
Birkenstock Holding Plc (BIRK) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Birkenstock Holding Plc (BIRK) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

富途資訊 ·  08/30 02:03  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Birkenstock Holding Plc (BIRK) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Birkenstock Holding Plc(BIRK)2024年第三季度業績會議交流摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Birkenstock achieved the highest quarterly revenue in its history in Q3 2024, with a record 19% revenue growth in constant currency.

  • The gross profit margin was 59.5%, with a sequential increase of 320 basis points, despite being 220 basis points lower compared to the previous year, mainly due to the shift from D2C to B2B channels.

  • Third quarter adjusted EBITDA reached EUR 186 million, marking the strongest quarterly EBITDA in company history, up 15% versus the previous year.

  • Adjusted net profit increased by 14% with adjusted earnings per share at EUR 0.49, up 11%.

  • Cash and equivalents stood at EUR 404 million as of June 30, 2024, with operating cash flow at EUR 281 million, reflecting a 19% year-over-year increase.

  • Birkenstock在2024年第三季度創下歷史最高的季度營業收入,同比增長19%。

  • 儘管與去年相比,毛利率降低了220個點子,但毛利率爲59.5%,較前一季度增加了320個點子,主要是由於從D2C轉向B20億渠道的變化。

  • 第三季度調整後的EBITDA達到1.86億歐元,創下公司歷史上最強的季度EBITDA,較去年同期增長15%。

  • 調整後的淨利潤增長了14%,調整後的每股收益爲0.49歐元,增長了11%。

  • 截至2024年6月30日,現金及等價物達到4.04億歐元,經營現金流爲2.81億歐元,同比增長19%。

Business Progress:


  • Significant retail expansion noted with the opening of seven new stores in Q3, bringing the total to 64 stores globally, enhancing the physical brand touchpoints.

  • The Membership program grew by 36% year-over-year, reflecting enhanced consumer engagement and loyalty.

  • Continued strong performance in newer product lines, such as closed-toe silhouettes, which saw double the growth rate of the brand overall.

  • Further expansion in APMA region, including new store openings in India and Japan, contributing to a 41% revenue growth in the area.

  • Strategic shifts in European operations, such as phasing out distributors for direct distribution, which bolstered regional performance.

  • Q3 新開了七家新店鋪,全球總數達到 64 家,增強了品牌的實體接觸點。顯著的零售業擴張值得關注。

  • 會員計劃同比增長 36%,反映了消費者參與度和忠誠度的提升。

  • 在印度和日本新開了門店等進一步擴張亞太地區的措施,爲該地區貢獻了 41% 的營業收入增長。

  • 歐洲業務的戰略轉變,如逐步淘汰分銷商實現直接配送,增強了區域業績。



  • A noticeable shift toward in-person shopping could impact the dynamics of online sales, requiring adjustments in digital and physical sales strategies.

  • 明顯向線下購物的轉變可能影響在線銷售的動態,需要調整數字和實體銷售策略。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


