
Miller Children's & Women's Hospital Long Beach Completes First Los Angeles County Pediatric Inspire Procedure

Miller Children's & Women's Hospital Long Beach Completes First Los Angeles County Pediatric Inspire Procedure

PR Newswire ·  08/29 01:26

Inspire Procedure is first FDA-approved sleep apnea treatment
for children with Down syndrome who are unable to use CPAP therapy.


LONG BEACH, Calif., Aug. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MemorialCare Miller Children's & Women's Hospital Long Beach completed Los Angeles' first two pediatric Inspire procedures helping children with Down syndrome suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Inspire is an FDA-approved obstructive sleep apnea device that can help treat and prevent sleep apnea for Down syndrome children who cannot use Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy and are not effectively treated by adenotonsillectomy (surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids).

加州長灘,2024年8月28日 / PRNewswire/ - 長灘紀念養兒醫院完成了洛杉磯的首兩例小兒Inspire手術,幫助患有唐氏綜合症阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停症(OSA)的兒童。Inspire是一種獲得FDA批准的阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停症設備,可以幫助治療和預防無法使用持續性正壓呼吸(CPAP)療法並且腺樣體腺切除術(扁桃體和腺樣體的手術切除)療效不佳的唐氏綜合症兒童

"Over 60% of children with Down syndrome are affected by obstructive sleep apnea since they tend to have smaller breathing pathways, lower muscle tone, and enlarged adenoids, tonsils and tongues obstructing their airway," says Gary Feldman, M.D., medical director, Pediatric Sleep Program at Stramski Children's Developmental Center, MemorialCare Miller Children's & Women's Hospital Long Beach. "Left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea will significantly impact children with Down syndrome, often affecting their language, behavior, and ability to do well in school."


OSA occurs when the airway collapses during sleep. This prevents the child from taking a good breath while sleeping, leading to a drop in the amount of oxygen in the blood. The brain senses this and will wake the child up long enough to take a good breath, after which the child returns to sleep. This cycle of not breathing well, then briefly waking to get a few good breaths, can continue throughout the night. In severe cases this can lead to high blood pressure and have negative effects on the heart, but in all cases, the child is not getting a good night's rest.


Since many of these patients have enlarged tonsils and adenoids, surgery to remove the tonsils and adenoids is the traditional first-line treatment option for opening the airway, but studies have shown less than 30% of children with Down syndrome benefit from the procedure. Additionally, CPAP therapy is difficult for this pediatric population because children with Down syndrome are more likely to have sensory difficulties, which can make wearing a CPAP mask extremely difficult as a long-term solution.


"The Inspire system is implanted under the skin of the neck and chest during a short surgical procedure," says Namrata Varma, D.O., pediatric otolaryngologist, MemorialCare Miller Children's & Women's Hospital Long Beach. "Inspire works inside the body with a patient's natural breathing process, using mild stimulation to open the airway during sleep, allowing oxygen to flow naturally. The system is activated by a small handheld remote to turn Inspire on before bed and off when they wake up."

「Inspire系統在頸部和胸部皮下植入,在一次短暫的手術過程中完成,」 MemorialCare Miller Children's & Women's Hospital Long Beach的小兒耳鼻喉科醫生Namrata Varma博士說。「Inspire在體內與患者的自然呼吸過程共同發揮作用,通過輕微刺激在睡眠期間打開氣道,使氧氣自然流動。該系統通過一個小手持遙控器激活,在睡前打開Inspire,在醒來時關閉。」

During sleep, your tongue relaxes. For people with OSA, your tongue relaxes into a position that blocks your airway. The Inspire implant works comfortably inside your body to sense when you take a breath. Then, it gently moves your tongue forward to keep your airway open, helping you breathe regularly and sleep soundly. The device works automatically throughout the night, and the level of stimulation can be adjusted through the handheld remote as needed to ensure comfort and effectiveness.


Because Inspire is a simple, low-maintenance therapy that works without the use of a mask or hose, children are able to sleep more peacefully at night, allowing for more restful sleep. Caregivers report their children with Down syndrome have less daily tiredness and show increased alertness and energy after consistent use of Inspire.


"We are so excited to offer this groundbreaking therapy to our pediatric patients with Down syndrome," says Ayal Willner, M.D., pediatric otolaryngologist, MemorialCare Miller Children's & Women's Hospital Long Beach. "The ability to provide a treatment that significantly improves sleep quality and overall health for these children is incredibly rewarding."

「我們爲我們的唐氏綜合徵小患者提供這一開創性療法感到非常激動,」 MemorialCare Miller Children's & Women's Hospital Long Beach的小兒耳鼻喉科醫生Ayal Willner萬博士說。「爲這些兒童提供一種顯著改善睡眠質量和整體健康的治療方案是非常有益的。」

The criteria for the pediatric Down syndrome population to be considered for Inspire include being 13 years of age or older, having a diagnosis of OSA, and having either an inability to tolerate or having failed CPAP.


The safety and efficacy of Inspire was evaluated during the STAR clinical trial. Five-year STAR trial outcomes show patients using Inspire experience significant reductions in sleep apnea events and significant improvements in quality-of-life measures. There have been over 150 peer-reviewed publications on Inspire showing results consistent with those seen in the STAR trial.


About MemorialCare Miller Children's & Women's Hospital Long Beach:
MemorialCare Miller Children's & Women's Hospital Long Beach is a member of MemorialCare, a not-for-profit, integrated health care delivery System. Miller Children's & Women's provides specialized pediatric care for children and young adults, as well as maternity care for expectant mothers. Only five percent of hospitals are children's hospitals, making them unique not only to children's health care needs in the community, but across the region. Miller Children's & Women's is one of only eight free-standing children's hospitals in California — treating more than 14,000 children each year — and has become a regional pediatric destination for more than 65,000 children, who need specialized care in outpatient specialty and satellite centers. With maternal-fetal medicine specialists and neonatologists available 24/7, Miller Children's & Women's cares for women with high-risk pregnancies and premature infants under one roof. Learn more

關於MemorialCare Miller Children's & Women's醫院長灘分院:
MemorialCare Miller Children's & Women's Hospital Long Beach是MemorialCare的成員,這是一個非營利性的綜合醫療保健服務系統。Miller Children's & Women's爲兒童和年輕成人提供專業的兒科護理,同時也爲準媽媽提供產科護理。只有百分之五的醫院是兒童醫院,這不僅在社區滿足兒童醫療需求,還在整個地域板塊是獨一無二的。Miller Children's & Women's是加利福尼亞州僅有的八家獨立兒童醫院之一,每年治療超過1.4萬名兒童,同時成爲地區內超過6.5萬名需要門診專科和衛星中心專業護理的兒童的護理目的地。擁有孕產醫學專家和新生兒學家提供24/7服務,Miller Children's & Women's爲高風險妊娠和早產嬰兒提供一站式護理。了解更多

About Inspire Medical Systems
Inspire is a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative, minimally invasive solutions for patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Inspire's proprietary Inspire therapy is the first and only FDA-approved neurostimulation technology that provides a safe and effective treatment for moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea. For additional information about Inspire, please visit .

關於inspire 醫療系統

SOURCE Miller Children's & Women's Hospital Long Beach

來源:MemorialCare Miller Children's & Women's Hospital Long Beach

