
Snowline Gold Expands Valley Footprint With 435.0 M Of 1.6 Grams Per Tonne Gold on Its Rogue Project, And Drills 6.3 M Of 6.9 Grams Per Tonne Gold at Its Jupiter Target, Einarson Project, Yukon

Snowline Gold Expands Valley Footprint With 435.0 M Of 1.6 Grams Per Tonne Gold on Its Rogue Project, And Drills 6.3 M Of 6.9 Grams Per Tonne Gold at Its Jupiter Target, Einarson Project, Yukon

Accesswire ·  08/29 18:00
  • Hole V-24-077, along the northeast boundary of Valley's current mineral resource estimate, averaged 1.61 g/t Au over 435.0 m, including 2.39 g/t Au over 150.5 m

  • On Snowline's Jupiter target, Einarson Project, Hole J-24-022 returned 6.88 g/t Au over 6.3 m, including 13.9 g/t Au over 2.0 m downhole, along with other mineralized intersections in 170 m step-back from previous drilling

  • Trace amounts of visible gold seen in regional drilling at Aurelius target, Rogue Project and Sydney target, Cynthia Project

  • Assays pending for >21,000 m across 7 targets, with drilling ongoing.

  • V-24-077孔位於山谷當前礦產資源評估的東北邊界,平均黃金含量爲1.61克/噸, 共4350萬噸,其中150.5米黃金平均含量爲2.39克/噸

  • 在Snowline的朱庇特目標區,Einarson項目,J-24-022孔位於地下630萬噸處,平均黃金含量爲6.88克/噸,其中沿孔眼方向200萬噸,黃金平均含量爲13.9克/噸,還有其他礦化交叉點位於17000萬噸處,相比之前的鑽探退回了一步。

  • 在Rogue項目的Aurelius目標區和Cynthia項目的Sydney目標區的區域鑽探中發現微量可見黃金

  • 在7個目標區共計超過2100000萬噸的分析結果尚未出來,鑽探仍在進行中。

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 29, 2024 / SNOWLINE GOLD CORP (TSX-V:SGD)(OTCQB:SNWGF) (the "Company" or "Snowline") is pleased to announce additional analytical results from its 2024 Valley deposit drilling campaign on the Rogue Project in Canada's Yukon Territory, along with the first drill results from its Jupiter target, Einarson Project, since consolidation of 100% ownership of Einarson earlier this year. Highlight intervals from Valley and Jupiter are summarized in Table 1 below. The results from V-24-077 at Valley are near the northeastern edge of the current resource-limiting pit shell constraint for the initial mineral resource estimate (MRE) at Valley, confirming continuity of strong gold grades to the edge of the current resource, open to further expansion. At the Einarson Project's epizonal orogenic Jupiter target, roughly 32 km north of Valley, multiple zones of gold mineralization were encountered in a 170 m step-back from previous drilling, increasing the known width of the system. Drilling is ongoing at Valley and on other targets, with assays pending for an additional 21,278 m drilled to date.

溫哥華,BC / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年8月29日 / SNOWLINE GOLD CORP (TSX-V:SGD)(OTCQB:SNWGF)(以下簡稱"公司"或"Snowline")非常高興地宣佈其在加拿大育空地區Rogue項目上的2024年山谷礦牀鑽探活動的其他分析結果,以及在Einarson項目集中100%所有權後首次發佈的朱庇特目標鑽探結果。在山谷和朱庇特地區的亮點間隔詳見下表1。山谷地區的V-24-077結果位於當前礦產資源初步估計(MRE)的東北邊緣上,確認了強勁金品位的連續性,並且金礦資源的計算範圍已經接近當前資源的極限。Einarson項目的朱庇特目標位於山谷以北約32公里處,是一個大型的富含黃金的礦化區,鑽探結果從之前的鑽探中退回17000萬噸,增加了礦體已知寬度。山谷和其他目標的鑽探工作正在進行中,追加2127800萬噸的結果仍在等待分析報告。

