
ATIXA to Host 13th Annual Conference

ATIXA to Host 13th Annual Conference

PR Newswire ·  08/28 20:41

Title IX Professionals to Convene in Philadelphia for Distinguished Keynotes, Comprehensive Certification Training, and Dynamic Networking Opportunities

Title IX專業人員將在費城聚集,參加傑出的主題演講、全面的認證培訓和動態的交流機會。

KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa., Aug. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA) is excited to host its 13th Annual Conference, the foremost Title IX event in the nation. This pivotal gathering for professionals dedicated to ensuring safe and equitable education will take place in Philadelphia, PA, at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel from October 26, 2024, through November 1, 2024.

賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡市,2024年8月28日 - 美國校園性別歧視法案協會(ATIXA)很高興主辦第13屆年會,這是全國最重要的Title IX活動。這一對致力於確保安全和公平教育的專業人士的至關重要的聚會將於2024年10月26日至11月1日在費城的洛斯費城酒店舉行。

What distinguishes ATIXA's Annual Conference is an unparalleled, curated learning experience, featuring both Pre- and Post-Conference certification courses. With the release of new Title IX Regulations in 2024, this year's Conference is particularly vital for Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Appeals and Hearings Officers, Decision-makers, and other Title IX team members, as well as administrators in higher education or K-12 institutions. Attendees can earn certifications, align with best practices, and develop new skills to achieve compliance with federal regulations.

ATIXA年會的特色在於無與倫比的精心策劃的學習體驗,包括會前和會後的認證課程。隨着2024年新的Title IX法規的發佈,今年的年會對於Title IX協調員、調查員、上訴和聽證官、決策者和其他Title IX團隊成員,以及高校或K-12機構的管理員尤爲重要。與會者可以獲得認證,遵循最佳實踐,並培養新技能,以達到聯邦法規的合規性。

Whether managing complex cases or enacting district or campus-wide policies, the ATIXA Annual Conference is the ideal venue for connecting with allies, mentors, and friends. Attendees enjoy valuable face-to-face interactions with faculty, community building, receptions, and hot-topic roundtables to foster discussion and collaboration.


Key Information


  • Pre-Conference Certification Courses: October 26-28, 2024
  • 13th Annual Conference: October 28-30, 2024
  • Post-Conference Certification Courses: October 31-November 1, 2024
  • Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Philadelphia, PA
  • Register here:
  • 會前認證課程:2024年10月26日至28日
  • 第13屆年會:2024年10月28日至30日
  • 會後認證課程:2024年10月31日至11月1日
  • 洛斯酒店位於賓夕法尼亞州費城
  • 在此註冊:

Conference Highlights


  • Opening Keynote: Balancing Legal Guidelines with Authentic Inclusion; Sarah I. Vincent, J.D., Attorney, Husch Blackwell.
  • Closing Keynote: Early Sex Education as Prevention: Recommendations for Title IX Coordinators; Eva S. Goldfarb, Ph.D., M.A., L.H.D. (hon), Professor, Department of Public Health, Montclair State University and Lisa D. Lieberman, Ph.D., CHES, Professor and Chair, Department of Public Health, Montclair State University.
  • Clery Act and Title IX Intersections: This post-conference offering on October 31st provides a foundational overview of the basic requirements of the Clery Act.
  • Featured Sessions: Foremost Title IX experts within ATIXA and institutions nationwide deliver thought-provoking presentations.
  • Concurrent Sessions: These will feature a variety of expert presenters who will create engaging platforms for interactive dialogue and the exchange of knowledge.
  • Roundtable Sessions: These sessions allow attendees to have topical, informal conversations with experts and peers about current trends and practices.
  • Welcome Reception: The official kickoff to the 13th Annual Conference welcomes attendees and celebrates the Title IX community. Traveling companions and partners are invited to attend, and food and beverages will be provided. This is an excellent opportunity to network and connect with other attendees.
  • Event App: A dedicated event app designed to enhance the conference experience by connecting attendees, providing real-time updates, and facilitating networking.
  • 開幕主題演講: 如何平衡法律準則和真實包容; 薩拉·I·文森特,法學博士,Husch Blackwell律師
  • 閉幕主題演講: 早期性教育作爲預防措施: 針對第九條修正案協調員的建議; 愛娃·S·戈德法布,博士,榮譽博士,蒙特克萊爾州立大學公共衛生系教授,以及麗莎·D·利伯曼,博士,CHES,蒙特克萊爾州立大學公共衛生系教授兼主任
  • 克萊裏法案和第九條修正案交叉點: 10月31日的後續會議將基礎概述克萊裏法案的基本要求
  • 特色板塊: ATIXA和全國各大型機構內的主要第九條專家進行深入思考的演講
  • 併發會議: 這些會議將邀請多位專家演講者,打造互動對話和知識交流的平台
  • 圓桌會議:這些會議允許與會者與專家和同行就當前趨勢和實踐進行話題性、非正式的對話。
  • 歡迎酒會:作爲第13屆年度會議的正式啓動,歡迎與會者並慶祝Title IX社區。邀請同行和合作夥伴參加,並提供食物和飲料。這是一個很好的機會來建立網絡並與其他與會者聯繫。
  • 活動應用:專門設計的活動應用程序旨在通過連接與會者、提供實時更新和促進交流,來增強會議體驗。

