
Here's Why We Think Kinetik Holdings (NYSE:KNTK) Is Well Worth Watching

Here's Why We Think Kinetik Holdings (NYSE:KNTK) Is Well Worth Watching

這就是爲什麼我們認爲Kinetik Holdings(紐交所:KNTK)是值得關注的
Simply Wall St ·  08/30 18:59

Investors are often guided by the idea of discovering 'the next big thing', even if that means buying 'story stocks' without any revenue, let alone profit. Sometimes these stories can cloud the minds of investors, leading them to invest with their emotions rather than on the merit of good company fundamentals. Loss-making companies are always racing against time to reach financial sustainability, so investors in these companies may be taking on more risk than they should.


So if this idea of high risk and high reward doesn't suit, you might be more interested in profitable, growing companies, like Kinetik Holdings (NYSE:KNTK). While profit isn't the sole metric that should be considered when investing, it's worth recognising businesses that can consistently produce it.

如果高風險和高回報的想法不適合您,那麼您可能更感興趣的是像Kinetik Holdings(紐交所:KNTK)這樣的盈利增長公司。雖然利潤不是投資時應考慮的唯一指標,但值得承認能夠持續產生利潤的企業。

How Fast Is Kinetik Holdings Growing Its Earnings Per Share?

Kinetik Holdings的每股收益增長速度有多快?

Even when EPS earnings per share (EPS) growth is unexceptional, company value can be created if this rate is sustained each year. So it's easy to see why many investors focus in on EPS growth. It's an outstanding feat for Kinetik Holdings to have grown EPS from US$1.56 to US$4.92 in just one year. While it's difficult to sustain growth at that level, it bodes well for the company's outlook for the future. Could this be a sign that the business has reached an inflection point?

即使每股收益(EPS)的增長率並不出色,如果該速度每年都能保持,公司價值也可能會增加。因此,很容易理解爲什麼許多投資者關注EPS增長。Kinetik Holdings在短短一年的時間內,將EPS從1.56美元增長到4.92美元,這是一項出色的成就。儘管很難保持這種增長水平,但這對公司未來的前景非常有利。這可能是企業達到拐點的一個跡象嗎?

Top-line growth is a great indicator that growth is sustainable, and combined with a high earnings before interest and taxation (EBIT) margin, it's a great way for a company to maintain a competitive advantage in the market. While we note Kinetik Holdings achieved similar EBIT margins to last year, revenue grew by a solid 15% to US$1.4b. That's a real positive.

增長的頂線是可持續增長的一個很好的指標,再加上高利潤率和稅前利潤(EBIT)利潤率,這是一家公司在市場上保持競爭優勢的好方法。儘管我們注意到Kinetik Holdings去年實現了類似的EBIT利潤率,但營業收入仍增長了15%達到14億美元,這是一個真正的積極因素。

In the chart below, you can see how the company has grown earnings and revenue, over time. For finer detail, click on the image.


NYSE:KNTK Earnings and Revenue History August 30th 2024

Of course the knack is to find stocks that have their best days in the future, not in the past. You could base your opinion on past performance, of course, but you may also want to check this interactive graph of professional analyst EPS forecasts for Kinetik Holdings.

當然,關鍵是要找到未來表現出色的股票,而不是過去的股票。你可以根據過去的表現來形成你的觀點,但你也可能想要檢查一下這個交互圖,了解專業分析師對Kinetik Holdings的EPS預測。

Are Kinetik Holdings Insiders Aligned With All Shareholders?

Kinetik Holdings的內部人和所有股東保持一致嗎?

Investors are always searching for a vote of confidence in the companies they hold and insider buying is one of the key indicators for optimism on the market. That's because insider buying often indicates that those closest to the company have confidence that the share price will perform well. However, small purchases are not always indicative of conviction, and insiders don't always get it right.


We do note that, in the last year, insiders sold US$1.5m worth of shares. But that's far less than the US$2.5m insiders spent purchasing stock. We find this encouraging because it suggests they are optimistic about Kinetik Holdings'future. It is also worth noting that it was Independent Director Kevin McCarthy who made the biggest single purchase, worth US$1m, paying US$31.50 per share.