Table 1 -Highlight summary of Snowline's latest assay results; see Tables 2 and 3 for details. *Interval widths reported; true widths of the system at Valley are not yet known. Interval width at Jupiter is estimated to be roughly 50% of true width.
表1 - Snowline最新化驗結果的亮點摘要;詳細信息請參閱表2和表3。 *報告了孔眼間的寬度;山谷系統的真實寬度尚未確定。朱庇特區的間隔寬度估計大約爲真實寬度的50%。

"We are pleased to advance our flagship district on multiple fronts," said Scott Berdahl, CEO & Director of Snowline. "At Valley, drilling continues to de-risk and potentially grow our initial mineral resource estimate with holes expanding the footprint of near surface, >1 g/t Au gold mineralization. At Jupiter, our step-outs are hitting encouraging zones of gold mineralization within large areas of alteration and pathfinder minerals. Elsewhere, our regional exploration and drilling is ongoing, with drill results still pending from six regional targets outside of Valley this year."

"我們很高興在多個方面推進我們的旗艦區塊,"Snowline的首席執行官兼董事Scott Berdahl表示。"在山谷地區,鑽探工作持續降低風險並有可能擴大我們初步的礦產資源估計範圍,發現了地表部分超過1克/噸的黃金礦化。朱庇特地區,我們的擴展正在一個富含變質帶和指示礦物的大面積內取得鼓舞人心的黃金礦化結果。此外,我們區域性的勘探和鑽探依然在進行中,在山谷地區之外的六個目標區,鑽探結果尚未公佈。"



Drilling at the Rogue Project's Valley deposit is ongoing, with three drills currently active on the deposit. To date, roughly 17,400 m have been drilled at Valley in 37 holes in 2024 (Figure 1). Trace instances of visible gold and widespread sheeted quartz vein arrays have been observed both within and beyond the confines of the current, initial MRE for Valley. The Company awaits full assay results from the ongoing drill campaign to assess the significance of these observations and their impact on the MRE.


Figure 1 - Plan map of drill results and progress on the Rogue Project's Valley deposit, highlighting current results in drill holes V-24-076 and V-24-077. Past analytical results are faded, while instances of visible gold in holes awaiting assay are marked by yellow spheres.
圖1 - Rogue項目Valley礦牀鑽孔結果和進展的平面圖,突出顯示V-24-076和V-24-077鑽孔的當前結果。過去的分析結果已經模糊化,而等待化驗的鑽孔中的可見黃金實例則用黃色球標記。

Hole V-24-077


Hole V-24-077 is collared within the Valley intrusion, as a 140 m step back along section from V-23-034 (418.3 m @ 1.88 g/t Au from surface including 216.0 m @ 3.08 g/t Au, see Snowline news release dated July 5, 2023) (Figures 1 & 2). The nearest holes are V-23-045 (517.9 m @ 1.14 g/t Au from surface including 125.5 m @ 1.75 g/t Au, see Snowline news release dated September 11, 2023) at 84 m to the west and V-22-015 (442.0 m @ 0.65 g/t Au including 170.0 m @ 1.18 g/t Au, see Snowline news release dated December 22, 2022) at 72 m to the south.

V-24-077鑽孔位於Valley侵入體內,在V-23-034處沿剖面向後退了14000萬步(41830萬 @ 1.88 g/t Au,包括從表面開始的21600萬 @ 3.08 g/t Au,請參見Snowline公司2023年7月5日的新聞稿)(圖1和2)。最近的鑽孔是V-23-045(51790萬 @ 1.14 g/t Au,包括從表面開始的12550萬 @ 1.75 g/t Au,請參見Snowline公司2023年9月11日的新聞稿),位於西邊8400萬的位置,以及V-22-015(44200萬 @ 0.65 g/t Au,包括從表面開始的17000萬 @ 1.18 g/t Au,請參見Snowline公司2022年12月22日的新聞稿),位於南邊7200萬的位置。

V-24-077 tests material along the edge of the block model used for the initial Valley MRE and along the edge of the current revenue factor 0.72 pit shell used to constrain that MRE. The hole remains primarily in coarse-grained granodiorite, the dominant phase of the intrusion, until roughly 400 m downhole, at which point it transitions into a fine-grained porphyritic phase of the intrusion with zones of igneous breccia.

