
稀镁科技(00601)发布中期业绩 股东应占亏损7959.3万港元 同比收窄29.71%

Remt (00601) announced its interim performance, with a net loss attributable to shareholders of HKD 79.593 million, a year-on-year narrowing of 29.71%.

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 30 22:45

Remt (00601) released its 2024 interim performance, with the group achieving revenue of 0.106 billion Hong Kong dollars during the period...

Zhixin Finance App news, Remt (00601) released its 2024 interim performance, with the group achieving revenue of 0.106 billion Hong Kong dollars, a 3.35% increase year-on-year; the company's attributable loss to owners narrowed to 79.593 million Hong Kong dollars, a 29.71% decrease year-on-year; basic loss per share of 13 Hong Kong cents.

The announcement stated that the total sales volume increased from 4745 tons in the same period of 2023 to 6236 tons during the period. The magnesium price in the market has been at a low level for 3 years, continuously challenging the cost line, putting pressure on profits, with weak demand; the overall atmosphere in the magnesium industry is gloomy, presenting a general trend of losses.

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