
Bedford Metals Advances Exploration Plans at Ubiquity Lake Amid Global AI Boom and Associated Energy Demand

Bedford Metals Advances Exploration Plans at Ubiquity Lake Amid Global AI Boom and Associated Energy Demand

Bedford Metals在全球人工智能熱潮和相關能源需求增長的背景下,推進了Ubiquity Lake的勘探計劃。
GlobeNewswire ·  09/02 14:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bedford Metals Corp. (TSX-V: BFM, FWB: O8D, ISIN: CA0762301012) (the "Company" or "Bedford") is pleased to announce it has engaged Grander Exploration to assist in the planning of a fall exploration program at the Ubiquity Lake Uranium project. The Company believes its strategic focus on uranium exploration and development is exceptionally well-timed, as nuclear power is poised to play a crucial role in greening the global power grid and meeting the substantial energy demands of rapidly advancing AI technologies.

溫哥華,卑詩省,2024年9月2日(環球新聞)-- Bedford金屬公司。 (TSX-V: BFm, FWB: O8D, ISIN: CA0762301012)("公司"或"Bedford")很高興地宣佈已聘請Grander Exploration協助籌劃Ubiquity Lake鈾項目的秋季勘探計劃。公司認爲其對鈾勘探和開發的戰略重點具有異常時機意義,因爲核電有望在綠化全球電網和滿足快速發展的人工智能技術的巨大能源需求方面發揮至關重要的作用。

Recognizing the timeliness, Bedford is advancing its next exploration plans at Ubiquity Lake. The Company is preparing for another exploration program in the coming weeks, with final details to be determined once the assay results from the recent sampling are received. This upcoming program aims to further explore and define the potential of the Ubiquity Lake project.

認識到時機的重要性, Bedford 正在推進Ubiquity Lake的下一步勘探計劃。公司正準備在未來幾周開展另一項勘探計劃,具體細節將在最近採樣結果出來後確定。這項即將來臨的計劃旨在進一步探索和定義Ubiquity Lake項目的潛力。

A recent article by The New York Times on August 23, 2024, by Delger Erdenesanaa, highlighted the immense electricity consumption projected for AI in the coming years. The article notes, "OpenAI's ChatGPT exploded onto the scene nearly a year ago, reaching an estimated 100 million users in two months and setting off an A.I. boom. Behind the scenes, the technology relies on thousands of specialized computer chips. And in the coming years, they could consume immense amounts of electricity." The analysis estimated that by 2027, new AI servers could require between 85 to 134 terawatt hours (TWh) annually, comparable to the yearly electricity use of countries like Argentina or Sweden.

紐約時報2024年8月23日的一篇文章,作者是Delger Erdenesanaa,強調了未來幾年人工智能的巨大用電量。文章指出:「OpenAI的ChatGPt在將近一年前突然出現,兩個月內就達到了大約一億用戶,引發了人工智能熱潮。在幕後,這項技術依賴於數千個專用計算機芯片。未來幾年,它們可能會消耗極大的電力。」分析估計,在2027年,新的人工智能服務器每年可能需要85至134太瓦時(TWh)電力,相當於阿根廷或瑞典等國家的年用電量。

As AI continues to integrate into daily life, the energy needed to power AI systems will become a significant factor in global electricity consumption. The article underscores that the source of this electricity—whether fossil fuels or renewable resources—will considerably impact global carbon emissions. Nuclear power, known for its reliability and low carbon footprint, is increasingly seen as a vital energy source that could support the growing demands of AI while contributing to the global transition to sustainable energy.


Peter Born, President of Bedford, commented, "The explosion of AI and its associated energy demands further validate the growing need for reliable, low-carbon energy sources like nuclear power. Our focus on uranium exploration and development is not only timely but critical. As the world turns to nuclear power to meet both green energy goals and the rising electricity needs of AI technologies, we are strategically positioned to capitalize on these trends. The initial results from our recent exploration program at Ubiquity Lake have been promising, therefore we are commencing plans for a fall work program there."

