
UEM Edgenta Posts Strong 1H FY2024 Results, Secures RM2 Billion In New Contracts

UEM Edgenta Posts Strong 1H FY2024 Results, Secures RM2 Billion In New Contracts

UEM Edgenta發佈強勁的2024年上半年業績,獲得新合同金額爲20億元。
Business Today ·  08/30 10:34

UEM Edgenta Berhad (UEM Edgenta), a leading Asset Management and  Infrastructure Solutions company in the region, today announced its unaudited financial results for the first  half of 2024, ending 30 June 2024 (1H FY2024).

該地區領先的資產管理和基礎設施解決方案公司ueM Edgenta Berhad(ueM Edgenta)今天公佈了截至2024年6月30日(FY2024 上半年)的2024年上半年未經審計的財務業績。

UEM Edgenta reported a revenue of RM1.44 billion for 1H FY2024, marking a 6.4% increase compared  to the RM1.35 billion recorded in the same period last year. The net profit for the second quarter of 2024  (Q2 FY2024) also saw an uptick, rising by 2.1% to RM12.8 million from RM12.5 million in Q2 FY2023.  These results underscore UEM Edgenta's commitment to delivering consistent financial performance  amidst a dynamic global economic landscape.

ueM Edgenta報告稱,FY2024 上半年的收入爲14.4令吉,與去年同期的13.5令吉相比增長了6.4%。2024年第二季度(FY2024 第二季度)的淨利潤也有所上升,從第二季度 FY2023 的1250萬令吉增長了2.1%,至1280萬令吉。這些業績突顯了ueM Edgenta致力於在充滿活力的全球經濟格局中提供穩定的財務業績。

A total of RM2.0 billion in new contracts were secured in 1H FY2024, matching the total new wins in  FY2023. More than 90% of these wins came from its international business in Singapore, Taiwan China, and the  Middle East. In Singapore, continued execution excellence has driven strong and healthy order book  replenishment of RM1.2 billion in healthcare support services and integrated facility management contracts  with clients beyond the healthcare sector. The operations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia successfully  secured their first hospital contract, further expanding their footprint in the region. Domestically, the Asset  Consultancy division is making significant strides with more than RM67.7 million in new wins, the majority  of which are Energy Efficiency (EE) projects, reaffirming its RM200 million zero-capex commitment made  in September 2023. UEM Edgenta is bolstered by a solid order book of approximately RM10 billion as of  30 June 2024, providing long-term earnings visibility and positioning the company to navigate potential  challenges while maintaining financial stability.

FY2024 上半年共獲得了 20 令吉的新合同,與 FY2023 中新獲勝的合同總額相當。這些勝利中有90%以上來自其在新加坡、中國臺灣和中東的國際業務。在新加坡,持續的卓越執行推動了與醫療保健行業以外客戶簽訂的強勁而健康的醫療支持服務和綜合設施管理合同的訂單簿補充了12令吉。沙特阿拉伯王國的業務成功獲得了他們的第一份醫院合同,進一步擴大了他們在該地區的足跡。在國內,資產諮詢部門取得了長足的進步,新獲勝的項目超過6770萬令吉,其中大多數是能源效率(EE)項目,重申了其在2023年9月做出的20000萬令吉零資本支出的承諾。截至2024年6月30日,ueM Edgenta獲得了約100令吉的穩健訂單支持,這爲公司提供了長期收益可見性,使公司能夠在保持財務穩定的同時應對潛在挑戰。

UEM Edgenta's optimism is strengthened by the significant progress made in realising our targeted cost  savings, initially set at RM100 million over five years under EoTF2025, which we are on track to achieve  by the end of 2024—a year ahead of schedule. These savings have been driven by operational excellence,  optimized procurement, and a leaner business structure. Building on this momentum, the Company is  targeting an additional RM150 million in savings over the next five years, focusing on key cost optimisation  areas, including spend prioritisation, simplifying the organisation and corporate structure, supply chain  management, contract renegotiation, and streamlining operations through automation and technology. The  Company is on track to achieve its Phase 1 target of a 10% improvement in addressable costs by the end  of the 2024 financial year.

