
iPhone 16 Anticipation, Layoffs, Apple Intelligence's Impact, And More: This Week In Appleverse

iPhone 16 Anticipation, Layoffs, Apple Intelligence's Impact, And More: This Week In Appleverse

iPhone 16的期待,裁員,Apple Intelligence的影響等等:這周在蘋果世界的新聞
Benzinga ·  19:00

It's been a whirlwind week for Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), with news ranging from the highly anticipated iPhone 16 launch to unexpected layoffs. The tech giant is making headlines left, right, and center, and we've got all the juicy details for you.

對於蘋果公司(納斯達克:AAPL)而言,這是一個忙碌的一週,從備受期待的iPhone 16發佈到意外裁員,新聞層出不窮。這家科技巨頭成爲了媒體關注的焦點,我們爲您帶來了所有的精彩細節。

Apple Boosts iPhone 16 Orders

蘋果加大了對iPhone 16的訂購量

In anticipation of its AI-equipped iPhone 16 launch, Apple has reportedly increased its orders for the new iPhones by over 10%. The company has directed suppliers to prepare components for roughly 88 to 90 million new iPhones, a significant increase from last year's initial orders for the iPhone 15 series.

在預計推出配備人工智能的iPhone 16之際,據報道,蘋果已經將對新款iPhone的訂單增加了10%以上。該公司已經指示供應商爲大約8800萬至9000萬部新款iPhone準備各個元件,這較去年iPhone 15系列的首批訂單有了顯著增長。

Read the full article here.


Analyst Predicts iPhone 16's Impact on Apple Stock

分析師預測iPhone 16對蘋果股票的影響

Morgan Stanley analyst Erik Woodring has shared his insights on the upcoming iPhone 16 launch, stating that the new iPhone and Apple Intelligence could unlock pent-up demand. He also predicts an acceleration in the iPhone replacement cycle, which he believes is a "key factor" for Apple's stock performance.

摩根士丹利的分析師埃裏克·伍德林分享了他對即將到來的iPhone 16發佈的見解,他稱新的iPhone和蘋果的人工智能可能會釋放出被壓抑的需求。他還預測iPhone更換週期加速,他認爲這是蘋果股票表現的"關鍵因素"。

Read the full article here.


Apple's Glowtime Event

Apple has confirmed its annual iPhone launch event, named "Glowtime," scheduled for Sept. 9. The event is expected to showcase a variety of new products, including the much-anticipated iPhone 16 series.

蘋果已確認其年度iPhone發佈會,將於9月9日舉行。該活動預計將展示各種新產品,包括備受期待的iPhone 16系列。

Read the full article here.


Apple Cuts Jobs in Services Division


In an unexpected move, Apple has reportedly laid off about 100 employees from its services division. The layoffs primarily impacted teams responsible for the Apple Books app and Apple Bookstore.


Read the full article here.


Wedbush Analyst Foresees 'Historical Period' for Apple


As Apple gears up for its "Glowtime" event, Wedbush analyst Dan Ives predicts a "historical period" for the tech giant, sparked by the launch of the iPhone 16 series.

隨着蘋果準備迎接「Glowtime」活動,Wedbush分析師Dan Ives預測,iPhone 16系列的推出將開啓蘋果的一個「歷史性時期」。

Read the full article here.


  • Apple Intelligence Will Play 'Starring Role' In iPhone 16 Launch, Says Analyst
  • 據一位分析師表示,人工智能將在iPhone 16發佈中扮演「重要角色」。

Photo courtesy: Shutterstock


This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Rounak Jain

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Rounak Jain

