
Tambun Indah's Performance Drives Analyst Upgrade And Increased TP

Tambun Indah's Performance Drives Analyst Upgrade And Increased TP

Business Today ·  08/30 16:44

Tambun Indah (TILB) has seen a promising boost in its stock outlook, as analysts upgrade their recommendations based on strong sales performance. The company's recent results have outpaced expectations, leading to an upgrade to a BUY rating from a previous neutral stance. The target price has been set at RM1.20, reflecting a 23% upside potential from the current price of RM0.98. This positive outlook is supported by Tambun Indah's solid sales performance, which exceeded initial forecasts.

Tambun Indah(TILB)的股票前景呈現出有望的提升,分析師們根據強勁的銷售業績進行了推薦的提升。該公司的最新業績超出了預期,使評級由之前的中立狀態升級爲買入。目標價設定爲1.20馬幣,相對於目前的0.98馬幣價格,漲幅潛力達到23%。這一積極的前景得到了Tambun Indah穩健的銷售業績的支持,超過了初步預測。

Analysts from various stock broking houses have maintained a BUY recommendation on Tambun Indah, reflecting their confidence in the company's growth prospects and the potential upside in its stock price.

來自各個股票經紀公司的分析師們對Tambun Indah維持買入推薦,反映了他們對公司增長前景和股價潛力的信心。

In its 2Q24 results, Tambun Indah reported a 17% year-on-year increase in revenue, driven primarily by its Botanic Villa project, which was launched late last year. Despite a 11% quarter-on-quarter decline, the company's pre-tax profit and core profit both more than doubled compared to the previous year. This growth is particularly notable given the lower base from the previous year when the company had accounted for a provision related to a low-cost housing project.

在其2024年第二季度的業績報告中,Tambun Indah報告了營業收入同比增長17%,主要受其去年底推出的Botanic Villa項目推動。儘管環比下降了11%,但公司的稅前利潤和核心利潤均較去年翻了一番。鑑於公司在去年計提了與一個廉價住房項目有關的撥備,這種增長尤爲顯著。

The company plans to focus on its existing major projects, including Botanic Villa and Dahlia Garden, which have shown strong take-up rates. However, the launch of new projects, such as a freehold landed project in Bukit Mertajam, has been delayed until next year. Additionally, a new high-rise development, Aralia Park, is set to be launched in 2025, with an estimated gross development value of RM148 million.

公司計劃專注於其現有的重大項目,包括Botanic Villa和Dahlia Garden,這些項目的認購率表現強勁。然而,像大山腳的永久產權平房項目這樣的新項目推出已經推遲到明年。此外,新的高層建築開發項目Aralia Park計劃在2025年推出,預計總開發價值爲1.48億馬幣。

For the first half of 2024, Tambun Indah's locked-in property sales reached RM132.6 million, putting it on track to potentially surpass its internal sales target of RM150 million for the year. Analysts maintain their earnings forecasts, with an expectation that Tambun Indah will exceed its sales targets. The company's 2Q24 net profit of RM13.6 million, while lower compared to the previous year and the previous quarter, has been bolstered by an improvement in the EBIT margin.

2024年上半年,Tambun Indah的已鎖定房產銷售額達到1.326億馬幣,有望超過年度內部銷售目標1.5億馬幣。分析師們保持其盈利預測,預期Tambun Indah將超過其銷售目標。該公司2024年第二季度的淨利潤爲1360萬馬幣,雖然較去年同期和上一季度有所降低,但受到EBIT利潤率的改善的支持。

The company's unbilled sales stand at RM126 million, and its average take-up rate for projects has improved. With a clean balance sheet and strong demand for its properties, particularly in the Batu Kawan area, Tambun Indah remains an attractive investment. The revised target price of RM1.20 is based on a 60% discount to the revised net asset value (RNAV), reflecting the company's strong growth momentum and potential for future development.

公司的未開帳銷售額爲1.26億馬幣,並且項目的平均積極獲取率有所提高。憑藉健康的資產負債表和對其房地產特別是在峇都加灣地區的強勁需求,Tambun Indah仍然是一個有吸引力的投資。修訂後的目標價爲1.20馬幣,基於修訂後的淨資產價值(RNAV)的60%折扣,反映出公司強勁的增長勢頭和未來發展的潛力。

Source: RHB, Maybank
Title: Charts Strong Sales Growth; U/G To BUY, Earnings on track


