
BioHarvest Sciences Reports Record Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

BioHarvest Sciences Reports Record Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

BioHarvest Sciences報告2024年第二季度財務業績創紀錄
newsfile ·  08/29 21:22

Q2 2024 Revenue Increased 119% Year-over-Year to Over $6.0 Million, Exceeding Management Guidance


Management Expects Third Quarter 2024 Revenues of at Least $6.5 Million, with a Gross Profit Margin of 52%+


Vancouver, British Columbia and Rehovot, Israel--(Newsfile Corp. - August 29, 2024) - BioHarvest Sciences Inc. (CSE: BHSC) (OTCQB: CNVCF) ("BioHarvest" or the "Company"), a company pioneering its patented Botanical Synthesis technology platform, today announced its financial and operational results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024.

溫哥華,英屬哥倫比亞和以色列雷法奧特--(新華社公司-2024年8月29日)- BioHarvest Sciences Inc.(CSE:BHSC)(OTCQB:CNVCF)("BioHarvest"或"公司"),一家開創性的公司,致力於其擁有專利的植物合成技術平台,今天宣佈了截至2024年6月30日第二季度的財務和運營業績。

Second Quarter & Subsequent 2024 Operational Highlights
All figures stated in this news release are in U.S. dollars unless stated otherwise.


  • Revenue in the second quarter of 2024 surpassed the $6 million mark for the first time, increasing 119% to $6.03 million, as compared to $2.8 million in the same year-ago quarter, and 13% sequentially from the first quarter of 2024.
  • Gross margins in the second quarter of 2024 improved to 52%, as compared to 40% in the same year-ago quarter, driven by ongoing margin optimization efforts. With multiple active margin optimization initiatives ongoing, Management deems the current profit margin range of 52%-55% to be very sustainable through the end of 2024.
  • Total VINIA subscribers increased by 135% as compared to the same year-ago quarter, with Marketing and Sales spend increasing by 43%.
  • Management expects revenues in the third quarter of 2024 to be at least $6.5 million. This number is calculated based on current subscriber renewal rates, current new customer acquisition rates, and current Q3 revenue performance to date.
  • Set a new record for monthly sales orders in May 2024 of $2.0M, which was then exceeded by June sales orders. The May sales milestone represented a 101% increase as compared to May 2023. Each of the past five quarters has reported consecutive 10%+ increases in revenue. (See chart below for historical quarterly revenue performance.)
  • The Company announced an agreement for a new corporate campus in Yavne, Israel which will consolidate the Company's corporate offices, R&D footprint and a future planned 50-ton production facility under one roof.
  • Fortified the Company's balance sheet through a $4.3 million private placement in June 2024.
  • Completed a 35-1 share consolidation to meet listing requirements for the Company's planned Nasdaq listing in 2024.
  • Presented at leading small-cap investor conferences including the Noble Capital Markets Virtual Equity Conference and the Sidoti Small-Cap Conference.
  • 2024年第二季度營收首次超過600萬美元,同比增長119%,達到603萬美元,而去年同期僅爲280萬美元,環比增長13%。
  • 2024年第二季度毛利潤率提高至52%,去年同期爲40%,受持續進行的利潤率優化工作推動。隨着多個積極的利潤率優化項目的進行,管理層認爲當前的利潤率區間爲52%-55%,在2024年底前都是可持續的。
  • VINIA訂閱用戶總數同比增長135%,銷售和營銷支出增加了43%。
  • 管理層預計2024年第三季度的營業收入至少爲650萬美元。這一數字是基於當前訂閱用戶的續訂率、當前新客戶獲取率和截至目前的第三季度營業收入表現進行計算的。
  • 2024年5月創下了月銷售訂單的新紀錄,達到了200萬美元,隨後6月的銷售訂單更是超過了這一數字。5月的銷售里程碑代表與2023年5月相比增長了101%。過去的五個季度每個季度的營業收入都連續報告了10%以上的增長(有關歷史季度營業收入表現請參見下面的圖表)。
  • 公司宣佈與以色列亞夫內的新公司園區達成協議,該園區將整合公司的企業辦公室、研發基地和未來計劃的50噸生產設施。
  • 通過2024年6月的430萬美元定向增發鞏固了公司的資產負債表。
  • 進行了35-1的股份合併,以滿足公司計劃於2024年在納斯達克上市的掛牌要求。
  • 在一些重要的小型投資者會議上做了報告,包括Noble Capital Markets Virtual Equity Conference和Sidoti Small-Cap Conference。

Quarterly Revenues Q1 2023 to Q2 2024. Includes Revenue Estimate for Q3 2024


Management Commentary


Ilan Sobel, Chief Executive Officer of BioHarvest, said: "The second quarter of 2024 delivered strong momentum for VINIA sales, driving a 116% increase in revenue in our Products division. The total revenue of just over $6.0 million exceeded our revenue guidance for the second quarter of 2024 of $5.7-6.0 million. We continued to make significant progress with our recently launched Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) Services Business Unit as well, leveraging our expertise in Botanical Synthesis to develop patentable, plant-based molecules to solve some of the most pressing health and wellness challenges facing the industry today.