ueM Edgenta的樂觀情緒因在實現目標成本節省方面取得的重大進展而得到加強,根據EoTF2025,我們的目標成本節省最初設定爲五年內1萬令吉,我們有望在2024年底之前實現這一目標,比計劃提前了一年。這些節省是由卓越的運營、優化的採購和更精簡的業務結構推動的。基於這一勢頭,該公司的目標是在未來五年內額外節省15000萬令吉,重點關注關鍵成本優化領域,包括支出優先次序、簡化組織和公司結構、供應鏈管理、合同重新談判以及通過自動化和技術簡化運營。該公司有望實現其第一階段的目標,即到2024財年年底將可解決的成本提高10%。

In Asset Management Services, the company is focused on maintaining its market leadership by advancing  Smart and Green Facilities Management, emphasizing cutting-edge technology for efficient and  sustainable asset management. Additionally, our strategic acquisition of the Kaizen Group in the UAE,  completed in 1H FY2024, further strengthens our market position and drives financial growth through a  cohesive integration with our existing operations in the Middle East, which is certain to unlock new business  opportunities in the region.

在資產管理服務方面,該公司專注於通過推進智能和綠色設施管理來保持其市場領先地位,強調用於高效和可持續資產管理的尖端技術。此外,我們對阿聯酋啓源集團的戰略收購於 FY2024 上半年完成,通過與我們在中東的現有業務的緊密整合,進一步鞏固了我們的市場地位並推動了財務增長,這肯定會在該地區釋放新的商機。

With a robust order book extending beyond 2030, the Infrastructure Services Division enjoys strong  earnings visibility. Concurrently, it is broadening its capabilities beyond road maintenance to include areas  such as solar photovoltaic system maintenance and expanding its presence in Indonesia's infrastructure  services market. Additionally, the Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) premix plant in Perak is now fully  completed and operational, positioning the business within the pavement products value chain.


Syahrunizam Samsudin, Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of UEM Edgenta, said, "We are  committed to optimizing our resources and refining our operational model to enhance efficiency across all  levels. Our strong and steadily replenishing order book not only provides clear visibility into long-term  earnings and financial stability but also underscores our resilience in navigating market fluctuations."

ueM Edgenta董事總經理兼首席執行官Syahrunizam Samsudin表示:「我們致力於優化我們的資源和完善我們的運營模式,以提高各層面的效率。我們強勁且穩步補充的訂單不僅爲長期收益和財務穩定提供了清晰的可見性,而且還凸顯了我們在應對市場波動方面的韌性。」

"As we advance with our Edgenta of The Future 2025 (EoTF2025) strategies, we are confident that our  resilience and focus on both business preservation and growth will empower us to overcome challenges  and deliver outstanding performance throughout the year. Our ability to adapt and persevere positions us  strongly to meet future demands and achieve sustained success," he added.

「隨着我們推進2025年未來Edgenta(EoTF2025)戰略,我們相信,我們的韌性以及對業務保護和增長的關注將使我們能夠克服挑戰並在全年取得出色業績。我們的適應能力和堅持不懈的能力使我們有力地滿足未來的需求並取得持續的成功,」 他補充說。

Looking ahead, UEM Edgenta remains committed to exploring new possibilities and advancing industry  standards. By steadily integrating innovation and prioritizing sustainable growth, the company continues  to create value for its stakeholders while striving to deliver practical and forward-thinking solutions.

展望未來,uEm Edgenta仍然致力於探索新的可能性並推進行業標準。通過穩步整合創新和優先考慮可持續增長,公司繼續爲利益相關者創造價值,同時努力提供切實可行和具有前瞻性的解決方案。

