



China Life reported strong 1H results with NBV +18.6% YoY on a like-for-like basis to RMB32.3bn, and EV back to double-digit growth by 11.4% to RMB 1.4tn from year start. Investment income soared 1.4x YoY to RMB56.7bn after the insurer fully adopted IFRS 9 for both A/H share reporting, driving the pre-tax profit to rise 27.6% YoY to RMB 47.9bn in 1H24, equivalent to 109.3% YoY surge in 2Q24 (CMBI est). We see outstanding margin expansion in bancasssurance, of which the NBV margin +13.4pct like-for-like to >17% as we estimate. Total investment assets reached an all-time high to RMB 6.1tn with incremental FVOCI stocks amounted to RMB34.1bn, jumping 1.31x from year start, which evidenced the insurer's strategy on high-yield stocks to anchor a long-run stable investment return, in our view. Looking ahead, we expect optimized product and channel mix would support reductions on cost of liability in an orderly manner, to ride on tailwinds of a new round of PIR cuts since this Sep; and investment income to rebound in 2H24 on a low comparative last year. Maintain BUY with 12M-forward TP revised to HK$15.5 implying 0.3x FY24E P/EV.

中國人壽公佈了強勁的上半年業績,按照同期計算,新業務價值(NBV)同比增長18.6%至人民幣32.3億,並且資產價值( EV)回到了雙位數增長,同比增長11.4%至人民幣1.4萬億。從年初開始,投資收益猛增至人民幣567億,由於保險公司完全採納了國際財務報告準則9號(IFRS 9),使得稅前利潤在2024年上半年同比增長27.6%,達到了人民幣479億,相當於2024年第二季度同比激增了109.3% (招商證券估計)。我們發現銀行保險的邊際擴張非常出色,其中我們估計NBV邊際按照同期計算增長了13.4個百分點,達到了超過17%的水平。總的投資資產達到創紀錄的人民幣6.1萬億,計算增值後的金融工具( FVOCI)股票額外增加了人民幣341億,從年初增長了1.31倍,這證明了保險公司對高收益股票的策略,以確保長期穩定的投資回報。展望未來,我們預計優化產品和渠道組合將有助於有序地降低負債成本,從而乘風破浪迎接自九月以來的新一輪P期切割;並且預計投資收益將在2024年下半年出現低基數的反彈。維持買入評級,目標價調高至155港元,暗示2024年預期淨資產價值盈利的0.3倍。

Evident margin expansion to underpin NBV beat. The insurer reported strong

明顯的邊際擴張支撐了NBV的超預期。保險公司公佈了強勁的NBV同比增長18.4%達到人民幣32.3億,2024年上半年反映了長期投資回報預期調整至4.5%的精算變化後,超出了市場一致預期。我們看到在代理和銀行保險NBV邊際有明顯的改善,同比分別增長了5.4個百分點和13.4個百分點,分別達到了30.6%和超過17% (招商證券估計),儘管保費增長有所放緩。10年以上的常規首年付費(FYRP)保持穩健增長,同比增長9.4%至人民幣426億,在2024年上半年佔到了總FYRP的43.8%,主要來自代理渠道(99.95%)。我們認爲銀行業務的NBV邊際增加是由以下原因導致的,即1)單次付費保費同比大幅下降了78.2%,達到人民幣41億,表明了保險公司對低毛利業務的積極管理;2)在佣金上實施的監管限制下有效地控制了費用;3)調整長期投資回報預期至4.5%的精算變更的重述效果。展望九月,我們預計產品組合將多樣化,具有更高比例的分紅型產品,以應對從9月1日起的擔保定價利率降至2.5%。管理層在電話會議中提到,根據資產權益參與保險(VFA)計量的參與型保單佔總準備金的40%左右;並且考慮到以浮動利率爲基礎計量負債成本的特性,管理層預計在2024年9月後,分紅型保單在FYRP方面的份額將大幅增加。迄今爲止,擔保保單的平均負債成本已控制在約3%左右,幾乎沒有價差損失風險,管理層指引預計在接下來的2-3年內將看到逐步下降的趨勢。

NBV growth by 18.4% YoY to RMB32.3bn in 1H24 after reflecting the actuarial change in long-run investment return assumption to 4.5% by end-2023, beating market consensus. We see evident improvement on agency and bancassurance NBV margin by +5.4pct/+13.4pct YoY to 30.6%/>17% (CMBI est) despite softer premium growth. 10yr+ regular-paid first-year premium (FYRP) remained strong, rising 9.4% YoY to RMB42.6bn which comprised 43.8% of total FYRP in 1H24, mainly derived from the agency channel (99.95%). We regard banca NBV margin increase as a result of 1) shrunk single-paid premiums by -78.2% YoY to RMB 4.1bn, indicative of the insurer's proactive mgt. on low-margin biz; 2) effective expense control under regulatory limit imposed on commissions; and 3) restated effect of actuarial change on the long-run investment return assumption to 4.5%. Heading to Sep, we expect product mix to diversify with higher proportions of par, in face of the guaranteed pricing interest rate cut to 2.5% staring from 1 Sep. Mgt. mentioned in call that participating policies measured under VFA accounted for circa.40% of total reserves; and given a nature of measuring their cost of liability based on floating interest rate, mgt. supposed the share of par policies in terms of FYP would substantially increase after Sep 2024. By far, the average cost of liability for guaranteed policies has been controlled at ~3% with minimal spread loss risk, for which mgt. guided to see a progressive downtrend in next 2-3 years.