V-24-077鑽孔測試了初始Valley MRE使用的塊模型和用於限制該MRE的當前收益因子0.72坑殼的邊緣材料。該鑽孔主要穿過粗粒的花崗閃長巖,這是侵入體的主要相,直到大約40000萬的深處,然後過渡爲細粒的斑岩相,伴有火成角礫岩帶。

Figure 2 - Cross-section A-A', showing V-24-076 and 077 in the context of the initial Valley MRE block model and MRE-constraining revenue factor 0.72 pit shell. The block model has not been updated to reflect the current results, and blocks shown outside of the current pit shell constraint are not included in the initial MRE for Valley. Instances of visible gold in holes awaiting assay results are marked by yellow spheres. The released holes are projected onto the same plane from a total width of roughly 100 m-relative positions can be seen in the plan map in Figure 1. Hole V-24-077 is collared as a 140 m step-back from V-23-034, to assess strength and continuity at the edge of the current model and to potentially expand it.
圖2 - A-A'剖面圖,顯示V-24-076和V-24-077鑽孔在初始Valley MRE塊模型和MRE限制收益因子0.72坑殼的背景下。塊模型尚未更新以反映當前的結果,在當前坑殼限制之外顯示的塊不包括在Valley的初始MRE中。等待化驗結果的鑽孔中的可見黃金實例以黃色球標記。釋放的鑽孔從總寬度大約爲10000萬的地方投影到同一平面中,其相對位置可以在圖1的平面圖中看到。V-24-077鑽孔作爲從V-23-034向後退的14000萬步,來評估邊緣的模型強度和連續性,並有可能擴展它。

The hole begins with two intersections of lower grade mineralization (54.0 m averaging 0.37 g/t Au from bedrock surface at 6.0 m downhole and 37.5 m averaging 0.46 g/t Au from 76.5 m downhole) before hitting a sustained run of 435.0 m averaging 1.61 g/t Au from 120 m downhole until the end of the hole at 555.0 m, including a higher-grade interval of 2.39 g/t Au over 150.5 m beginning at 206.5 m downhole. Zones of higher grades include 7.62 g/t Au over 20.0 m (including 35.7 g/t Au over 1.5 m) from 239.0 m downhole (Table 2).

該孔從兩個低品位的礦化交叉點開始(岩牀表面處的5400萬平均0.37 g/t Au,下孔600萬處和岩牀表面以下的3750萬平均0.46 g/t Au,下孔7650萬處),然後在下孔12000萬處短暫運行,平均1.61 g/t Au,直到55500萬孔底結束,包括從20650萬孔底開始的2.39 g/t Au高品位間隔。高品位區域包括從23900萬孔底起的2000萬處的7.62 g/t Au(包括35.7 g/t Au的1.5 m間隔)(表2)。

The results are expected to expand the limit of the current block model and to expand the extent of above cut-off (>0.4 g/t Au) and higher-grade domains. The ultimate effect of this result will be quantified along with analytical results of all subsequent holes in an updated mineral resource estimate at a later time.

預計這些結果將擴大當前區塊模型的極限,並擴展高於切割值(>0.4 g/t Au)和高品位區域的範圍。該結果的最終影響將隨後所有鑽孔的分析結果一起,在以後的時間更新的礦產資源估算中量化。

Table 2 - Summary of significant mineralization returned from current holes at Valley. The consistency of strong mineralization in the deposit is reinforced by the capped values in the rightmost column, wherein any assay result >10 g/t Au is replaced by 10.0 g/t Au to calculate the average interval grades. *Interval widths reported; true widths of the system are not yet known, with different vein generations, orientations, and grade distributions present within various intervals through the bulk tonnage gold target at Valley.
表2 - 綜述了Valley目前鑽孔中返回的重要礦化情況。存款中強礦化的一致性得到了右側一列中封頂值的加強支持,在其中任何化驗結果>10 g/t Au都會被替換爲10.0 g/t Au 以計算間隔平均品位。*報告的間隔寬度;尚不清楚系統的真實寬度,不同石英脈世代、方位和品位分佈存在於Valley目標礦量黃金堆積中的各個區間內。