我們注意到,在過去一年中,內部人以150萬美元的價格賣出了股票。但這遠遠低於內部人花費購買股票的250萬美元。這令人鼓舞,因爲這表明他們對Kinetik Holdings的未來持樂觀態度。值得注意的是,獨立董事Kevin McCarthy進行了最大的單筆購買,價值100萬美元,每股價格爲31.50美元。

Along with the insider buying, another encouraging sign for Kinetik Holdings is that insiders, as a group, have a considerable shareholding. We note that their impressive stake in the company is worth US$229m. Investors will appreciate management having this amount of skin in the game as it shows their commitment to the company's future.

除了內部人的購買之外,對於Kinetik Holdings來說,另一個令人鼓舞的跡象是,內部人作爲一個團體擁有相當大的持股。我們注意到,他們在公司中的持股份額價值爲2,2900萬美元。投資者將會欣賞管理層擁有如此大的利益,因爲這顯示了他們對公司未來的承諾。

While insiders already own a significant amount of shares, and they have been buying more, the good news for ordinary shareholders does not stop there. The cherry on top is that the CEO, Jamie Welch is paid comparatively modestly to CEOs at similar sized companies. Our analysis has discovered that the median total compensation for the CEOs of companies like Kinetik Holdings with market caps between US$4.0b and US$12b is about US$8.4m.

儘管內部人已經擁有大量股份,並且他們一直在購買更多股份,但對於普通股東來說,好消息並不止於此。 值得一提的是,該公司的CEO傑米·韋爾奇的薪酬相對於同等規模公司的CEO來說相對較低。 我們的分析發現,總市值在40億美元到120億美元之間的公司的CEO的中位數總薪酬約爲840萬美元。

The Kinetik Holdings CEO received total compensation of just US$2.3m in the year to December 2023. That looks like a modest pay packet, and may hint at a certain respect for the interests of shareholders. CEO remuneration levels are not the most important metric for investors, but when the pay is modest, that does support enhanced alignment between the CEO and the ordinary shareholders. Generally, arguments can be made that reasonable pay levels attest to good decision-making.

Kinetik Holdings的CEO在2023年12月獲得的總薪酬僅爲230萬美元。 這看起來是一份適度的薪酬,可能表明對股東利益的一定尊重。 CEO的薪酬水平並不是投資者最重要的指標,但當薪酬適度時,這確實支持CEO與普通股東之間的良好契合。 一般而言,合理的薪酬水平可以證明明智的決策。

Should You Add Kinetik Holdings To Your Watchlist?

您是否應將Kinetik Holdings添加到自選?

Kinetik Holdings' earnings per share have been soaring, with growth rates sky high. What's more, insiders own a significant stake in the company and have been buying more shares. These factors seem to indicate the company's potential and that it has reached an inflection point. We'd suggest Kinetik Holdings belongs near the top of your watchlist. You should always think about risks though. Case in point, we've spotted 5 warning signs for Kinetik Holdings you should be aware of, and 2 of them are concerning.

Kinetik Holdings的每股收益一直飆升,增長率很高。 此外,內部人員擁有該公司的重要股份,並一直在購買更多股份。 這些因素似乎表明該公司具有潛力,並且已達到一個拐點。 我們建議將Kinetik Holdings置於您的自選的頂部。 不過,您應始終考慮風險。 例如,我們發現Kinetik Holdings存在5個警示信號,您應該了解其中2個有關。

There are plenty of other companies that have insiders buying up shares. So if you like the sound of Kinetik Holdings, you'll probably love this curated collection of companies in the US that have an attractive valuation alongside insider buying in the last three months.

還有許多其他公司的內部人員正在購買股份。 因此,如果您喜歡Kinetik Holdings的情況,您可能會喜歡這個由美國估值有吸引力並且在過去三個月內有內部人員購買的公司的精選收藏。

Please note the insider transactions discussed in this article refer to reportable transactions in the relevant jurisdiction.


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