong stock market are highlighted, and it will usher in a monthly-level valuation recovery.

From May 20th to August 6th, the Hong Kong stock market experienced another round of volatility and decline due to external disturbances and internal economic growth pressures. However, when considering multiple indicators, the Hong Kong stock market has once again shown clear bottom characteristics. For example, the rapid decline in trading volume and valuation; the significant increase in short-selling ratios, AH premiums, and dividend yields all reflect that investor sentiment in the Hong Kong stock market has returned to historical lows. At the same time, we have also observed that foreign investor sentiment has changed marginally in recent years. Since mid-August, foreign capital has once again turned to flow into the Hong Kong stock market. From August 16th to August 23rd, our calculations showed that the net inflows of Hong Kong Stock Connect, foreign intermediaries, and domestic intermediaries were approximately 6/3.1/-3.8 billion Hong Kong dollars respectively. In the process of the recent easing of foreign investor sentiment, there has been an increased allocation to sectors with cyclical characteristics and high dividend features, such as banks and insurance, as well as undervalued sectors such as pharmaceuticals and internet services. We believe that as external disturbances ease in stages and the expectation of interest rate reductions also boosts market sentiment, coupled with the fact that the current valuation of Hong Kong stocks is close to the bottom, we believe that the Hong Kong stock market is expected to usher in a monthly-level valuation recovery trend, and the internet, consumer, and financial sectors with significant valuation cost-performance ratio may benefit in the short term.

Risk factors:

1) The domestic policy or economic recovery is lower than expected; 2) Overseas central bank monetary easing is lower than expected; 3) Further deterioration of China-US relations; 4) Escalation of geopolitical conflicts.


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