Figure 3 - Visible gold in AU-24-003, Aurelius target, Rogue Project, at 344.0 m downhole.The trace occurrence was noticed after core cutting for sampling, and it is in a vein hosting pyrrhotite, bismuth-lead sulphides, pyrite and chalcopyrite. Assays for AU-24-003 and all holes at Aurelius are pending, with drilling at the target ongoing.
圖3 - Aurelius目標Rogue項目AU-24-003井,在34400萬孔底可見黃金。通常在取樣後的巖芯切割中注意到痕跡出現,它位於一個含有黃鐵礦、鉍鉛礦化合物、黃鐵礦和黃銅礦的石英脈中。AU-24-003和Aurelius所有鑽孔的化驗結果尚未出來,目標處的鑽探仍在進行中。

Snowline currently has two drill rigs active on regional targets: one active on an expanded Phase I drill program on the Rogue Project's Aurelius target, the other completing the first ever drill testing of the Einarson Project's Avalanche Creek orogenic gold target. Assays are currently pending for more than 8,100 m drilled on regional targets outside of Valley, namely: Aurelius (4 holes), Cujo (3 holes) and Reid (1 hole) on the Rogue Project, Sydney (3 holes) on the Cynthia Project, and Jupiter (6 holes) and Avalanche Creek (2 holes) on the Einarson Project.

Snowline目前在區域目標上有兩臺鑽機在運行:其中一臺在Rogue項目的Aurelius目標上進行擴大的I期鑽探計劃,另一臺在Einarson項目的Avalanche Creek造山帶金礦目標上進行有史以來第一次的鑽探測試。目前對Valley以外的區域目標進行超過810000萬的化驗尚未出來,即Rogue項目的Aurelius(4個孔)、Cujo(3個孔)和Reid(1個孔),Cynthia項目的Sydney(3個孔),以及Einarson項目的Jupiter(6個孔)和Avalanche Creek(2個孔)。

Jupiter Target, Einarson Project


At Jupiter, assays have been received for the first two holes drilled in 2024. Both holes encountered elevated to anomalous (>1 g/t Au, to a high of 13.9 g/t Au over 2.0 m in J-22-024) gold mineralization, expanding the width and depth of the known mineralized system at Jupiter (Table 3).

在木衛一號上,我們已經收到了2024年鑽探的前兩口井的化驗結果。兩口井都遇到了升高的或異常的(>1 g/t Au,最高可達200萬在J-22-024中的13.9 g/t Au)黃金礦化,擴大了在木衛一號已知礦化系統的寬度和深度(表3)。

Hole J-24-022 was drilled as a 170 m step-back from J-21-015 (3.6 m @ 13.7 g/t Au, including 0.95 m @ 25.2 g/t Au, see Snowline news release dated November 18, 2021). It encountered 3 primary zones of mineralization. The upper zone, averaging 3.50 g/t Au over 3.7 m, is interpreted as a new mineralized structural corridor subparallel to mineralization encountered in 2021. The lower two zones, including an interval of 6.87 g/t Au over 6.3 m downhole, along with mineralization seen in J-24-023, extend to depth the mineralized corridor encountered in 2021 (Figure 4). Assays for an additional 2,444 m in 6 holes from the Jupiter target are pending.

J-24-022孔距離J-21-015孔邁進了17000萬(360萬 @ 13.7 g/t Au,包括95萬 @ 25.2 g/t Au,請參閱Snowline資訊稿,日期爲2021年11月18日)。它遇到了3個主要的礦化帶。上部礦化帶平均每370萬含3.50 g/t Au,被解釋爲與2021年遇到的礦化帶互相平行的新的礦化構造走廊。下部兩個礦化帶,包括沿孔眼延伸的平均6.87 g/t Au的630萬長度的礦化帶,以及在J-24-023中觀察到的礦化帶,延伸了2021年遇到的礦化構造走廊(圖4)。從木衛一號目標鑽探中,另外6個孔中的244400萬的化驗結果尚未出爐。

