
Boeing Starliner Speakers Make A 'Kind Of Pulsing Noise, Almost Like A Sonar Ping' — Strange Sound Reported By NASA Astronaut Baffles Houston

Boeing Starliner Speakers Make A 'Kind Of Pulsing Noise, Almost Like A Sonar Ping' — Strange Sound Reported By NASA Astronaut Baffles Houston

波音Starliner揚聲器發出一種'有點脈衝的噪音,幾乎像聲納脈衝' — NASA宇航員報告的奇怪聲音讓休斯頓感到困惑
Benzinga ·  13:07

On Saturday, NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore reported hearing strange sonar-like sounds from a speaker inside Boeing Co.'s (NYSE: BA) Starliner spacecraft.


What Happened: Wilmore reached out to Mission Control at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, expressing his uncertainty about the origin of the noise, reported ARS Technical.

據ARS Technical報道,威爾莫爾與休斯頓的約翰遜航天中心的任務控制中心聯繫,表達了他對噪音起源的不確定性。

He requested flight controllers to monitor the audio inside the spacecraft, which has been docked to the International Space Station for nearly three months.


Upon connecting to the Starliner's audio via "hardline," Mission Control confirmed the existence of a distinctive, pulsing noise, similar to a sonar ping.


"Alright Butch, that one came through," Mission Control radioed. "It was kind of like a pulsing noise, almost like a sonar ping."


"I'll do it one more time, and I'll let y'all scratch your heads and see if you can figure out what's going on," the astronaut replied, and then the sonar-like sound repeated itself.


#BREAKING: Boeing's Starliner crew are reporting hearing strange "sonar like noises" emanating from the spacecraft00#OuterSpace | #Earth 00Crews on the International Space Station are trying to identify the source of strange noises reported by Boeing's Starliner crew, who...

— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) September 1, 2024

#突發消息:波音的星際客艙機組報告稱聽到了來自飛船內的奇怪的「聲納類聲音」00#太空 | #地球 00國際空間站的機組正在努力確定波音星際客艙報告的奇怪噪音的來源,

2024年9月1日,R A W S A L E R t S(@rawsalerts)

The source of this peculiar sound is yet to be determined. The Starliner communicates with the space station through a radio frequency system and once docked, an umbilical hardline carries audio, the report noted.


Why It Matters: The Starliner is scheduled to undock from the International Space Station and return to Earth as early as Sept. 6. The spacecraft has been in space for nearly three months.


Sunita Williams and Wilmore launched into space on June 5 aboard Boeing's Starliner spacecraft. They were expected to return after about eight days. However, technical issues with the spacecraft during docking led to delays in their return.

桑尼塔·威廉姆斯(Sunita Williams)和威爾默(Wilmore)於6月5日乘坐波音的Starliner太空船進入太空。預計他們將在大約8天后返回。然而,在對接過程中,航天器出現了技術問題,導致他們返航的延遲。

As a result, NASA decided to cancel the plan to bring the astronauts back using the Boeing spacecraft altogether.


Last month, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk expressed optimism for Boeing Space under its new CEO, Kelly Ortberg, after NASA announced that the astronauts who went to space aboard Boeing's Starliner would return via a SpaceX vehicle.

上個月,SpaceX首席執行官埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)在NASA宣佈乘坐波音Starliner太空船前往太空的宇航員將通過SpaceX的飛船返回後,對波音航天公司在新任首席執行官凱利·奧特伯格(Kelly Ortberg)領導下持樂觀態度。

Image via NASA


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