
Nicola Mining Provides Operations and Exploration Update

Nicola Mining Provides Operations and Exploration Update

Nicola Mining提供運營和勘探更新
newsfile ·  08/30 21:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 30, 2024) - Nicola Mining Inc. (TSXV: NIM) (OTCQB: HUSIF) (FSE: HLIA) (the "Company" or "Nicola") is pleased to provide updates on operations and exploration at its Merritt Mill, New Craigmont Copper Project and Treasure Mountain Mine.


Merritt Mill
The Company continues to produce gold concentrate with mill feed from Talisker Resources Ltd. (TSX: TSK) (OTCQX: TSKFF) ("Talisker"), as announced on April 9, 2024. Because Bralorne mill feed contains free gold, Nicola reinstalled a gravity separator circuit for production. Gold concentrate is currently being stockpiled and prepared for sale, initial sale is expected to occur in September.


Nicola's Merritt Mill is the only facility in the Province of British Columbia permitted to accept third party gold and silver mill feed from throughout the province.


New Craigmont Copper Project 2024 Exploration
The first phase of the 2024 drilling exploration program commenced at the never-drilled-before West Craigmont-WP Zone and has progressed with the drilling of four holes (the last of which is still in progress), totaling ~1,500m of the 5000m program. Zone targets were generated by using geophysical models and outcrop maps. Drill hole locations hope to establish a framework for the subsurface geology and reconcile the geophysical anomalies with geological features, with the goal of refining the targeting of a potential porphyry copper system in the region. Initial results are aiding in delineating the Nicola-Guichon contact and local structures. The observed alteration and mineralization are encouraging, aligning with the expectations for the periphery of a porphyry system. These findings will be further analyzed to vector for a potential nearby deposit. Notably altered fault blocks featuring quartz-sericite-pyrite ± chalcopyrite is of particular interest, supporting the need for additional drilling at this target.


Hole WP-24-001: Designed to test the largest IP chargeability anomaly in the area, detected by the 2024 IP survey. Significant pyrite mineralization, with trace chalcopyrite, was encountered between 59.6 and 108.0m. The mineralization is hosted within faulted Nicola volcanic rocks, which exhibit intense sericite-quartz alteration.
The photo displays pyrite mineralization with sericite-quartz alteration.


Hole WP-24-002 targeted a relatively shallow IP chargeability anomaly. The hole intercepted a similar faulted mineralization zone as WP-24-001, with pyrite and trace chalcopyrite mineralization in sericite-quartz altered Nicola volcanic rocks from 47.1 to 100.9m.
Pyrite mineralization with sericite-quartz alteration is shown in the photo.


Hole WP-24-003 was drilled at a shallow angle to further investigate the largest IP chargeability anomaly targeted by WP-24-001. This hole encountered fault-hosted pyrite (+/- chalcopyrite) mineralization intervals between 298.8m and 316.3m and 358.9m to 365.4m. Notably, chalcopyrite and bornite blebs were observed throughout the hole.
Quartz vein hosted chalcopyrite-bornite mineralization is circled in red.


Upon completion of WP-24-004A, the drill rig will likely begin the second phase of the 2024 exploration program, drilling on the MARB-CAS target (before possibly moving back to West Craigmont-WP). This target was identified through bedrock mapping and surface geology observations, with some contribution from geophysical modeling. The planned drilling aims to develop a framework for the subsurface geology and assess mineralization potential beneath the MARB showing.

在WP-24-004A完成後,鑽機可能會開始2024年勘探計劃的第二階段,在MARb-CAS目標上進行鑽探(可能會回到West Craigmont-WP)。此目標是通過基岩映射和地表地質觀察確定的,並在一定程度上受到地球物理模擬的影響。計劃的鑽探旨在發展地下地質框架,並評估MARb展示下方的礦化潛力。

Treasure Mountain Ten Year Mine Lease Extension
The Company is pleased announce that it has receive a very important ten-year mining lease extension (the "Extension") for its wholly owned Treasure Mountain Mine (the "Treasure Mountain"), which is located approximately 27 km to the east-northeast of Hope, BC, Canada (Figure 1). The Extension is good through April 26, 2032. Treasure Mountain is comprised of a total 30 mineral claims (2178.3 ha) and 1 mining lease (335 ha) and (Figure 2).

公司高興地宣佈,其全資擁有的寶藏山礦場(「寶藏山」)已獲得了一項非常重要的十年採礦租賃延期(「延期」),該礦場位於加拿大BC省Hope市東北東約27公里處(圖1)。 延期有效至2032年4月26日。 寶藏山由總共30個礦權(2178.3公頃)和1個礦業租賃(335公頃)組成(圖2)。

Figure 1: Overview of the location of the Treasure Mountain Project


Figure 2: Mineral Claims and Mining Leases the Treasure Mountain Property


Treasure Mountain Mine, which was first discovered in 1892 and operated intermittently since being first recognized. From 1930-1932, onsite milling operations processed ~4,000 tonnes that yielded 39,558 oz Ag, 379,532 lbs Pb, and 88,455 lbs Zn. Between 1987 and 1989, mine development at four levels occurred and 407 tonnes of partially sorted material was shipped to Cominco and Asarco smelters.


The Company received a Mines Act Permit approving the production for 60,000 tonnes of material per annum for Treasure Mountain on May 18, 2012: Permit M-239. The Extension of Permit M-239 provides Nicola the option of reopening Treasure Mountain and could expedite permitting approval for new mineralized bodies, if discovered.