BioHarvest首席執行官Ilan Sobel表示:「2024年第二季度對VINIA銷售帶來了強勁的增長勢頭,在我們的產品部門中,營業收入增長了116%。剛過600萬美元的總收入超過了我們2024年第二季度570-600萬美元的營收指導。我們還在最近推出的合同開發和製造組織(CDMO)服務業務部門取得了顯著進展,利用我們在植物合成方面的專業知識開發出可申請專利的以植物爲基礎的分子,以解決行業目前面臨的一些最迫切的健康和健康挑戰。」

"In our Products division, monthly direct-to-consumer revenue growth in our core VINIA business has resulted in 5 consecutive quarters of 10%+ revenue increases, and in May 2024 we reached the $2 Million monthly sales orders milestone for the first time, representing a 101% increase as compared to May 2023. June sales orders also surpassed that $2 Million mark, and the current year over year sales growth was attributable to strong VINIA subscription rates, with second quarter U.S. total subscriber counts increasing 135% versus the same quarter in 2023. Revenue was driven by our core nutraceutical capsule business combined with additional 'VINIA Inside' products, such as the recently launched VINIA Superfood Coffee, which is part of the Hot Beverage line up. Our Direct-to-Consumer sales strategy continues to deliver with a steady increase in both new customers and total subscribers.


"In addition, near term growth will be fueled by our innovation pipeline of "VINIA Inside" products, which already have started to scale impressively. Future product launches include completion of our Hot Beverage Strategy for 2024, with the introduction of Nespresso compatible coffee pods, and a range of teas, featuring both Breakfast and Green teas, available in both Keurig compatible pods and tea bags.


"Ongoing margin optimization initiatives continue to increase efficiencies across the organization, with gross margins at 52% in the second quarter of 2024, compared to 40% in the same period in the prior financial year. We remain focused on further enhancing manufacturing margins as we scale, and on driving further marketing efficiencies in our end-to-end e-commerce value chain.


"During the second quarter, we continued to advance our CDMO division, making exciting progress on our two contracts to develop complex molecules. The first is with a Nasdaq-listed pharmaceutical company to develop specific complex molecules that would form the base of their patented drug development. The second agreement is with a major player in the food nutrition and ingredients industry that contracted BioHarvest to develop unique plant-based molecules for use in the multi-billion dollar* non-nutritive sweetener industry. This business unit also provides another potential avenue towards monetization in the form of royalties on future commercial sales of any molecule we may develop, which could provide a recurring revenue base over the long term.

在第二季度,我們繼續推進我們的CDMO業務部門,在開發複雜分子的兩項合同上取得了令人振奮的進展。 第一個合作對象是與一家納斯達克上市的藥品公司合作,開發將構成其專利藥品開發基礎的特定複雜分子。 第二份協議是與食品營養和配料行業的一個主要參與者簽訂的,該行業與BioHarvest簽約開發獨特的基於植物的分子,用於數十億美元的非營養甜味劑行業。 該業務部門還爲我們提供了另一種潛在的變現途徑,即在未來任何我們可能開發的分子的商業銷售中提供的版稅,這有望在長期內提供一個持續的收入基礎。

"Our Products division continues to deliver record performance and margin improvement, with significant incremental growth potential driven by our near-term product launch roadmap. On the CDMO side, we are making steady progress on our contracted research projects while concurrently building out our future B2B sales pipeline. Looking ahead, I firmly believe we are well positioned to achieve our goal of uplisting to the Nasdaq exchange by year-end and continuing to improve margins, scale production capacity, and bring to market an expanded portfolio of Health and Wellness products," concluded Sobel.

我們的產品部門繼續實現創紀錄的業績和毛利率改善,由於即將推出的產品發佈路線圖帶來的顯着增長潛力,我們的增長潛力巨大。 在CDMO方面,我們在合同研究項目上取得穩健進展,同時正在建立未來的B20億銷售管道。 展望未來,我堅信我們已經做好了在年底前上市到納斯達克交易所的準備,並將持續改善毛利率,擴大生產能力,並推出一個更廣泛的健康和保健產品組合。最後,Sobel總結說。

*The Non Nutritive Sweeteners market is estimated to be $3.98B in 2024 with a CAGR of 5.72% for 2024-2032. Source:


Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results
All per share figures reflect the Company's 35-1 share consolidation in June 2024


Total revenues for the second quarter of 2024 increased 119% to $6.0 million - which exceeded management's prior revenue guidance - as compared to $2.8 million in the second quarter of 2023. The increase was largely attributable to over 100% growth in both new VINIA customers and in total VINIA subscribers year-over-year.

2024年第二季度總營收增加了119%,達到600萬美元-超過了管理層之前的營收指導-而2023年第二季度爲280萬美元。 這一增長主要歸因於新VINIA客戶和總VINIA訂閱用戶數均同比增長超過100%。

Gross profit increased 180% to $3.1 million, or 52% of total revenues, in the second quarter of 2024, as compared to $1.1 million, or 40% of total revenues, in the same year-ago quarter. The increase in gross margin was primarily attributable to the benefits of increased manufacturing scale, improved manufacturing yields, and cost reductions in downstream packaging and delivery costs.

