
Prime Medicine to Participate in Upcoming Investor Conferences

Prime Medicine to Participate in Upcoming Investor Conferences

GlobeNewswire ·  08/28 20:00

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Aug. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Prime Medicine, Inc. (Nasdaq: PRME), a biotechnology company committed to delivering a new class of differentiated one-time curative genetic therapies, today announced that company management will participate in the following upcoming conferences:

Prime Medicine, Inc.(納斯達克代碼:PRME)是一家生物技術公司,致力於提供一類全新的非一次性治癒基因療法,今天宣佈公司管理層將參加以下即將舉行的會議:

  • Morgan Stanley 22nd Annual Global Healthcare Conference: Fireside chat on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 1:05 p.m. ET in New York, NY.
  • Wells Fargo Healthcare Conference: Fireside chat on Thursday, September 5, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. ET in Boston, MA.
  • Cantor Global Healthcare Conference: Company management will host 1x1 investor meetings on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, in New York, NY.
  • Chardan's 8th Annual Genetic Medicines Conference: Fireside chat at 1:30 p.m. ET and panel discussion, "Gene Insertion and Gene Correction," at 5:40 p.m. ET on Monday, September 30, 2024, in New York, NY.
  • 摩根士丹利全球醫療保健第22屆年度會議:9月4日週三下午1:05在紐約進行閉門座談會。
  • 富國銀行醫療保健大會:9月5日週四上午11:00在波士頓進行閉門座談會。
  • 康泰爾全球醫療保健大會:9月17日週二在紐約舉辦1對1的投資者會議。
  • Chardan第8屆基因藥物大會:9月30日週一下午1:30進行閉門座談會,下午5:40進行主題討論,「基因插入和基因修復」,在紐約舉行。

Live audio webcasts of each presentation will be available under "Events & Presentations" in the News & Events section of the Company's website at . Replays of each webcast will be available on the Prime Medicine website for 90 days following the event.

每個演講的現場音頻網絡廣播將在公司網站的「新聞與事件」欄目下的「事件與演講」頁面上提供。每個網絡廣播的回放將在Prime Medicine的網站上90天內可供訪問。

About Prime Medicine

關於Prime Medicine

Prime Medicine is a leading biotechnology company dedicated to creating and delivering the next generation of gene editing therapies to patients. The Company is deploying its proprietary Prime Editing platform, a versatile, precise and efficient gene editing technology, to develop a new class of differentiated one-time curative genetic therapies. Designed to make only the right edit at the right position within a gene while minimizing unwanted DNA modifications, Prime Editors have the potential to repair almost all types of genetic mutations and work in many different tissues, organs and cell types. Taken together, Prime Editing's versatile gene editing capabilities could unlock opportunities across thousands of potential indications.

Prime Medicine是一家領先的生物技術公司,致力於爲患者創造和提供下一代基因編輯治療方案。公司正在部署其專有的Prime Editing平台,這是一種多用途、精確和高效的基因編輯技術,旨在開發一種全新的差異化一次性治癒遺傳性疾病的基因治療方案。設計的目的是僅在基因內的正確位置進行編輯,並最小限度地減少不需要的DNA修飾,Prime Editors 的潛力可以修復幾乎所有類型的基因突變,並能在許多不同的組織、器官和細胞類型中發揮作用。綜合來看,Prime Editing的多功能基因編輯功能可以解鎖成千上萬種潛在的適應症。

Prime Medicine is currently progressing a diversified portfolio of investigational therapeutic programs organized around core areas of focus: hematology and immunology, liver, lung, ocular and neuromuscular. Across each core area, Prime Medicine's initial focus is on genetic diseases with a fast, direct path to treating patients, and those with high unmet need not currently addressable using other gene editing approaches. Over time, the Company intends to maximize Prime Editing's broad and versatile therapeutic potential to expand beyond the genetic diseases in its initial pipeline, potentially including immunological diseases, cancers, infectious diseases, and targeting genetic risk factors in common diseases, which collectively impact millions of people. For more information, please visit .

Prime Medicine目前正在推進一系列多樣化的治療項目組合,圍繞着核心關注領域展開:血液學和免疫學、肝臟、肺、眼和神經肌肉。在每個核心領域中,Prime Medicine的初步重點是遺傳疾病,這些疾病具有快速、直接治療患者的途徑,以及目前其他基因編輯方法無法解決的嚴重未滿足需求。隨着時間的推移,公司打算最大限度地發揮Prime Editing的廣泛和多功能的治療潛力,超出其初步管道中的遺傳疾病,在免疫疾病、癌症、傳染病以及靶向常見疾病的遺傳風險因素方面進行治療,這些疾病共影響數以百萬計的人。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

2024 Prime Medicine, Inc. All rights reserved. PRIME MEDICINE, the Prime Medicine logos, and PASSIGE are trademarks of Prime Medicine, Inc. All other trademarks referred to herein are the property of their respective owners.

2024 Prime Medicine,Inc保留所有權利。PRIME MEDICINE、Prime Medicine標誌和PASSIGE是Prime Medicine,Inc的商標。本公告所述其他任何商標均爲其各自所有者的財產。

Investor Contact
Hannah Deresiewicz
Precision AQ


Media Contact
Dan Budwick, 1AB