A June 15th, 2009 NI 43-101-compliant technical report disclosed that the total vein Indicated Resource above a 10.0 oz/t Ag cut-off was estimated to be 33,000 tonnes with 24.2 oz/t silver, 4.16% lead and 3,80% zinc. The total vein Inferred Resource above a 10.0 oz/t Ag cut-off was estimated to be 120,000 tonnes with 27.0 oz/t silver, 2.79% lead and 4.36% zinc. The company retains the option to reopen Stope 2 on Level 1 (Figure 3), which remains in-situ.

根據2009年6月15日的一份符合NI 43-101標準的技術報告披露,估計以上10.0盎司/噸的銀爲截止點,總共有33,000噸脈石資源,含銀24.2盎司/噸、鉛4.16%和鋅3.80%。估計以上10.0盎司/噸的銀爲截止點,總共有120,000噸脈石資源,含銀27.0盎司/噸、鉛2.79%和鋅4.36%。公司保留了重新開採第1級別的第2堵採場的選項(圖3),該採場仍在原地。

Figure 3: Section view of the Treasure Mountain underground workings (Level 1, 2, 3 with stope projections)


Mr. Peter Espig, CEO of Nicola Mining Inc., commented, "We are extremely excited about our current operations and ongoing exploration. The Merritt Mill is a state-of-the-art facility that garners interest from high grade gold projects throughout the province because of its location and flexible permitting that can expedite project cashflow. In addition to procuring the ten-year mine lease extension for Treasure Mountain, we have also submitted a multi-year area-based exploration permit application for the project. The synergistic combination of the Merritt Mill and Treasure Mountain was the basis of a $200 million market capitalization back in 2012; however, the latter seems to be somewhat forgotten since its placement into care and maintenance and because of Nicola's subsequent consolidation of its ownership in the New Craigmont Project. Management continues to recognize the standalone potential of Treasure Mountain and remains excited about the exploration prospects of the project. Finally, we are pleased with the 2024 Exploration Program at our flagship asset, New Craigmont Copper Project and are currently completing initial exploration at the West Craigmont-WP target prior to drilling MARB and CAS. Drilling at the MARB and CAS will commence early September and will change from one to two crews to expedite results."

尼科拉礦業有限公司首席執行官彼得·埃斯皮格評論道:「我們對目前的運營和持續的勘探工作非常興奮。美里特磨礦廠是一個先進設施,因其地理位置和靈活的許可證,吸引了整個省份高品位黃金項目的興趣,可以加速項目現金流。除了爲寶山獲得了爲期十年的礦山租約延期外,我們還爲該項目提交了基於區域的多年期勘探許可證申請。美里特磨礦廠與寶山的協同組合是2012 年市值爲2千萬美元的基礎;然而,由於寶山的保守維護和尼科拉隨後對新克雷格蒙特項目所有權的整合,寶山似乎有些被忘記了。管理層繼續認識到寶山獨立的潛力,並對該項目的勘探前景保持興奮。最後,我們對我們的旗艦資產新克雷格蒙特銅礦項目的2024年勘探計劃感到滿意,並目前正在西克雷格蒙特-WP目標區進行初步勘探,然後將進行MARb和CAS的鑽探。MARb和CAS的鑽探將於9月初開始,並將從一個團隊轉爲兩個團隊,以加速結果的獲取。」

Qualified Person
William Whitty, P. Geo., the Company's VP Exploration, is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and supervised the preparation of, and has reviewed and approved, the technical information in this release.

William Whitty, P.Geo.,公司的勘探副總裁,是《43-101礦產項目披露標準》規定的有資格人員,並監督了本發佈的技術信息的編制、複審和批准。

About Nicola Mining
Nicola Mining Inc. is a junior mining company listed on the Exchange and Frankfurt Exchange that maintains a 100% owned mill and tailings facility, located near Merritt, British Columbia. It has signed Mining and Milling Profit Share Agreements with high grade gold projects. Nicola's fully permitted mill can process both gold and silver mill feed via gravity and flotation processes.

關於Nicola Mining
Nicola Mining Inc.是一家上市交易所和法蘭克福交易所的初創礦業公司,擁有一個100%擁有的磨礦廠和尾礦設施,位於不列顛哥倫比亞省的Merritt附近。它已與高品位黃金項目簽署了礦業和磨礦利潤分成協議。 Nicola的完全許可的工廠可以通過重力和浮選工藝加工金銀礦石。

The Company owns 100% of the New Craigmont Project, a high-grade copper property, which covers an area of over 10,800 hectares along the southern end of the Guichon Batholith and is adjacent to Highland Valley Copper, Canada's largest copper mine. The Company also owns 100% of the Treasure Mountain Property, which includes 30 mineral claims and a mineral lease, spanning an area exceeding 2,200 hectares.

公司擁有New Craigmont項目的100%股權,這是一個高品位銅金屬礦產,覆蓋了南部Guichon巖體的超過10,800公頃區域,毗鄰加拿大最大的銅礦Highland Valley Copper。公司還擁有Treasure Mountain Property的100%股權,包括30個礦權和1個礦業租約,涵蓋超過2,200公頃的區域。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


"Peter Espig"

「Peter Espig」

Peter Espig
CEO & Director

Peter Espig

For additional information


Contact: Peter Espig
Phone: (778) 385-1213

聯繫人:Peter Espig
電話:(778) 385-1213
Head Office: Shimane Bank Head Office Bldg. 11F, 484-19 Asahi-cho, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture

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