毛利潤在2024年第二季度增長了180%,達到310萬美元,佔總營收的52%,而去年同期爲110萬美元,佔總營收的40%。 毛利率的增加主要歸因於增加的製造規模、改善的製造收益率以及下游包裝和交付成本降低的好處。

Net loss for the second quarter of 2024 totaled $0.7 million, or $0.04 per basic and diluted share, as compared to a net loss of $2.9 million, or $0.21 per basic and diluted share, in the same year-ago quarter.


Cash and cash equivalents as of June 30, 2024, totaled $5.2 million, as compared to $5.4 million as of December 31, 2023.


August 29, 2024, Shareholder Webinar


Management will host a Marketing and Operational Update webinar at 2:30 p.m. Eastern time, August 29, 2024, to discuss the Company's second quarter 2024 financial results, provide a corporate update on Product and Marketing initiatives, and conclude with a live Q&A. To participate, please use the following information:


Date: August 29, 2024
Time: 2:30 p.m. Eastern time
BHSC Q2 2024 Webcast link:

BHSC 2024年Q2網絡播放鏈接:

All interested media and investors are invited to register. Links to the full recorded webinar will also be distributed to all registrants and will be posted on Company website and social media channels.


About BioHarvest Sciences Inc.

BioHarvest Sciences Inc.簡介

BioHarvest Sciences Inc. (CSE: BHSC) (OTCQB: CNVCF) (FSE: 8MV) is a leader in Botanical Synthesis, leveraging its patented technology platform to grow plant-based molecules, without the need to grow the underlying plant. BioHarvest is leveraging its botanical synthesis technology to develop the next generation of science-based and clinically proven therapeutic solutions within two major business verticals; as a contract development and production organization (CDMO) on behalf of customers seeking complex molecules, and as a creator of proprietary nutraceutical health and wellness products, which includes dietary supplements. To learn more, please visit .

BioHarvest Sciences Inc. (CSE: BHSC) (OTCQB: CNVCF) (FSE: 8MV)是植物合成領域的領導者,利用其專利技術平台培育植物基分子,無需種植底層植物。BioHarvest利用其植物合成技術在兩個主要的業務垂直領域開發下一代基於科學和經過臨床驗證的治療解決方案;作爲一家代表尋求複雜分子的客戶的合同開發和生產組織(CDMO),以及作爲專有營養保健產品和膳食補充劑的創造者。了解更多信息,請訪問。

Forward-Looking Statements


Information set forth in this news release might include forward-looking statements that are based on management's current estimates, beliefs, intentions, and expectations, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. Launching new products is subject to risks and uncertainties including the risk that the market will not accept the product or that government approvals required for sale or import of the products will not be obtained. There is never an assurance that any product set will successfully disrupt established product categories. There is no assurance that the Company will maintain or improve current financial performance, as revenues and margins are dependent on a combination of factors such as supply chain efficiencies, input cost stability, marketing efficiencies and uncertain consumer preferences. Revenue projections are estimates and there is no assurance will occur when estimated as the timing is dependent on consumer acceptance and cost stability and other factors beyond company control. For the CDMO Services Business Unit, there is no assurance of additional future contracts, and readers are cautioned that increased revenue is not necessarily an increase in net income or profitability as costs will likely increase as well.


Although the Company believes that it will be able to meet the requirements for Nasdaq listing, there is no assurance that a listing will occur as listing will be subject to the company being able to meet listing criteria, including a history of trading at certain price levels, and financial and share distribution requirements. Some of these requirements may be affected by matters beyond the control of the company such as conditions impacting markets generally or changes in requirements.


Note: VINIA has no affiliation with Keurig Dr. Pepper Inc. or Nespresso. "Keurig" and "K-Cup" are registered trademarks of Keurig Dr. Pepper Inc.

注意:VINIA與Keurig Dr. Pepper Inc.或Nespresso無任何關聯。「Keurig」和「k-Cup」是Keurig Dr. Pepper Inc.的註冊商標。

All forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain and actual results may be affected by a number of material factors beyond our control. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. BHSC does not intend to update forward-looking statement disclosures other than through our regular management discussion and analysis disclosures.

所有前瞻性陳述本質上都存在不確定性,實際結果可能受到我們控制範圍之外的重要因素的影響。讀者不應該過度依賴前瞻性陳述。 BHSC除了通過我們的定期管理討論和分析披露以外,沒有意圖更新前瞻性陳述披露。

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This release has been reviewed and approved by Dave Ryan, VP Investor Relations, who accepts responsibilities for its contents.

此新聞稿內容已由Dave Ryan, VP Investor Relations審核並批准。

BioHarvest Corporate Contact:
Dave Ryan, VP Investor Relations & Director
+1 (604) 622-1186

Dave Ryan,投資者關係和董事副總裁
+1 (604) 622-1186

Investor Relations Contact:
Lucas A. Zimmerman
Managing Director
MZ Group - MZ North America
+1 (949) 259-4987

Lucas A. Zimmerman
MZ Group - MZ North America
+1 (949) 259-4987

