
Metabolon and the Scottish Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (SERA) Study Announce Partnership to Leverage Metabolomics Data to Better Understand the Molecular Mechanisms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Metabolon and the Scottish Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (SERA) Study Announce Partnership to Leverage Metabolomics Data to Better Understand the Molecular Mechanisms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Metabolon和Scottish Early Rheumatoid Arthritis(SERA)Study宣佈合作,利用代謝組學數據更好地了解類風溼性關節炎的分子機制。
PR Newswire ·  08/28 20:00

Partnership seeks to identify rheumatoid arthritis biomarkers to improve understanding of disease risk, progression, and treatment responses


MORRISVILLE, N.C. and GLASGOW, Scotland, Aug. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Metabolon, Inc., the global leader in providing metabolomics solutions advancing a wide variety of life science research, diagnostic, therapeutic development, and precision medicine applications, and the Scottish Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (SERA) Study, today announced a partnership to identify circulating small molecules that may be used as biomarkers of rheumatoid arthritis disease risk, progression, and treatment response. By linking Metabolon's unique library of small molecules with SERA's well-characterized cohort, this partnership will combine metabolomic data with clinical and genomic information to better understand the molecular mechanisms of rheumatoid arthritis disease development and progression.

北卡羅來納州莫里斯維爾和蘇格蘭格拉斯哥,2024年8月28日 / PRNewswire / - Metabolon,Inc.,全球領先的代謝組學解決方案提供商,推動各種生命科學研究、診斷、治療開發和精準醫學應用,以及蘇格蘭早期類風溼性關節炎(SERA)研究今日宣佈合作,以確定可能用作類風溼性關節炎疾病風險、進展和治療反應生物標誌的循環小分子。通過將Metabolon獨特的小分子庫與SERA的深入研究隊列相結合,此合作將結合代謝組學數據與臨床和基因組信息,以更好地了解類風溼性關節炎疾病發展和進展的分子機制

As of 2019, there were approximately 18 million cases of rheumatoid arthritis globally. This condition predominantly affects women, who make up about 70% of those diagnosed. Additionally, over half of the individuals with this disease are aged 55 or older. Out of the total affected, around 13 million suffer from moderate to severe forms of rheumatoid arthritis, which indicates a potential need for rehabilitation. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that impacts various systems within the body, primarily targeting joints.


For the study, the SERA inception cohort and biobank recruited 1073 patients from across Scotland, UK, with newly diagnosed RA or undifferentiated arthritis between March 2011 and April 2015. Clinical characteristics, including therapeutics and disease activity parameters, were recorded with a broad range of biobanked biological samples.


"Our original ambition in establishing the SERA cohort was to facilitate a deeper understanding of the causes of rheumatoid arthritis and how affected individuals progress in their disease," said Iain McInnes, Vice Principal and Head of College, University of Glasgow. "This, in turn, helps us identify better patient treatments and make wiser treatment choices. Our new collaboration with Metabolon is an exciting step forward in the search for improved predictive therapies for patients."

「我們建立SERA隊列的最初目標是促進對類風溼性關節炎的病因及受影響個體疾病進展的更深入理解,」 格拉斯哥大學副校長、學院院長Iain McInnes表示。 「這有助於我們確定更好的患者治療方法並做出更明智的治療選擇。與Metabolon的新合作是尋求改進患者預測性治療的激動人心的一步」

Genetic susceptibility is thought to account for approximately 60% of rheumatoid arthritis cases; however, an environmental trigger is hypothesized to lead to the development of rheumatoid arthritis. Metabolomics is the perfect complement to the SERA study since metabolomics sits at the intersection of genetic and environmental cues. These combined multiomic datasets will facilitate a deeper understanding of the pathology of rheumatoid arthritis, hopefully resulting in improved diagnostic and treatment options.


"Rheumatoid arthritis is an extremely diverse disorder characterized by a wide range of disease severity, phenotypes, and treatment responses. Currently, there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, but there are drugs available that can slow disease progression. Treatments are often tailored through trial and error because there's no standard way to group patients for specific treatments," said Karl Bradshaw, Chief Business Officer at Metabolon. "By integrating metabolomics into SERA's robust cohort, we hope to identify data patterns and stratify patients to develop personalized treatment plans."

"風溼性關節炎是一種極其多樣化的疾病,表現出廣泛的疾病嚴重程度、表型和治療反應。目前,尚無治癒風溼性關節炎的方法,但有藥物可減緩病情惡化。由於沒有一種標準的方法來將患者分組,治療通常是通過試錯來個體化的,"Metabolon 的首席業務官 Karl Bradshaw 表示。"通過將代謝組學整合到SERA的強大隊列中,我們希望能確定數據模式並將患者分層以制定個性化的治療計劃。"

To learn more about how large disease-focused cohorts are integrating metabolomics into their multiomic research, please visit:


About Metabolon
Metabolon, Inc. is the global leader in metabolomics, with a mission to deliver biochemical data and insights that expand and accelerate the impact of life sciences research and complement other 'omics' technologies. With more than 20 years, 10,000+ projects, 3,000+ publications, and ISO 9001:2015, CLIA, and CAP certifications, Metabolon has developed industry-leading scientific, technology, and bioinformatics techniques. Metabolon's Global Discovery Panel is powered by the world's largest proprietary metabolomics reference library. Metabolon's industry-leading data and translational science expertise help customers and partners address some of the most challenging and pressing questions in the life sciences, accelerating research and enhancing development success. The company offers scalable, customizable multiomics solutions, including metabolomics and lipidomics, that support customer needs from discovery through clinical trials and product life-cycle management. For more information, please visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

關於 Metabolon
Metabolon 公司是代謝組學全球領導者,致力於提供擴展和加速生命科學研究影響力的生化數據和見解,並與其他組學技術相輔相成。憑藉20多年的經驗,10000多個項目,3000多篇發表文章以及 ISO 9001:2015、CLIA 和 CAP 認證,Metabolon 已經發展成爲業界領先的科學、技術和生物信息學技術提供商。Metabolon 的全球發現平台由世界上最大的專有代謝組學參考庫驅動。Metabolon 的領先行業數據和轉化科學專業知識幫助客戶和合作夥伴解決生命科學中最具挑戰性和迫切的問題,加速研究並提升開發成功率。該公司提供可擴展、可定製的多組學解決方案,包括代謝組學和脂質組學,支持研發從發現到臨床試驗和產品生命週期管理的客戶需求。有關更多信息,請訪問網站並在 LinkedIn 和 Twitter 上關注我們。

About Metabolomics
Metabolomics, the large-scale study of all small molecules in a biological system, is the only 'omics technology that provides a complete current-state functional readout of a biological system. Metabolomics helps researchers see beyond the genetic variation of individuals, capturing the combined impact of genetic and external factors such as the effect of drugs, diet, lifestyle, and the microbiome on human health. By measuring thousands of discrete chemical signals that form biological pathways in the body, metabolomics can reveal important biomarkers, enabling a better understanding of a drug's mechanism of action, pharmacodynamics, and safety profile, as well as individual responses to therapy.


About the Scottish Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (SERA) Study
The Scottish Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (SERA) study is an inception cohort of rheumatoid (RA) and undifferentiated arthritis (UA) patients that aims to provide a contemporary description of phenotype and outcome and facilitate the discovery of phenotypic and prognostic biomarkers. SERA is a consortium made up of the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow, the NHS Scotland, Pfizer, and the Scottish Government Chief Scientist Office.


SOURCE Metabolon, Inc.

信息來源:Metabolon, Inc.

