
Analysts Call For MAHB Investors To Accept Buyout 18% Premium Offer

Analysts Call For MAHB Investors To Accept Buyout 18% Premium Offer

Business Today ·  09/02 21:57

Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB) reported a core profit after tax (PAT) of RM195.6 million for the second quarter of FY24, in line with expectations and accounting for 49% of the annual forecast. The company achieved a total core PAT of RM368.7 million for the first half of FY24, reflecting a substantial year-on-year increase of 78.2%. Revenue rose by 11.9% compared to the previous year, primarily driven by a notable recovery in passenger traffic, which reached 97% of pre-pandemic levels during the quarter.


In the second quarter of FY24, Malaysia's passenger traffic was at 90% of pre-pandemic figures, while Istanbul Airport (ISG) experienced a full recovery with 119%. MAHB's operational occupancy rate improved to 83% in the first half of FY24, up from 63% in the previous year. The company's commercial and retail strategies, including enhancements to Eraman's duty-free offerings, have contributed to higher average spending per ticket, which increased to RM338 from RM233 in FY19.

在24財年第二季度,馬來西亞的客運量爲疫情前數字的90%,而伊斯坦布爾機場(ISG)的客運量全面復甦,爲119%。MAHB的運營入住率從去年的63%提高到24財年上半年的83%。該公司的商業和零售戰略,包括增強Eraman的免稅服務,推動了每張門票的平均支出增加,從2019財年的 RM233 增加到 RM338。

Despite these positive developments, the outlook for Malaysia's passenger traffic recovery has been extended to FY25. The adjustment in recovery projections for FY24F and FY25F reflects a revised growth expectation of 94% recovery and 4% growth, respectively, due to ongoing challenges in the local airline industry. The Turkish operations, however, have shown strong performance, leading to an upgraded FY24F growth forecast of 26% compared to 2019 levels.

儘管取得了這些積極進展,但馬來西亞客運量恢復的前景已延長至25財年。由於當地航空業的持續挑戰,FY24F 和 FY25F 復甦預測的調整反映了修訂後的增長預期,即分別爲94%的復甦和4%的增長。但是,土耳其的業務表現強勁,與2019年的水平相比,FY24F 的增長預測上調了26%。

Analysts at MIDF are currently recommending investors to accept the buyout offer of RM11.00 per share. This offer represents an 18% premium over the revised fair value of RM9.32, which reflects a downward revision in earnings estimates by -5.3% for FY24F, -2.2% for FY25F, and -2.2% for FY26F. With MAHB's performance meeting expectations and the substantial premium offered, the recommendation is to accept the buyout offer.

MIDF的分析師目前建議投資者接受每股11.00令吉的收購要約。該報價比修訂後的9.32令吉的公允價值高出18%,這反映了FY24F 的收益預期下調了-5.3%,FY25F 的收益估計下調了-2.2%,FY26F 的收益估計下調了-2.2%。鑑於MAHB的業績符合預期,並且提供了可觀的溢價,因此建議接受收購要約。