Figure 4 - Simplified schematic geological map (left) and cross section (right) of the Jupiter target, showing the locations of six of the eight holes drilled to date in 2024. Note the multiple structures identified, expanding the breadth of the Jupiter system, and the additional high grade gold values down dip. "Mineralization" denotes areas of patchy, veinlet-hosted and/or disseminated sulphides in vein wall rocks. The system remains open in all directions, with only 1.2 km of strike length partially drill tested to date within a broader 3 km zone of elevated (>10 ppb Au) to anomalous (>50 ppb Au) soil geochemistry.
圖4 - 木衛一號目標的簡化地質示意圖(左)和剖面圖(右),顯示了2024年迄今爲止鑽探的八個孔中的六個的位置。請注意,發現了多個結構,擴大了木衛一號體系的廣度,並在下部繼續發現了高品位金礦化值。"礦化"標識了有斑狀、脈狀或浸染狀硫化物的脈岩壁中的區域。該體系在所有方向上仍然未定論,迄今爲止在更寬廣的3公里高值(>10 ppb Au)至異常值(>50 ppb Au)土壤地球化學區域中,僅有1.2公里的走向部分進行過鑽探測試。
Table 3 - Summary of significant mineralization from current holes at the Jupiter target, Einarson Project.
表3 - 木衛一號目標的當前孔的重要礦化彙總,埃納森項目。

Sydney Target, Cynthia Project


A 3-hole, 1,344 m Phase I drilling program has recently been completed at the Sydney target, Cynthia Project, representing the first-ever drill testing of the recently delineated RIRGS target located south of Rogue, near the Plata winter trail. Widespread sheeted quartz veins are present in all three holes, with low to high vein densities (Figure 6) and at least two distinct vein generations. Veins appear to have a higher sulphide content than those at Valley. Six instances of visible gold, from two separate holes, were noted during core logging, which is ongoing. Assays for all holes at Sydney are pending.


Figure 5 - Instances of visible gold in SY-24-003, Sydney target, Cynthia Project, at 106.3 m, 152.8 m and 177.8 m downhole.As with mineralization at Valley, gold is present in sheeted quartz veins as native gold. At Cynthia visible gold occurrences are spatially associated with bismuthinite and molybdenite. Three different veins throughout the 458.1 m length of SY-24-003 were observed to host trace visible gold. Assays for SY-24-003 and all holes at Sydney are pending.
圖5 - 辛迪亞項目西德尼目標 (Sydney target) 的SY-24-003孔位,可見的黃金實例,位於10630萬、15280萬和17780萬下鑽孔。與山谷地礦化一樣,金主要存在於片狀石英脈中的金粒中。在辛迪亞地區,可見的黃金主要與輝鉍礦和鉬礦石有關。SY-24-003孔位全長45810萬,觀察到了三種不同的石英脈,其中存在微量可見的黃金。SY-24-003孔位和西德尼目標的所有孔位的化驗結果尚待出爐。
Figure 6 - Plan map of drill traces from Phase I drilling at the Cynthia Project's Sydney target, showing vein densities and instances of visible gold. Assays for all three holes at Sydney are pending.
圖6 - 辛迪亞項目西德尼目標 (Sydney target) 的一期鑽孔軌跡平面圖,顯示石英脈密度和可見黃金實例。西德尼目標的三個孔位的化驗結果尚待出爐。



The Company held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on August 27, 2024. Shareholders voted in favour of all items of business before the AGM, including the election of all director nominees, the appointment of the auditor, and re-approval of the Omnibus Incentive Plan.




On receipt from the drill site NQ2-sized drill core was systematically logged for geological attributes, photographed and sampled at Snowline's "Forks" Camp. Sample lengths as small as 0.5 m were used to isolate features of interest, but most samples within moderate to strong mineralization were 1.0 m in length; otherwise, a default 1.5 m downhole sample length was used. Core was cut in half lengthwise along a pre-determined line, with one half (same half, consistently, dictated by orientation line where present or by dominant vein orientation where absent) collected for analysis and one half stored as a record. Field duplicates were collected at regular intervals as 1⁄4 core samples by splitting the 1⁄2 core sent for sampling, leaving a consistent record of half core material from duplicate and non-duplicate samples alike. Standard reference materials and blanks were inserted by Snowline personnel at regular intervals into the sample stream. Bagged samples were sealed with security tags to ensure integrity during transport. They were delivered by expeditor to Bureau Veritas' preparatory facility in Whitehorse, Yukon. Sample preparation was completed in Whitehorse, with analyses completed in Vancouver.

