
OneSoft Solutions Inc. (OSSIF) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

OneSoft Solutions Inc. (OSSIF) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

OneSoft Solutions Inc. (OSSIF) 2024年Q2業績會成績單摘要
富途資訊 ·  08/29 02:39  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the OneSoft Solutions Inc. (OSSIF) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是OneSoft Solutions Inc. (OSSIF) Q2 2024業績會的摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Q2 2024 revenue increased by $609,000 or 24% over Q2 2023.

  • Gross profit increased 25% due to the increase in revenue and the gross margin maintained at 76%.

  • Net loss for Q2 2024 was $615,000, marginally higher than the $558,000 in Q2 2023 due to increased staff costs and non-cash expenses.

  • Over six months in 2024, revenue increased $1,307,000 or 28%.

  • The company generated $942,000 in cash over the six months ending June 30, 2024, increasing cash balances to $5,750,000.

  • Q2 2024營業收入比Q2 2023增加了$609,000,增長了24%。

  • 由於營業收入增加,毛利潤增加了25%,毛利率保持在76%。

  • Q2 2024淨虧損爲$615,000,略高於Q2 2023的$558,000,原因是員工成本和非現金費用的增加。

  • 2024年前六個月,營業收入增加了$1,307,000,增長了28%。

  • 截止2024年6月30日前六個月,公司產生了$942,000的現金,將現金餘額增加到了$5,750,000。

Business Progress:


  • Launched SIM contract with first South American customer and commenced implementation with Accenture.

  • Conducted a company-wide in-person SWOT analysis to refine operational strategies.

  • Achieved significant quarterly revenue growth, averaging 13.6% over 32 quarters.

  • 與第一位南美洲客戶簽訂了SIm合同,並與埃森哲開始實施。

  • 進行了全公司的面對面SWOt分析,以完善運營策略。

  • 在32個季度中實現了顯著的季度營業收入增長,平均增長13.6%。



  • Broad market check and strategic review led to the decision to sell to irth, leveraging their resources for growth.

  • Expectation to close additional sales and increase revenue in H2 of 2024 as current and new customers expand SIM functionality.

  • 通過廣泛的市場檢查和戰略審查,決定向irth出售,利用他們的資源實現增長。

  • 預計在2024年下半年完成額外的銷售,並增加營業收入,因爲現有和新客戶擴展SIm功能。



  • Revenue headwinds from customer delays in signing new contracts despite increasing demand for SIM upgrades.

  • Need for additional capital to sustain growth and technical advancements, without which the company could face constraints in maintaining competitive edge.

  • 儘管SIm升級的需求增加,但由於客戶延遲簽訂新合同,營收增長受到阻礙。

  • 需要額外的資本來維持增長和技術進步,否則公司可能面臨在保持競爭優勢方面的限制。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


