
Inspirato Expands Its Luxury Portfolio With 17 Exquisite Vacation Homes This Year

Inspirato Expands Its Luxury Portfolio With 17 Exquisite Vacation Homes This Year

GlobeNewswire ·  08/28 21:00

This week, Inspirato introduces another extraordinary addition to its global collection: a breathtaking oceanfront villa in Punta de Mita, Mexico

本週,Inspirato將其全球收藏中又添了一座令人驚歎的海濱別墅,位於墨西哥的Punta de Mita

  • Inspirato welcomes Casa Tres Reinas, a secluded beachfront villa in Punta de Mita, Mexico, as well as rooms and suites at a historic 17th-century hotel on the island of Mallorca, Spain, to its global portfolio.
  • The Inspirato Collection includes 400+ luxury vacation homes and 200+ five-star partner hotels—with new homes and hotels added frequently.
  • Inspirato continuously optimizes its portfolio, ensuring exceptional value and an expansive selection of world-class destinations for its members.
  • Inspirato歡迎Casa Tres Reinas,這是一座隱秘的海濱別墅,位於墨西哥的Punta de Mita,還有在西班牙Mallorca島上的一家歷史悠久的17世紀酒店的客房和套房,加入了其全球系列。
  • Inspirato系列包括400多套豪華度假別墅和200多家五星級合作伙伴酒店,新的度假別墅和酒店經常增加。
  • Inspirato不斷優化其產品組合,爲會員提供卓越的價值和世界一流的目的地。

DENVER, Aug. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Inspirato Incorporated ("Inspirato" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: ISPO), the members-only luxury vacation club, is adding a new oceanfront home in Punta de Mita, Mexico—as well as rooms and suites at a chic partner hotel on the island of Mallorca, Spain—to the Inspirato Collection.

丹佛,2024年8月28日(環球新聞社)- Inspirato Incorporated("Inspirato"或"公司")(NASDAQ:ISPO)是一個僅限會員的豪華度假俱樂部,將在墨西哥的Punta de Mita添加一座新的海濱別墅,以及在西班牙Mallorca島上的一家時尚合作伙伴酒店的客房和套房,加入了Inspirato系列。

Surrounded by lush gardens and sweeping ocean views, four-bedroom Casa Tres Reinas is nestled in a private, gated community in Punta de Mita, Mexico, steps from the beach. Inspirato members enjoy a private infinity pool, five-hole putting green, and an on-site chef who prepares daily breakfast and lunch.

Casa Tres Reinas擁有四間臥室,被鬱鬱蔥蔥的花園和壯麗的海景包圍,在墨西哥的Punta de Mita的一個私人封閉社區。Inspirato會員可以享受私人無邊泳池、五洞高爾夫果嶺和現場廚師爲他們準備每日早餐和午餐。

Inspirato home, Casa Tres Reinas
Inspirato home, 家善控股三女王

Casa Tres Reinas is the 17th luxury home added to the Inspirato Collection this year, with more to come. Last month, Inspirato welcomed La Pesa di Sopra, a sprawling, 15th-century Tuscan estate.

今年新增第17個豪華住宅Casa Tres Reinas(家善控股三女王)以及更多的新增計劃。上個月,Inspirato Collection歡迎La Pesa di Sopra(德索普拉公牛),這是一座寬敞的15世紀托斯卡納莊園。

"We can't wait for our members to experience all Casa Tres Reinas has to offer," said Inspirato President David Kallery. "We try to add new homes each month to the Inspirato Collection to enhance our portfolio and provide our members with an incredible backdrop for their vacations."

"我們迫不及待地想讓我們的會員們體驗Casa Tres Reinas(家善控股三女王)帶來的一切," Inspirato總裁大衛·卡勒裏說。"我們每個月都試圖向Inspirato Collection新增新的住宅,以增強我們的產品組合,爲我們的會員提供一個令人難以置信的假期背景。"

Today's announcement also includes the portfolio addition of rooms and suites at Grand Hotel Son Net, a historic luxury hotel in the heart of Mallorca, Spain. Once a private manor dating back to the 17th century, this sophisticated hotel features original interiors, Mediterranean gardens, and breathtaking views of the nearby Tramuntana Mountains.

今天的公告還包括西班牙馬略卡島心臟地帶歷史悠久的豪華酒店大酒店Son Net(格蘭酒店Son Net)及其套房收藏的酒店資產的新增。這個別墅擁有17世紀的私人領地,擁有獨特的室內裝飾、地中海花園和附近Tramuntana山脈的壯麗景色。

Grand Hotel Son Net in Mallorca, Spain

Grand Hotel Son Net in Mallorca, Spain

To see all the luxury accommodations added to the Inspirato Collection today, please visit our website.


About Inspirato
Inspirato (NASDAQ: ISPO) is a members-only luxury vacation club that provides exclusive access to a managed and controlled portfolio of curated vacation options, delivered through an innovative model designed to ensure the service, certainty, and value that discerning customers demand. The Inspirato portfolio includes exclusive luxury vacation homes, accommodations at five-star hotel and resort partners, and custom travel experiences. For more information, visit and follow @inspirato on Instagram, Facebook, X, and LinkedIn.




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