
Efficient and GlobalFoundries Partner to Enable a New Category of Ultra Energy-Efficient, High-Performance Processors

Efficient and GlobalFoundries Partner to Enable a New Category of Ultra Energy-Efficient, High-Performance Processors

PR Newswire ·  08/29 21:00

New combination of ultra energy efficiency and high performance enables new use cases and applications in industrial IoT, defense, space, wearables and health


PITTSBURGH, Aug. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Efficient announced a strategic partnership with GlobalFoundries (GF) to bring to market a new high-performance computer processor that is up to 166x* more energy-efficient than industry-standard embedded CPUs. Efficient is already working with select customers for early access and customer sampling by summer 2025. The official introduction of the category-creating processor will mark a new era in computing, free from restrictive energy limitations.

匹茲堡,2024年8月29日 / 全球新聞線 / - 今天, 高效 宣佈與 全球先進 (GF) 合作,推出一款新的高性能計算機處理器,其能效比行業標準嵌入式CPU高166倍。 Efficient已經與一些選擇性客戶合作,計劃在2025年夏季開始提供早期訪問和客戶樣品。這款具有創新性的處理器的正式發佈將標誌着計算領域的一個新時代,擺脫了能效限制。

The partnership will combine Efficient's novel architecture and technology with GF's U.S.-based manufacturing, global reach and market expertise to enable a quantum leap in edge device capabilities and battery lifetime. Through this partnership, Efficient will provide the computing power to smarter, longer-lasting devices and applications across the Internet of Things, wearable and implantable health devices, space systems, and security and defense.


Current general-purpose processors are over-designed for generality, with most of their energy consumed by unnecessary internal data movement and instruction control overheads. The Efficient Fabric processor architecture is a paradigm shift, providing reconfigurable hardware at compile time for up to 99% lower DC power without compromising performance, setting a new benchmark for CPUs and creating a new category of ultra-low energy and high-performance processors. Efficient is bringing edge computing capabilities to use cases that were previously impossible due to limited energy availability. When combined with the MRAM and Adaptive Body Biasing (ABB) capabilities of GF's 22FDX platform, Efficient is primed to enable its customers to overcome significant barriers in power consumption, facilitating the deployment of devices equipped with advanced capabilities worldwide.


"With energy efficiency at the forefront, our founding mission at Efficient was to reimagine general-purpose computing from the ground up and we are incredibly proud to bring our category-defining general-purpose processor to market," said Brandon Lucia, Co-Founder and CEO of Efficient. "Partnering with GlobalFoundries was a natural fit and we are confident that together we will empower the world's most critical industries to embrace the next evolution of energy efficient computing with ease and reliability."

「在能源效率的前沿,Efficient的創始使命是從根本上重新構想通用計算,並且我們爲能夠將我們定義行業類別的通用處理器推向市場感到非常自豪。」Efficient的聯合創始人兼首席執行官Brandon Lucia表示:「與GlobalFoundries的合作是天然的選擇,我們相信我們將共同賦予世界上最關鍵的行業以輕鬆和可靠的方式迎接能源效率計算的下一次演進。」

"We are excited to partner with a brilliant team of engineers at Efficient who are bringing a novel approach to processing architecture and setting a new benchmark for energy-efficient computing using GF's 22FDX platform," said Faisal Saleem, Senior Vice President of End-Markets at GF. "Together with Efficient, we will meet a growing market need for ML-enabled intelligent edge devices across various domains that are power efficient and deliver strong computing performance."

「我們很高興能與Efficient的一群有才華的工程師合作,他們採用了一種新穎的處理架構,並且藉助GF的22FDX平台,爲能效計算樹立了新的標杆。」GF的高級副總裁Faisal Saleem表示:「與Efficient一起,我們將滿足不斷增長的市場需求,提供跨多個領域的基於ML的智能邊緣設備,這些設備具有低功耗和強大的計算性能。」

The Efficient Fabric processor conserves energy across various applications, including machine learning-enabled (ML) extreme-edge machine vision, continuous audio intelligence and versatile sensory and signals intelligence. It also allows developers to use their own code, supporting popular embedded languages like C and TFlite at launch, with a roadmap to support many more in the first year, to create sophisticated intelligence applications that incorporate artificial intelligence, ML, signal processing, data analytics and other general-purpose data processing tasks. To learn more about Efficient's architecture, please visit .

Efficient Fabric處理器在各種應用中節省能源,包括機器學習(ML)能力的極限邊緣機器視覺、連續音頻智能和多功能的傳感和信號智能。它還允許開發人員使用自己的代碼,在發佈時支持流行的嵌入式語言,如C和TFlite,而且在第一年將支持更多語言,來創建集成人工智能、ML、信號處理、數據分析和其他通用數據處理任務的複雜智能應用。要了解有關Efficient架構的更多信息,請訪問 .

About Efficient
Efficient has created a transformative computer architecture and software stack that delivers unprecedented levels of energy efficiency. Combining software with hardware, this novel processor technology is up to 166X more energy-efficient than leading general-purpose embedded processors. The Efficient processor is ideal for edge computing devices and applications across industries, including the Internet of Things, wearable and implantable health devices, space systems, and security and defense, where power restrictions have often limited both capabilities and value. Efficient is founded by a renowned team who have a wide range of expertise areas – from professors and PhDs at Carnegie Mellon University, to startup veterans. For more information about the company, please visit .


About GlobalFoundries
GlobalFoundries (GF) is one of the world's leading semiconductor manufacturers and the only one with a truly global footprint. GF is redefining innovation and semiconductor manufacturing by developing feature-rich process technology solutions that provide leadership performance in pervasive high growth markets. GF offers a unique mix of design, development, and fabrication services. With a talented and diverse workforce and an at-scale manufacturing footprint spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia, GF is a trusted technology source to its worldwide customers. For more information, visit .

關於GlobalFoundries GF®是全球領先的半導體制造商之一。GF通過開發和提供功能豐富的處理技術解決方案,爲普及高增長市場提供領先的性能,從而重新定義創新和半導體制造。GF提供獨特的設計、開發和製造服務。憑藉人才和多元化的勞動力以及覆蓋美國、歐洲和亞洲的規模化製造業足跡,GF是其全球客戶的值得信賴的技術來源。有關更多信息,請訪問。
全球半導體制造業領先企業GlobalFoundries (GF)是全球唯一具有真正全球性覆蓋的半導體制造商之一。GF通過開發功能豐富的工藝技術解決方案,正在重新定義創新和半導體制造,在全球高增長市場中提供領先性能。GF提供獨特的設計、開發和製造服務。GF擁有一支才華橫溢、多元化的員工隊伍,擁有覆蓋美國、歐洲和亞洲的大規模製造基地,是全球客戶信賴的科技供應商。更多信息,請訪問。

*Benchmark: 5x5 Convolution – the workhorse of AI, ML, DSP, CV, and others, claimed low power SoC & Efficient E0 run the same C program. Methodology: claimed lower power SoC, Efficient E0 – Direct measurement on lab bench, Accelerator – Their advertised numbers for MLPerf Tiny 1.1

*基準:5x5卷積-人工智能、機器學習、數字信號處理、計算機視覺等領域的主力。宣稱低功率SoC及高效E0運行相同C程序。方法:宣稱更低功率SoC、高效E0-在實驗臺上直接測量,加速器-他們在MLPerf Tiny 1.1中宣佈的數字。

SOURCE Efficient Computer

Efficient Computer來源