在從鑽探現場獲取NQ2規格的岩心後,Snowline的「Forks」工地對其進行了系統記錄地質屬性,並對其進行了拍照和採樣。使用50萬的樣本長度來分離感興趣的特徵,但在中度到強礦化的大多數樣本中,樣本長度是100萬;否則,就會使用默認的150萬樣本長度。岩心沿着事先確定的線路分成兩半,其中一半(同一半,一致地由存在的取向線或缺失的優勢脈向確定)被收集進行分析,而另一半則作爲記錄儲存。野外重複樣品每隔一段時間就採集1/4的岩心樣品進行拆分,使有重複和無重複樣品的一半岩心材料得到一致的記錄。Snowline工作人員按照規定的間隔將標準參考物料和白樣品插入樣本流程中。袋裝樣品用安全標籤密封以確保在運輸過程中的完整性。它們由快遞員運送到白馬市Bureau Veritas的預備設施,樣品製備在白馬市完成,分析則由溫哥華完成。

Bureau Veritas is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO9001 for quality management. Samples were crushed by BV to >85% passing below 2 mm and split using a riffle splitter. 250 g splits were pulverized to >85% passing below 75 microns. A four-acid digest with an inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) finish was used for 59-element analysis on 0.25 g sample pulps (BV code: MA250). All samples were analysed for gold content by fire assay with an atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) finish on 30 g samples (BV code: FA430). Any sample returning >10 g/t Au was reanalysed by fire assay with a gravimetric finish on a 30 g sample (BV code: FA530).

Bureau Veritas獲得了質量管理的ISO/IEC 17025和ISO9001認證。樣品由BV碾碎至粒度大於2mm,使用振動分流器分流。250g的分流物被粉碎至粒度大於75μm。通過ICP-MS method使用四酸消化對0.25 g的樣品漿進行了59種元素分析(BV code:MA250)。所有樣品都進行了金含量的火試金分析,樣品重量爲30克,並使用原子吸收光譜法(AAS)完成(BV code:FA430)。任何返回>10g/t Au的樣品均會使用重量法進行火試金分析,樣品重量爲30克(BV code:FA530)

For the purposes of this release, contiguous mineralized intervals at Valley are defined as runs of mineralization with no break >5.0 m assaying <0.1 g/t Au, including any subsections thereof.

根據本公告中的定義,瓦利地區的連續礦化間隔定義爲無斷層的礦化區間,含金濃度在0.1 g/t Au以下,包括任何子區間,連續長度超過500萬克拉。



Snowline Gold's 100%-owned, flagship Rogue Project, in Canada's Yukon Territory, covers a 60 x 30 km cluster of intrusions in the eastern Tombstone Gold Belt known as the Rogue Plutonic Complex.

Snowline Gold公司擁有100%的標誌性Rogue項目,位於加拿大育空地區,涵蓋了東方山谷黃金帶中的一個60 x 30公里的浸入體聚集群,被稱爲Rogue深源複合體。

Since its launch in 2021, Snowline has progressed the Rogue Project's Valley target from a greenfield prospecting discovery to a significant bulk tonnage gold resource, with 4.05 Moz gold indicated mineral resource at 1.66 g/t Au and an additional 3.26 Moz inferred mineral resource at 1.25 g/t Au within a pit-shell constraint. The resource estimate numbers are supported by the recent technical report for Rogue, prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 standards, entitled "Rogue Gold Project: NI 43-101 Technical Report and Mineral Resource Estimate," authored by Heather Burrell, P. Geo., Daniel J. Redmond, P. Geo., and Steven C. Haggarty, P. Eng., with an effective date of May 15, 2024.

