
C&I Segment Boosts Aurelius Tech Earnings

C&I Segment Boosts Aurelius Tech Earnings

Business Today ·  08/30 16:44

Aurelius Technologies (ATECH) has reported a robust second quarter for FY24, with a core net profit (CNP) of RM30.1 million for the first half of 2024, aligning with expectations and accounting for 48% of both the company's and consensus full-year estimates.


Maybank Stock Broking House have maintained a BUY call on the stock, with a target price of RM4.02 based on a 23x CY25E price-to-earnings ratio. The positive outlook is supported by ATech's strong technical capabilities and its strategic positioning as a beneficiary of supply chain diversification, particularly in the Internet of Things (IoT) and automotive sectors. The new P5 capacity, currently 30% complete, is anticipated to further capture market demand upon its expected completion next year.

馬來亞銀行股票經紀公司維持對該股的買入看漲期權,根據23倍的 CY25E 市盈率,目標價爲4.02令吉。aTech強大的技術能力及其作爲供應鏈多元化受益者的戰略定位爲樂觀的前景提供了支持,尤其是在物聯網(IoT)和汽車領域。新的P5產能目前已完成30%,預計將在明年完工後進一步吸引市場需求。

The first half of 2024 saw a 43% year-on-year increase in CNP, driven by a significant 37% rise in revenue, bolstered by a stronger order book. The growth was led by the Commercial and Industrial (C&I) segment, which increased by 33%, and the Electronic Devices (ED) segment, which surged by 82%. Despite these gains, the Semiconductor (SC) segment experienced an 8% decline in sales. The gross profit margin improved by 4.5 percentage points to 15.7%, thanks to enhanced operational efficiencies, although this improvement was somewhat tempered by a higher tax rate, which increased by 9.2 percentage points to 24.5%. This strong performance occurred despite the company operating on a four-day work week.


On a quarter-on-quarter basis, the core net profit for 2Q24 rose by 21%, reflecting robust demand from the C&I segment. This growth was achieved despite margin pressures due to forex fluctuations and a challenging product mix. Although ED sales, which are higher-margin, declined by 11% quarter-on-quarter, this was offset by a 29% increase in C&I sales. The SC segment also showed improvement from its trough in 4QCY23, with better performance anticipated as utilization rates increase. The SC segment remains the highest-margin division.

按季度計算,24年第二季度的核心淨利潤增長了21%,反映了C&I板塊的強勁需求。儘管由於外匯波動和艱難的產品組合,利潤率仍面臨壓力,但還是實現了這一增長。儘管利潤率較高的電動汽車銷售額同比下降了11%,但這被C&I銷售額的29%增長所抵消。SC 細分市場也從 4QCY23 的低谷開始有所改善,隨着利用率的提高,預計表現會有所改善。SC細分市場仍然是利潤率最高的部門。

Source: Maybank
Title: Robust quarter