Preferred Pricing and Registration


  • Preferred pricing for ATIXA members on conference and course registration.
  • Early Bird Rates are available to members and non-members through September 1, 2024.
  • 20% off Conference Registration when bundled with Pre- or Post-Conference certification course.
  • Multi-person Registrations of two to four courses are eligible for a 15% discount, and five or more registrations qualify for a 25% discount.
  • Member Training Inclusions for ATIXA Super Members and ATIXA K-12 Professional Development Package holders. These membership levels include complimentary codes to register for trainings and certification courses.
  • ATIXA會員在會議和課程註冊上享有優惠價格。
  • 早鳥註冊費用可供會員和非會員在2024年9月1日之前使用。
  • 與前-或後-會議認證課程捆綁註冊時,會議註冊費用可享受8折優惠。
  • 兩至四門課程的多人註冊享受15%折扣,五個或更多註冊享受25%折扣。
  • ATIXA超級會員和ATIXA k-12專業發展套餐持有者的會員培訓包括免費代碼註冊培訓和認證課程。

Pre- & Post-Conference Certification Courses Pricing


  • Pricing varies based on course length and audience. For more information on details and pricing, visit our website.
  • Certification Course Types:
    • Length: One-day or Two-day
    • Audience: K-12, Higher Education, or Both
  • 定價根據課程時長和受衆群體不同而變化。有關詳細信息和定價,請訪問我們的網站。
  • 認證課程類型:
    • 時長:一天或兩天
    • 受衆群體:K-12、高等教育或兩者兼有



The Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA) provides a professional association for school and college Title IX coordinators, investigators, and administrators who are interested in serving their districts and campuses more effectively. ATIXA brings these campus and district professionals together to collaborate and explore best practices, establish industry standards, share resources, empower the profession, and advance the worthy goal of gender equity in education. With more than 14,000 active members from colleges, universities, schools, and organizations, ATIXA is a repository for Title IX model policies, training, and other resources. For more information, visit .

Title IX管理者協會(ATIXA)爲學校和大學的Title IX協調員、調查員和管理員提供一個專業協會,協會成員致力於更有效地爲他們的學區和校園服務。ATIXA將這些校園和學區專業人員聚集在一起,共同合作探討最佳實踐,建立行業標準,共享資源,推動該行業的發展,並促進教育方面的性別平等目標。ATIXA擁有來自大學、學校和組織的超過14,000名活躍會員,是Title IX模型政策、培訓和其他資源的儲備庫。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Michael Altmann
Vice President, Marketing Communications, TNG Consulting
610-993-0229 ext. 1032
[email protected]

Michael Altmann
TNG Consulting市場營銷副總裁
610-993-0229 分機 1032
[email protected]

SOURCE ATIXA (Association of Title IX Administrators)

SOURCE ATIXA (Title IX管理員協會)

