
Eight NAPEO Members Named to Inc. Magazine's List of 5000 Fastest Growing Businesses

Eight NAPEO Members Named to Inc. Magazine's List of 5000 Fastest Growing Businesses

PR Newswire ·  08/30 01:43

ALEXANDRIA, Va., Aug. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Eight National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO) members have been named to Inc. magazine's list of the 5000 fastest-growing companies in the United States. In addition to announcing this year's Inc. 5000 list, the September issue of Inc. magazine also features a special section on PEOs.

美國職業僱主組織協會(NAPEO)的八個成員公司入選了美國《公司》雜誌的5000家增長最快的公司名單。除了公佈今年的Inc. 5000名單外,《公司》雜誌的9月號還專門介紹了職業僱主組織。

Compiled annually, this prestigious 2024 Inc. 5000 recognizes the significant and continued revenue growth of:

每年編制的這份有聲望的2024年Inc. 5000名單,認可了以下公司持續的營業收入增長:

  • AspenHR (Walnut Creek, CA).
  • Engage PEO (Hollywood, FL).
  • G&A Partners (Houston, TX).
  • Lever1 (Overland Park, KS).
  • Optimum Employer Solutions (Santa Ana, CA).
  • Prestige PEO (Melville, NY).
  • Regis HR Group (Miami, FL).
  • Samuel Hale (Folsom, CA).
  • AspenHR(加利福尼亞州華爾納特溪)。
  • Engage PEO(佛羅里達州好萊塢)。
  • G&A Partners(德克薩斯州休斯頓)。
  • Lever1(堪薩斯州奧弗蘭帕克)。
  • Optimum Employer Solutions(加利福尼亞州聖塔安那)。
  • Prestige PEO(紐約州梅爾維爾)。
  • Regis HR集團(位於邁阿密,佛羅里達州).
  • Samuel Hale(位於加利福尼亞州福爾索姆).

As professional employer organizations (PEOs), these successful businesses provide comprehensive HR solutions to small and mid-size businesses including payroll, benefits, tax administration and regulatory compliance assistance. PEOs, like those recognized by Inc., help hundreds of thousands of clients across the country reduce administrative work and focus on the core of their business, all while offering Fortune 500-level benefits to their workers.


"We're exceptionally proud of the accomplishments of our members on this year's prestigious Inc. 5000 list," said NAPEO President and CEO Casey Clark. "Their accomplishments are representative of the integral role our industry plays in support of American businesses who grow faster, retain employees longer and are more resilient because of their partnership with a PEO."

NAPEO主席兼首席執行官凱西·克拉克表示:「我們對本年度備受矚目的Inc. 5000榜單上的成就感到非常自豪。他們的成就代表了我們行業在支持美國企業方面發揮的重要作用,這些企業因與PEO合作而實現更快增長、更長保留僱員並更具抗擊風險的能力。」

Companies on the 2024 Inc. 5000 are ranked according to percentage revenue growth from 2020 to 2023. To qualify, companies must have been founded and generating revenue by March 31, 2020. They must be U.S.-based, privately held, for-profit, and independent-not subsidiaries or divisions of other companies-as of December 31, 2023. (Since then, some on the list may have gone public or been acquired.) The minimum revenue required for 2020 is $100,000; the minimum for 2023 is $2 million.

根據2020年至2023年營收增長百分比,2024年Inc. 5000榜單上的公司進行排名。要有資格進入榜單,公司必須於2020年3月31日之前成立並開始獲取收入。它們必須是總部位於美國的私人持有營利性獨立公司,而不是其他公司的子公司或部門,截至2023年12月31日仍然如此。(此後,名單上的一些公司可能已上市或被收購。)2020年所需最低收入爲$100,000;2023年所需最低收入爲$2百萬.



The National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO) is The Voice of the PEO Industry. NAPEO's 220 PEO members provide payroll, benefits, workers' comp, regulatory compliance assistance, and other HR services to more than 200,000 small and mid-size businesses employing 4.5 million people. Our members account for more than 90 percent of the industry's $358 billion in revenue. An additional 216 companies that provide services to PEOs are associate members of NAPEO. For more information, please visit .

全國專業僱主組織協會(NAPEO)代表了PEO行業的聲音。 NAPEO的220個PEO會員爲就業450萬人的20萬多家中小企業提供薪酬、福利、工傷保險、合規支持和其他人力資源服務。我們的會員貢獻了行業358億美元收入的90%以上。216家爲PEO提供服務的公司是NAPEO的附屬會員。欲了解更多信息,請訪問網站.

SOURCE National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO)