Peter Born,Bedford的總裁說:“我們很高興邁出發展Ubiquity Lake鈾礦項目的下一步。勘探許可證的申請是我們的團隊經過精心規劃和勤勉工作的集大成之作。我們相信,該勘探計劃的時機與人們對鈾需求的不斷增加及全球對可持續能源解決方案的關注完美契合。Bedford「AI的爆發及其對能源的需求進一步驗證了像核電這樣可靠、低碳的能源來源的不斷增長需求。我們對鈾的勘探和開發的關注不僅及時,而且至關重要。隨着世界轉向核電以滿足綠色能源目標和人工智能技術對日益增長的電力需求,我們在戰略上具備了利用這些趨勢的位置。我們最近在Ubiquity湖進行的勘探計劃初步結果令人鼓舞,因此我們將開始在那裏進行秋季工作計劃。」

Bedford remains committed to advancing our exploration and development projects in the Athabasca Basin, a region known for its high-grade uranium deposits. The recent developments in the energy market only strengthen our resolve to continue exploring these projects.

Bedford corp致力於推進我們在Athabasca塊的勘探和開發項目。該地區以高品位鈾礦牀而聞名。能源市場的最新發展只會增強我們繼續探索這些項目的決心。

Bedford conducts all exploration activities with a focus on environmental stewardship and in close collaboration with local communities and stakeholders. The Company's goal is to develop our projects responsibly and sustainably, ensuring that our operations benefit the regions in which we operate.

Bedford corp與當地社區和利益相關者緊密合作,以環保管理爲重點進行所有勘探活動。公司的目標是負責任和可持續地開發我們的項目,確保我們的運營惠及所在地區。

Dr. Peter Born, P.Geo., is the designated qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and the President of the Company and is responsible for and has approved the technical information in this release.

Peter Born博士,P.Geo.,是根據43-101號國家規定的指定的合格人員,同時也是本公司的總裁,對本次發佈的技術信息負責並已批准。

About Bedford Metals Corp.

關於Bedford Metals Corp。

Bedford Metals Corp. is a mineral exploration company. We create value for our shareholders by identifying and developing highly prospective mineral exploration opportunities. Our strategy is to advance our projects from discovery to production.


The Close Lake Uranium Project lies on the eastern side of the Athabasca Basin, adjoining claims held by Cameco Corporation, the largest uranium producer in the world. The claim is approximately 245 hectares and lies within the primary exploration corridor, which hosts the Keys Lake Mine, the Cigar Lake Mine, and the McArthur River Mine. Access to the property is done through a network of roads and trails.

Close Lake Uranium Project位於Athabasca盆地的東部,靠近全球最大的鈾生產商Cameco Corporation持有的權利,該權利約爲245公頃,位於主要勘探走廊內,包括Keys Lake Mine,Cigar Lake Mine和McArthur River Mine。通過一系列道路和小徑可以進入該物業。

The Ubiquity Lake Uranium Project, covering 1382 hectares, lies just south of the bottom lip of the Athabasca Basin, adjacent to ALX Uranium's Carpenter Lake Project to the east. Situated near the Cable Bay Shear Zone, parallel to the Virgin River Shear Zone, which hosts Cameco's Centennial uranium deposit, the project holds immense potential. Furthermore, it is located 100 km west of Cameco's past-producing Key Lake uranium mine, underscoring the strategic significance of its location.

普遍湖鈾礦項目覆蓋面積爲1382公頃,位於Athabasca盆地的底部邊緣,在東部與ALX Uranium's Carpenter Lake項目毗鄰。該項目位於Cable Bay Shear帶附近,與Virgin River Shear帶平行,後者爲Cameco的Centennial鈾礦牀所在地。該項目有巨大的潛力,此外,它位於Cameco過去生產鈾的Key Lake鈾礦以西100公里,凸顯出其位置的戰略重要性。

The Sheppard Lake Uranium Project covers an area of approximately 2250 hectares and adjoins the Ubiquity Lake Project to the southeast. The project area is characterized by rocks of the Mudjatik domain, where uranium mineralization is typically basement-hosted, situated within shears or faults, and formed through hydrothermal redistributions of dissolved metals and subsequent redox reactions.

Sheppard Lake鈾項目佔地約2250公頃,位於Ubiquity Lake項目的東南側。 該項目 該地區的岩石屬於穆吉提克巖系,鈾礦化一般是底盤爲主體,位於斷層或剪切帶內,並通過熱液溶解金屬的重分配和隨後的氧化還原反應形成。

For further information, please contact the Company at or 604-622-1199 or visit the Company's website at .


On behalf of the Board,


Bedford Metals Corp.


"Peter Born"

「Peter Born」

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TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如該術語在TSX Venture Exchange規定中所定義的)不對本新聞稿的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

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Alex Zertuche

Alex Zertuche

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