
科创板晚报|中芯国际上半年净利下降45% 埃夫特拟投建机器人超级工厂

The Star Market Evening News | Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation's net profit in the first half of the year dropped by 45%. Evert plans to invest in building a siasun robot&automation super factory. ·  Aug 29 21:06

① Shanghai SK Automation Technology's net income in the first half of the year increased by 2161.89% year-on-year; ② Weijie Chuangxin and Kewell Technology plan to repurchase; ③ Huayi Technology and related personnel received a warning letter from the Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau.

The evening report of the STAR Market on August 29th includes: Shanghai Sk Automation Technology's net income in the first half of the year increased by 2161.89% year-on-year; Weijie Chuangxin and Kewell plan to repurchase; Huawei Technology and related personnel received a warning letter from the Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau.

Focus on hot topics


Suzhou will announce new air routes and flight paths for low-altitude economy.

The 2nd National Low-Altitude Economy (Suzhou) Industrial Innovation Expo will open in Suzhou from October 18th to 20th. The expo is guided by the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and Government, organized by the Advanced Technology Achievement Transformation Center of the Yangtze River Delta, and has invited the Shenzhen UAV Industry Association. According to the organizers, during the opening ceremony, Suzhou will release new routes for low-altitude economy, layout plans for low-altitude take-off and landing facilities, local standards for low-altitude economy, the Suzhou low-altitude service supervision platform, and sign a number of key projects to build strategic emerging industry growth engines with distinctive features, mutual complementarity, and reasonable structure, laying the foundation for the development of the low-altitude economy in Suzhou.

Scheduled: The '2024 World Computing Conference' will be held in Changsha on September 24th to 25th.

According to the Hunan Provincial Government Information Office, the '2024 World Computing Conference' will be held in Changsha on September 24th to 25th. The conference, sponsored by the Hunan Provincial People's Government and organized by the Hunan Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Changsha Municipal People's Government, and the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, will focus on the theme of 'Intelligent Computing Everything, Building an Unimaginable Future - Creating New Quality Productivity', and will consist of 1 opening ceremony and themed report meeting, 10 specialized events, 1 innovation competition, and 1 results exhibition.

Tesla China: Currently, there are no plans to launch a seven-seater version of Model Y in October in China.

In response to recent reports stating that "Tesla plans to launch the China-made seven-seater version of the Model Y in China and Europe this October, with production already started at the Shanghai Gigafactory," Tesla China today stated, "There are currently no plans to launch such a model domestically."

Huawei's sales revenue in the first half of 2024 reached 417.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 34.3%.

Huawei announced its performance today, achieving sales revenue of 417.5 billion RMB in the first half of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 34.3%, with a net profit margin of 13.2%. Huawei's acting Chairman, Xu Zhijun, stated that the overall operation of the group is in line with expectations, and the company will implement a "high-quality" company strategy throughout the entire process, continuously optimize its industrial portfolio, enhance its development resilience, and build a prosperous industrial ecosystem.

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Huawei's revenue growth in the first half of the year exceeded 34%, with the annual revenue target exceeding 800 billion.

Science and Technology Innovation Board Companies

Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation: The net income in the first half of the year was 1.646 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 45.1%.

SMIC International released its semi-annual report for 2024. During the reporting period, the company achieved operating revenue of CNY 26.269 billion, a year-on-year increase of 23.2%; the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was CNY 1.646 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 45.1%. The decrease in net profit for the reporting period was mainly due to changes in product mix, increased depreciation, decreased investment income, and decreased net interest income. Note: Q1 net profit was CNY 0.509 billion, based on this calculation, Q2 net profit was CNY 1.137 billion, an increase of 123% compared to the previous quarter.

Huahong Company: net income in the first half of the year was 0.265 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 83.33%.

Huahong Company released a summary of the 2024 interim report. During the reporting period, the company achieved revenue of 6.732 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 23.88%. The net income attributable to the shareholders of the listed company was 0.265 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 83.33%. The net income attributable to the shareholders of the listed company excluding non-recurring gains and losses was 0.234 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 83.46%.

shanghai sk automation technology: net income in the first half of the year increased by 2161.89%.

Shanghai SK Automation Technology has released its half-year report for 2024. During the reporting period, the company achieved revenue of 1.172 billion yuan, a decrease of 1.21% compared to the same period last year. The net income attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 0.13 billion yuan, an increase of 2161.89% compared to the same period last year.

Siasun Robot&Automation plans to invest about 1.893 billion yuan to build a robot super factory.

