
Planet Smoothie Rejoins Forces With Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Month-Long Campaign

Planet Smoothie Rejoins Forces With Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Month-Long Campaign

Planet Smoothie與Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation聯手舉辦爲期一個月的活動
PR Newswire ·  08/30 06:54

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Aug. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Planet Smoothie () is proud to announce its continued partnership with Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) as it launches a special month-long campaign this September to raise funds for the fight against childhood cancer. Building on the success of previous years, this campaign will once again see $1 donated to ALSF for every 20oz or larger Lunar Lemonade sold at Planet Smoothie locations nationwide from Sunday, September 1 to Monday, September 30, 2024. Guests can also support ALSF's mission by making a monetary donation at participating locations.

Planet Smoothie()非常自豪地宣佈與Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation(ALSF)繼續合作,將於2024年9月展開爲期一個月的特別活動,爲抗擊兒童癌症籌集資金。建立在以往幾年的成功基礎上,該活動再次承諾在2024年9月1日至9月30日期間,在全國Planet Smoothie門店銷售的20盎司或更大體積的Lunar Lemonade每杯將捐贈1美元給ALSF。顧客也可以在參與活動的門店進行現金捐贈,支持ALSF的使命。

Planet Smoothie Rejoins Forces with Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation!
Planet Smoothie再度與Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation聯手!

This annual campaign is a testament to Planet Smoothie's ongoing commitment to supporting the fight against childhood cancer. By purchasing a Lunar Lemonade, customers can directly contribute to ALSF's mission to fund critical research and provide support to children and families affected by cancer.

這一年度活動是Planet Smoothie持續支持抗擊兒童癌症事業的有力證明。顧客購買Lunar Lemonade即可直接爲ALSF的關鍵研究和爲患病兒童及其家庭提供支持的使命作出貢獻。

"We are thrilled to continue our partnership with Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation," said Nicole Butcher, senior director of marketing at Kahala Brands, parent company of Planet Smoothie. "Our guests have always shown incredible support for this cause, and we are confident that together, we can help drive even more awareness and funding for the vital research and support that ALSF leads."

Planet Smoothie母公司Kahala Brands的市場營銷高級總監尼科爾·布徹表示:「我們很高興繼續與Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation合作。我們的顧客一直對這個事業給予了令人難以置信的支持,我們相信通過共同努力,我們可以爲ALSF領導的重要研究和支持工作帶來更多的關注和資金支持。」

Help us support this important cause by visiting any Planet Smoothie location during September. The funds raised through the sales of Lunar Lemonades will be donated to ALSF in October, and we look forward to sharing the impact of your contributions.

請在九月期間到任意Planet Smoothie門店參與支持這一重要事業。Lunar Lemonade售出所籌集的資金將於十月捐贈至ALSF,我們期待與您分享您貢獻的影響。

To learn more about Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation and its efforts to combat childhood cancer, please visit .

欲了解更多關於Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation及其抗擊兒童癌症的工作,請訪問。

About Planet Smoothie
Planet Smoothie, intent on redefining the smoothie category, is among the country's top smoothie concepts. The brand appeals to a demographic of loyal, active and occasion-driven customers who want to live a healthier lifestyle. Planet Smoothie offers smoothies made with real fruit that are lower calorie, lower sugar, and higher protein options, giving customers a quick, portable snack or meal replacement. The brand's menu is organized into lifestyle categories to assist customers in finding the smoothie that helps them to achieve their personal goals, including protein, energy, and bowl categories. The Planet Smoothie brand operates approximately 150 locations in over 25 states. In 2015, Planet Smoothie was acquired by Scottsdale, Arizona-based Kahala Brands, one of the fastest growing franchising companies in the world with a portfolio of nearly 30 fast-casual and quick-service restaurant brands with approximately 3,000 locations in 35 countries.

關於Planet Smoothie
旨在重新定義果蔬冰沙範疇的Planet Smoothie是美國頂級果蔬冰沙連鎖品牌之一。該品牌吸引了一群忠誠、積極和時機驅動的顧客,他們渴望過上更健康的生活方式。Planet Smoothie提供由真正的水果製成的冰沙,低卡路里、低糖分和高蛋白質選項,爲顧客提供了一種快捷、方便的零食或餐替。該品牌的菜單按照生活方式進行分類,以幫助顧客找到能夠幫助他們實現個人目標的冰沙,包括蛋白質、能源和碗類。Planet Smoothie品牌在美國25個州擁有約150家門店。2015年,Planet Smoothie被總部位於亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾的Kahala Brands收購,後者是全球增長最快的特許經營公司之一,擁有近30個快餐和快餐連鎖餐廳品牌,在35個國家擁有約3000家門店。

For more information visit .


About Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) emerged from the front yard lemonade stand of 4-year-old Alexandra "Alex" Scott, who was fighting cancer and wanted to raise money to find cures for all children with cancer. By the time Alex passed away at the age of 8, she had raised $1 million. Since then, the Foundation bearing her name has evolved into a worldwide fundraising movement and the largest independent childhood cancer charity in the U.S. ALSF is a leader in funding pediatric research projects across the globe and providing programs to families affected by childhood cancer.

Alex的檸檬水基金會(ALSF)起源於4歲的亞歷克斯·斯科特(Alex),她是一個正在與癌症作鬥爭,並希望籌集資金爲所有患癌症的兒童尋找治癒方法的孩子。到亞歷克斯在8歲時離世時,她籌集了100萬美元。此後,以她的名字命名的基金會發展成爲全球募款運動,併成爲美國最大的獨立兒童癌症慈善機構。 ALSF是全球兒科研究項目的資金領導者,併爲受兒童癌症影響的家庭提供項目。

For more information, visit


SOURCE Planet Smoothie

來源:Planet Smoothie