自2021年推出以來,Snowline已將Rogue項目的山谷目標從後勤勘探發現推進到實質性的大塊金資源,其明示金礦資源爲4.05 Moz,爲1.66 g/t Au。在一個由坑殼約束的範圍內,還有另外3.26 Moz的推斷金礦資源,爲1.25 g/t Au。資源估計數字得到了最近關於Rogue的技術報告的支持,該報告是依據NI 43-101標準編寫的,標題爲「Rogue Gold Project:NI 43-101技術報告和礦產資源估算」,作者爲Heather Burrell,P. Geo.,Daniel J. Redmond,P. Geo.和Steven C. Haggarty。P. Eng.,有效日期爲2024年5月15日。

Exploration of the open Valley system is ongoing. Valley is a reduced intrusion-related gold system (RIRGS), geologically similar to multi-million-ounce RIRGS deposits currently in production, like Kinross's Fort Knox Mine in Alaska, but with substantially higher gold grades. Gold is associated with bismuthinite and telluride minerals hosted in sheeted quartz vein arrays within and along the margins of a one-kilometer-scale, mid-Cretaceous aged Mayo-series intrusion.


The Rogue Project area hosts multiple intrusions similar to Valley along with widespread gold anomalism in stream sediment, soil and rock samples. Elsewhere, RIRGS deposits are known to occur in clusters. For these reasons, Snowline considers the Rogue Project to have district-scale potential to host additional reduced intrusion-related gold systems.



關於Snowline Gold Corp。

Snowline Gold Corp. is a Yukon Territory focused gold exploration company with an eight-project portfolio covering roughly 360,000 ha (3,600 km2). The Company is exploring its flagship 111,000 ha (1,110 km2) Rogue gold project in the highly prospective yet underexplored Selwyn Basin. Snowline's project portfolio sits within the prolific Tintina Gold Province, host to multiple million-ounce-plus gold mines and deposits. The Company's first-mover position and extensive exploration database provide a unique opportunity for investors to be part of multiple discoveries and the creation of a new gold district.

Snowline Gold Corp.是一家專注於白銀地區黃金勘探的公司,擁有八個項目組合,涵蓋約360,000公頃(3,600平方公里)。該公司正在勘探其旗艦項目、111,000公頃(1,110平方公里)的Rogue金礦項目,該項目位於潛力巨大但未開發的Selwyn盆地內。Snowline的項目組合位於Tintina Gold Province繁盛的黃金區域內,那裏承載着多個超過百萬盎司的黃金礦山和礦牀。該公司作爲第一位開拓者,擁有廣泛的勘探數據庫,爲投資者提供了參與多個發現和創建新的金礦區的機會。

Figure 7 - Project location map for Snowline Gold's eastern Selwyn Basin properties: Rogue, Einarson, Ursa, Cynthia and Olympus. The Valley target is one of several prospective reduced intrusion-related gold targets on the broader 30 x 60 km Rogue Project.
圖7-Snowline Gold的東塞爾文盆地物業項目地理位置圖:Rogue、Einarson、Ursa、Cynthia和Olympus。Valley目標是廣闊的30 x 60 km Rogue項目上其他幾個潛在的還原侵入型金靶區域之一。



Information in this release has been prepared under supervision of and approved by Thomas K. Branson, M.Sc., P. Geo., VP Exploration of Snowline Gold Corp, as Qualified Person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101.

本次發佈的信息已在Snowline Gold Corp的負責勘探的副總裁Thomas k. Branson博士的監督下準備,並獲得了他的批准,他作爲《國家工具43-101》的資格人員。



Scott Berdahl
CEO & Director

Scott Berdahl

For further information, please contact:
Snowline Gold Corp.
+1 778 650 5485

Snowline Gold Corp。
+1 778 650 5485

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.




This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the significance of analytical results, the significance of visual drill core observations and visible gold, the potential effects of current analytical results on future mineral resource estimates including expansion of the pit shell and de-risking of the current estimate, the discovery potential within the Valley intrusion and on other exploration targets, the potential for investors to participate in multiple future discoveries, the Rogue project having district-scale prospectivity, the creation of a new gold district and the Company's future plans and intentions. Wherever possible, words such as "may", "will", "should", "could", "expect", "plan", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict" or "potential" or the negative or other variations of these words, or similar words or phrases, have been used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management as at the date hereof.

Forward-looking statements involve significant risk, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the results discussed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among other things: risks related to uncertainties inherent in drill results and the estimation of mineral resources; and risks associated with executing the Company's plans and intentions. These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure readers that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.


SOURCE: Snowline Gold Corp.

來源:Snowline Gold Corp。

