
IJM's Net Profit Drops In Q1, Shares Tumble 6.73%

IJM's Net Profit Drops In Q1, Shares Tumble 6.73%

Business Today ·  08/29 14:20

IJM Corporation Bhd saw its shares fall 6.73 per cent in early trading on Thursday, following the announcement of a decline in its net profit to RM86.88 million for the first quarter of 2024. By 10:41 a.m., IJM's share price had dropped 21 sen to RM2.91, with 13.09 million shares traded, bringing the company's market capitalisation to RM10.58 billion.

IJM公司股票在週四早盤交易中下跌6.73%,此前該公司宣佈2024年第一季度淨利潤下降至8688萬元。截至上午10點41分,IJM的股價下跌21 sen至2.91馬來西亞令吉,交易了1309萬股,使公司的市值達到105.8億馬來西亞令吉。

In a statement released to Bursa Malaysia yesterday, IJM reported that its net profit for the first quarter ended 30 June 2024 (Q1 FY2025) had decreased to RM86.88 million, compared to RM100.64 million during the same period last year. Despite the drop in net profit, IJM's revenue increased by 14.6 per cent to RM1.40 billion in the quarter under review, up from RM1.23 billion previously.


RHB Investment Bank Bhd has revised its earnings forecast for IJM for the full financial years 2025 to 2027, reducing them by three per cent, four per cent, and four per cent, respectively. This adjustment is based on a more cautious outlook for IJM's property segment. The bank has also updated its valuation base year to the financial year 2026 forecast, resulting in a new target price of RM4.39, up from RM4.34.


Despite the downward revision in earnings forecasts, RHB Investment Bank maintained a "buy" recommendation on IJM. The construction company posted a core profit of RM98 million in the first quarter of the financial year 2025, surpassing the bank's expectations. Public Investment Bank Bhd also expressed confidence in IJM's outlook, noting that the company is well-positioned to deliver better performance in the financial year 2025. This optimism is supported by IJM's solid order book and the anticipated influx of new projects, driven by opportunities in infrastructure development, data centres, and the industrial property sector.

儘管下調了盈利預測,RHb投資銀行仍然推薦"買入"IJM。該建築公司在2025財年第一季度實現了9800萬元的核心利潤,超出了該銀行的預期。Public Investment Bank Bhd(大衆投資銀行)也對IJM的前景表達了信心,指出該公司在2025財年有望實現更好的業績。這種樂觀情緒得到了IJM堅實的60檔擺盤和基礎設施開發、數據中心以及工業房地產行業機遇的預期推動。

To date, IJM has secured new contracts worth RM1.9 billion, representing 37.1 per cent of its RM5.0 billion target for the financial year 2025. Public Investment Bank Bhd remains optimistic about IJM's growth prospects, particularly in its construction segment, and has maintained an "outperform" rating with a target price of RM4.20.

迄今爲止,IJM已獲得價值1.9億馬來西亞令吉的新合同,佔其2025財年5000億馬來西亞令吉目標的37.1%。Public Investment Bank Bhd對IJM的增長前景持樂觀態度,特別是在建築板塊方面,並且維持一個目標價爲4.20馬來西亞令吉的"表現優異"評級。

