
Olin Corporation Lifts Systemwide Force Majeure for Chlor-Alkali Products

Olin Corporation Lifts Systemwide Force Majeure for Chlor-Alkali Products

PR Newswire ·  08/28 20:30

CLAYTON, Mo., Aug. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Olin Corporation (NYSE: OLN), a leading global manufacturer of chemical products and ammunition, announced today that it has lifted its systemwide force majeure on chlor-alkali products declared on July 10, 2024. Chlor-alkali and derivative production has been returned to operation. A temporary disruption of its Freeport, Texas operations had occurred as a result of Hurricane Beryl. Olin's Epoxy business is in the process of restarting its Aromatics assets which remain under force majeure. Olin remains committed to the safe and reliable operation of its assets.

公告日期:2024年8月28日 地點:密蘇里克萊頓 投稿新聞/企業新聞稿 奧林公司(紐交所代碼:OLN)是一家領先的全球化學產品和彈藥製造商,在2024年7月10日宣佈,已經解除了對氯鹼產品全系統的不可抗力,氯鹼及其衍生產品的生產已經恢復正常。由於颶風貝里爾導致奧林在德克薩斯州自由港的運營暫時中斷。奧林的環氧業務正在重啓其芳香材料,仍然處於不可抗力狀態。奧林致力於安全和可靠運營。



Olin Corporation is a leading vertically integrated global manufacturer and distributor of chemical products and a leading U.S. manufacturer of ammunition. The chemical products produced include chlorine and caustic soda, vinyls, epoxies, chlorinated organics, bleach, hydrogen, and hydrochloric acid. Winchester's principal manufacturing facilities produce and distribute sporting ammunition, law enforcement ammunition, reloading components, small caliber military ammunition and components, industrial cartridges, and clay targets.


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This communication includes forward-looking statements. These statements relate to analyses and other information that are based on management's beliefs, certain assumptions made by management, forecasts of future results, and current expectations, estimates and projections about the markets and economy in which we and our various segments operate. The statements contained in this communication that are not statements of historical fact may include forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties.


We have used the words "anticipate," "intend," "may," "expect," "believe," "should," "plan," "outlook," "project," "estimate," "forecast," "optimistic," "target," and variations of such words and similar expressions in this communication to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the Company's intent to repurchase, from time to time, the Company's common stock. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve certain risks, uncertainties, and assumptions, which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond our control. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from those matters expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. We undertake no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of future events, new information or otherwise. The payment of cash dividends is subject to the discretion of our board of directors and will be determined in light of then-current conditions, including our earnings, our operations, our financial conditions, our capital requirements and other factors deemed relevant by our board of directors. In the future, our board of directors may change our dividend policy, including the frequency or amount of any dividend, in light of then-existing conditions.


The risks, uncertainties and assumptions involved in our forward-looking statements, many of which are discussed in more detail in our filings with the SEC, including without limitation the "Risk Factors" section of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and other reports furnished or filed with the SEC, include, but are not limited to, the following:

我們前瞻性陳述中涉及的風險、不確定性和假設,其中許多細節在我們提交給美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的文件中更詳細地討論,包括但不限於我們於2023年12月31日結束的年度報告Form 10-k的"風險因素"部分以及我們的季度報告Form 10-Q和其他向SEC提供或提交的報告,包括但不限於以下內容:

Business, Industry and Operational Risks


  • sensitivity to economic, business and market conditions in the United States and overseas, including economic instability or a downturn in the sectors served by us;
  • declines in average selling prices for our products and the supply/demand balance for our products, including the impact of excess industry capacity or an imbalance in demand for our chlor alkali products;
  • unsuccessful execution of our strategic operating model, which prioritizes Electrochemical Unit (ECU) margins over sales volumes;
  • failure to identify, attract, develop, retain and motivate qualified employees throughout the organization and ability to manage executive officer and other key senior management transitions;
  • failure to control costs and inflation impacts or failure to achieve targeted cost reductions;
  • our reliance on a limited number of suppliers for specified feedstock and services and our reliance on third-party transportation;
  • the occurrence of unexpected manufacturing interruptions and outages, including those occurring as a result of labor disruptions and production hazards;
  • exposure to physical risks associated with climate-related events or increased severity and frequency of severe weather events;
  • availability of and/or higher-than-expected costs of raw material, energy, transportation, and/or logistics;
  • the failure or an interruption, including cyber-attacks, of our information technology systems;
  • our inability to complete future acquisitions or joint venture transactions or successfully integrate them into our business;
  • risks associated with our international sales and operations, including economic, political or regulatory changes;
  • our indebtedness and debt service obligations;
  • weak industry conditions affecting our ability to comply with the financial maintenance covenants in our senior credit facility;
  • adverse conditions in the credit and capital markets, limiting or preventing our ability to borrow or raise capital;
  • the effects of any declines in global equity markets on asset values and any declines in interest rates or other significant assumptions used to value the liabilities in, and funding of, our pension plans;
  • our long-range plan assumptions not being realized, causing a non-cash impairment charge of long-lived assets;
  • 對美國和海外的經濟、商業和市場狀況的敏感性,包括我們所服務的行業的經濟不穩定或下行;
  • 我們產品的平均售價下降和產品供需平衡的影響,包括行業產能過剩或對我們的氯鹼產品需求不平衡的影響;
  • 我們戰略經營模式的失敗執行,該模式將電化學單元(ECU)的利潤率優先於銷售量;
  • 未能識別、吸引、培養、留住和激勵整個組織內合格的員工,以及管理高級主管和其他關鍵高級管理層人員過渡的能力;
  • 未能控制成本和通貨膨脹的影響,或未能實現預期的成本降低;
  • 我們對少數供應商提供的特定原料和服務以及我們對第三方運輸的依賴;
  • 意外的製造中斷和故障發生,包括勞動糾紛和生產風險導致的發生;
  • 暴露於與氣候相關事件或嚴重天氣事件的物理風險,包括加劇和頻繁性嚴重天氣事件;
  • 原材料、能源、運輸和/或物流的可用性和/或高於預期的成本;
  • 我們信息技術系統的故障或中斷,包括網絡攻擊;
  • 我們無法完成未來的收購或合資交易,或無法成功將其整合到我們的業務中;
  • 與我們的國際銷售和業務相關的風險,包括經濟、政治或監管變化;
  • 我們的債務和債務償還義務;
  • 行業疲軟影響我們無法遵守優先信貸協議中的財務維持契約。
  • 信用和資本市場的逆境可能限制或阻止我們借款或籌集資本的能力;
  • 全球股票市場下跌對資產價值的影響,以及利率下降或用於估值和養老金計劃資金的其他重要假設的下降;
  • 我們的長期計劃假設未實現,導致非現金的長期資產遞減損失;

Legal, Environmental and Regulatory Risks


  • changes in, or failure to comply with, legislation or government regulations or policies, including changes regarding our ability to manufacture or use certain products and changes within the international markets in which we operate;
  • new regulations or public policy changes regarding the transportation of hazardous chemicals and the security of chemical manufacturing facilities;
  • unexpected outcomes from legal or regulatory claims and proceedings;
  • costs and other expenditures in excess of those projected for environmental investigation and remediation or other legal proceedings;
  • various risks associated with our Lake City U.S. Army Ammunition Plant contract and performance under other governmental contracts; and
  • failure to effectively manage environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues and related regulations, including climate change and sustainability.
  • 法規或政府法規或政策的變化或未能遵守,包括與我們製造或使用某些產品和我們所在的國際市場有關的變化;
  • 關於危險化學品運輸和化學制造設施安全的新規定或公共政策變化;
  • 法律或監管索賠和訴訟的意外結果;
  • 環境調查和整治或其他法律訴訟支出超過預算的費用;
  • 我們與Lake City美國陸軍彈藥廠合同及其他政府合同的風險多種多樣,以及在其他政府合同下的表現。
  • 未能有效管理環境、社會和治理(ESG)問題及相關法規,包括氣候變化和可持續發展。

All of our forward-looking statements should be considered in light of these factors. In addition, other risks and uncertainties not presently known to us or that we consider immaterial could affect the accuracy of our forward-looking statements.



SOURCE Olin Corporation