2024年上半年,NBV同比增長了18.4%達到了人民幣32.3億元,反映了精算假設調整至2023年底的長期投資回報預期爲4.5%,超出了市場共識。儘管保費增長較爲平緩,我們看到代理和銀行保險NBV邊際有明顯的改善,同比分別增長了5.4個百分點和13.4個百分點,分別達到了30.6%和超過17% (招商證券估計)。10年以上的常規首年付費(FYRP)保持穩健增長,同比增長了9.4%至人民幣426億元,佔2024年上半年總FYRP的43.8%,主要來源於代理渠道(99.95%)。我們認爲銀行業務的NBV邊際增加是由以下原因導致的,即1)單次付費保費同比大幅下降了78.2%,達到人民幣41億,表明了保險公司對低毛利業務的積極管理;2)在佣金上實施的監管限制下有效地控制了費用;3)調整長期投資回報預期至4.5%的精算變更的重述效果。展望九月,我們預計產品組合將多樣化,具有更高比例的分紅型產品,以應對自9月1日起的擔保定價利率降至2.5%。電話會議中,管理層提到參與型保單大約佔總準備金的40%;並且考慮到以浮動利率計算負債成本的特性,管理層認爲在2024年9月之後,分紅型保單在FYRP方面的份額將大幅增加。至今爲止,保證型保單的平均負債成本已經受控在3%左右,並且幾乎沒有價差損失風險。管理層引導稱,他們預計在未來2-3年將看到逐步下降的趨勢。

FVOCI stocks markedly increased to boost income. Despite low interest rate and fluctuated equity market returns, the insurer achieved better-than-expected investment income by +1.4x YoY to RMB56.7bn, boosting pre-tax profit by 27.6% YoY to RMB47.9bn in 1H24. We attribute this uptrend to 1) 46.1% YoY increase in dividend from FVOCI stocks; 2) 2.27x YoY surge in realized gains on FVOCI debt instruments; and 3) 2.81x YoY jump in fair value change of FVTPL assets. For insurance funds, net/total investment yield was 3.33%/3.59%, -0.28/+0.26pct YoY and mgt. guided that comprehensive investment yield reached >5% in 1H24, leading to a positive investment variance in EV by RMB6.7bn, the first time after 1H21. Total investment assets amounted to RMB6.1tn, up 12.5% from year start, with increased bonds and equity funds by 19.2%/32.2% while reduced cash by 33.2%. In 1H24, more than RMB400bn was invested in ultra-long term special treasury bonds and high-grade credit bonds, equivalent to 11.5% of total bond investments, indicative of the insurer's address on asset-liability duration match. Stocks in FVOCI +1.31x from year start to RMB34.1bn, making up 21.4% of total FVOCI equities or 7.7% of total stocks. Looking ahead, we expect the share of high-dividend stocks in FVOCI would continue to grow, given a long-run pursuit of achieving stable investment outcome amid prolonged low interest rate cycles, to support investment income to rebound in 2H24, against a low base last year.


Valuation: The stock is trading at FY24E 0.2x P/EV and 0.6x P/B. We believe the resilient 1H results could underpin a stock re-rating combined with the newly announced interim dividends at RMB0.2/share, implying a payout of 14.8%. Maintain BUY. We revised up our 12M-forward TP to HK$15.5 (prev. HK$13.7) based on P/EV vs ROEV approach to reflect better underwriting and investment outcomes that jointly lifted EV. Key assumptions remain consistent as 1) 3.0% risk-free rate; 2) 5.5% market risk premium; 3) COE calc. based on CAPM at 9.80%; 4) 3% terminal growth; and 5) 40% consolidated Group discount (Table). We rolled forward EV sensitivity results from FY23 to 1H24, assuming a stress situation that long-term investment return may further drop by 150bps to 3.0%, implying -1.46% change to Group EV, better than previous -1.53% test results. New TP implies 0.3x FY24E P/EV and 0.8x FY24E P/B.

估值:該股票的FY24E市淨率爲0.2倍,市淨率爲0.6倍。我們認爲彈性的上半年業績可以支撐股票的再評級,加上新宣佈的每股0.2元人民幣的中期股息,意味着派息率爲14.8%。維持買入評級。根據基於P/EV vs ROEV方法的評估,我們將我們的1200萬港元前推目標價上調到15.5港元(之前爲13.7港元),以反映承保和投資結果的改善,這兩者共同提高了資本價值。關鍵假設保持一致:1)3.0%無風險利率;2)5.5%市場風險溢價;3)基於CAPM的COE計算爲9.80%;4)3%終端增長;5)40%的綜合集團折扣(表格)。我們將EV的敏感性結果從FY23延續到1H24,假設長期投資回報率可能進一步下降150個點子至3.0%的壓力情況,集團EV的變化爲-1.46%,好於之前的-1.53%測試結果。新的目標價格意味着0.3倍FY24E市淨率和0.8倍FY24E市淨率。