EVT announcement: The company plans to use its own or self-raised funds to purchase land in Wuhu City, Anhui Province for investment in the construction of EVT Robot Super Factory and Global Headquarters Project. The total investment of the project is approximately CNY 1.893 billion (subject to the actual investment amount). The project will be built as a super intelligent digital factory integrating automated assembly, three-dimensional warehouse, numerical control processing center, core component production, and quality testing center, including Research and Development Technology Laboratory, Industry Application Workstation, EVT Technology Innovation Center, and Exhibition Hall as a diversified research base. After the project is completed and put into production, it is expected to achieve an annual output of 0.1 million high-performance industrial robots. This investment project still needs to obtain approval from the competent authority for state-owned assets and approval from the company's shareholders' meeting.

Beigene: The net income for the first half of the year was -2.877 billion yuan

Beigene's half-yearly report for 2024 shows that the company achieved revenue of 11.996 billion yuan in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of 65.44%; the net income attributable to the shareholders of the listed company was -2.877 billion yuan, compared to -5.219 billion yuan in the same period last year.

National silicon industry group: net loss of 0.389 billion yuan in the first half of the year.

National Silicon Industry Group released its semi-annual report for 2024, with revenue of 1.569 billion yuan during the reporting period, a decrease of 0.28% year-on-year; the net income attributable to shareholders of the listed company was -0.389 billion yuan.

Wealthichip: The actual controller proposes to repurchase company's shares for 0.1 billion to 0.15 billion yuan.

Weichai Chuanxin Announcement: The company's board of directors has received a proposal from the actual controller and chairman, Rong Xiuli, suggesting that the company repurchase its own shares through centralized bidding using its own or self-raised funds. The repurchased shares are intended to be used for employee stock ownership plans or stock-based incentives. The upper limit of the repurchase price of the shares shall not exceed 150% of the average trading price of the company's stocks in the 30 trading days before the resolution of the repurchase plan is approved by the board of directors. The total amount of the repurchase funds shall not be less than 0.1 billion yuan and not exceed 0.15 billion yuan. The repurchase period shall not exceed 12 months from the date of approval of the final repurchase plan by the board of directors.

Cansino Biologics Inc.: net loss of 0.225 billion yuan in the first half of the year.

Cansino Biologics Inc. released its 2024 interim report. During the reporting period, the company achieved revenue of 0.303 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1071.20%; the net income attributable to shareholders of the listed company was -0.225 billion yuan, compared to -0.841 billion yuan in the same period last year.

Beijing Roborock Technology: net income increased by 51.57% year on year in the first half of the year.

Beijing Roborock Technology released its 2024 interim report, achieving revenue of 4.416 billion yuan in the first half of the year, a year-on-year growth of 30.9%; net income attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 1.121 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 51.57%.

Kingsemi Co., Ltd.: Net income in the first half of the year was 76.1388 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 43.88%.

Kingsemi Co., Ltd. released its interim report for 2024, achieving revenue of 0.694 billion yuan in the first half of the year, a year-on-year decrease of 0.29%; net income attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 76.1388 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 43.88%.

Beijing Jushen Intelligent Robot Innovation Center will launch its first round of external financing since its establishment. Public information shows that Beijing Jushen Intelligent Robot Innovation Center was founded in November 2023, with founding shareholders including Xiaomi, UBTECH, Jingcheng Mechanical and Electrical, and Yizhuang Holdings. Among them, Xiaomi, UBTECH, and Jingcheng Mechanical and Electrical are the three largest shareholders of Beijing Jushen Intelligent Robot Innovation Center, each holding approximately 28.57% of the shares.

Yudu Semiconductor has completed a hundred million yuan in Series C financing.

Huayi Technology: The company and related personnel have received a warning letter from the Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau.

Huayi Technology announced that the company and related personnel have received a Warning Letter from the Shanghai Supervision Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, as the company's performance forecast and performance report disclosure were inaccurate, in violation of the relevant regulations of the Measures for the Management of Information Disclosure of Listed Companies. The Shanghai Supervision Bureau has decided to issue a Warning Letter as an administrative regulatory measure against the company, Chairman and CEO Li Yin, CFO Pan Min, and Board Secretary Shen Xiaofeng. The company stated that it will actively rectify the situation in strict accordance with regulatory requirements, enhance its understanding of relevant laws and regulations, and improve the quality of information disclosure.

Venture Capital Wind Vane

The Peking Asia Vets Robot and Automation Innovation Center will launch its first round of external financing.

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