
Borealis Reports First Gold Pour of 2024

Borealis Reports First Gold Pour of 2024

newsfile ·  08/28 20:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 28, 2024) - Borealis Mining Company Limited (TSXV: BOGO) (the "Company" or "Borealis") is pleased to announce that it has completed its first gold pour of 2024 at its on-site ADR facility. This was achieved through stripping of 2.5 of the Company's 10 carbon columns, which were loaded from residual leaching with a highly dilute cyanide solution. The first pour resulted in doré bars weighing ~651 troy ounces containing 21.968 % Au and 20.169 % Ag, as determined by an independent assay of a pin sample, for approximately 143 troy ounces of gold and 131 troy ounces of silver. Please see Figure 1 for a picture of the pour.

金礦公司有限公司(tsxv: BOGO)(以下簡稱「公司」或「金礦公司」)很高興地宣佈,它已經在現場自動疊加劑恢復設備上完成了2024年的第一次金鑄造。這是通過剝離公司10個活性炭柱中的2.5個來實現的,這些炭柱是通過高度稀釋的氰化物溶液從殘餘浸出中裝載的。第一次鑄造結果爲約651盎司特洛伊盎司的多雷金條,含量爲21.968%的金和20.169%的銀,由獨立鑑定鉑樣品確定,約有143盎司的金和131盎司的銀。請參見圖1插圖。

In the near term, Borealis intends to strip the remaining 7.5 carbon columns and then introduce fresh cyanide to a section of the leach pad which has previously not been leached, which should result in a higher gold percentage doré compared to the material generated through residual leaching. The Company also recently submitted a number of super sacks of spent carbon fines to Just Refiners (USA) Inc. of Reno, NV, which contained 76.504 troy ounces of gold and 305.012 troy ounces of silver.

在短期內,金礦公司打算剝離剩餘的7.5個活性炭柱,然後向之前未浸出的浸出墊區引入新鮮的氰化物,這將使金礦的百分比多雷相比殘餘浸出生成的材料更高。該公司最近還向雷諾市的Just Refiners (美國) Inc.提交了一些超級袋裝的廢炭細粉,其中含有76.504特洛伊盎司的金和305.012特洛伊盎司的銀。

Kelly Malcolm, CEO of Borealis, comments, "We are very pleased to announce our first gold pour of the year, which will now increase in frequency as we strip our remaining carbon columns and start to put fresh cyanide on our leach pad. We are also in the process of seeking contractors to crush our ~330,000 ton stockpile of ore, which should also generate meaningful gold production for the Company and our shareholders. Borealis is unique to many of our peers in the junior exploration sector, in that we are revenue generating and control a fully permitted mine and ADR facility. I'm also glad to announce Lisanna Lewis as our new Chief Financial Officer, who has decades of experience with Nevada mining operations."

Borealis的CEO凱利·馬爾科姆(Kelly Malcolm)表示:“我們非常高興地宣佈今年的第一次金鑄造,隨着我們剝離剩餘的活性炭柱並開始在浸出墊區上放入新鮮的氰化物,鑄造次數也將增加。我們還正在尋找承包商來粉碎我們約33萬噸的礦石庫存,這也將爲公司和股東帶來有意義的黃金生產。Borealis在初級勘探行業中與許多同行不同,我們是收入創造型企業,擁有完全許可的礦山和自動疊加劑恢復設備。我還很高興宣佈Lisanna Lewis成爲我們的新CFO,她在內華達州的採礦業務中擁有數十年的經驗。

Figure 1: Gold being poured into doré bars at the Borealis ADR facility.


Appointment of Chief Financial Officer


The Company is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Lisanna Lewis as Chief Financial Officer of the Company, replacing Mr. Mike Dai. Lisanna Lewis has 20 years of progressive and unique experience in the mining industry, specifically related to financial operations and business objectives for mining sites. The majority of her career has been spent in the state of Nevada assisting mining companies with overseeing all financial aspects of the company's business, including finances, accounting operations, budgeting, internal audit, Sarbanes Oxley compliance, tax planning and reporting, treasury and cash management, and credit and risk management, among others. Ms. Lewis' career in mining started at the Borealis mine in October of 2004 and she has remained with that project through exploration, build of site, and production. The Company would like to thank Mike Dai for his contributions to the Company and wishes him well in his future endeavors.

公司很高興宣佈任命Lisanna Lewis女士爲公司的首席財務官,接替Mike Dai先生。Lisanna Lewis在採礦行業擁有20年的漸進式和獨特的經驗,特別是與採礦場地的財務運營和業務目標相關的經驗。她職業生涯的大部分時間都在內華達州度過,協助礦業公司監督公司業務的所有財務方面,包括財務、會計運營、預算、內部審計、薩班斯·奧克斯利合規性、稅務規劃和報告、財務和現金管理、信貸和風險管理等等。Lewis女士的採礦職業生涯始於2004年10月的Borealis礦區,她一直在該項目中進行勘探、現場建設和生產工作。公司感謝Mike Dai對公司的貢獻,並祝他在未來的事業中一切順利。

Engagement of Velocity Trade Capital Ltd.

與Velocity Trade Capital Ltd.的合作

The Company announces that it has engaged Velocity Trade Capital Ltd. ("Velocity Trade") to provide market liquidity services to the Company in accordance with applicable securities laws and the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV"). Velocity Trade will manage trading of the Company's common shares from time to time for the purpose of maintaining an orderly market, with a view to reducing trading volatility and improving the liquidity of the common shares of the Company. The funding and securities required for these services undertaken will be provided by Velocity Trade.

公司宣佈已與Velocity Trade Capital Ltd.("Velocity Trade")達成協議,根據適用證券法和TSX Venture Exchange("TSXV")的政策,由Velocity Trade提供市場流動性服務給公司。Velocity Trade將根據需要管理公司普通股的交易,以維持有序市場,目的是減少交易波動性,改善公司普通股的流動性。所需要的資金和證券將由Velocity Trade提供。

The agreement with Velocity Trade will commence September 1, 2024, and has an initial term of two months with subsequent monthly renewals until terminated by either party, with thirty days prior written notice. Velocity Trade will receive a cash fee of $6,000 per month. There are no performance factors contained in the agreement and Velocity Trade will not receive any securities from the Company as compensation for the services it will render. None of Velocity Trade nor its affiliates or associates has any interest, directly or indirectly, in the Company or its securities, or any right or intent to acquire such an interest.

與Velocity Trade的協議將於2024年9月1日開始生效,初期爲期兩個月,並可根據需要每月自動續約,雙方提前三十天書面通知即可終止。Velocity Trade將收取每月6000美元的現金費用。協議中沒有包含任何績效因素,Velocity Trade也不會因爲提供的服務而收到公司的證券作爲報酬。Velocity Trade及其關聯公司和合作夥伴均不持有公司或其證券的任何直接或間接利益,也無任何權或意圖獲得此類利益。

Velocity Trade is a private and independent investment dealer headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, and registered for trading in the provinces of Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, and Manitoba. Velocity Trade is a member of TMX, and of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO). Additionally, the firm, through its affiliate companies, is also regulated internationally by the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the Authority for Financial Markets (AFM) in the Netherlands, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), South Africa's Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

Velocity Trade是總部位於安大略省多倫多的一傢俬人獨立的投資交易商,已在安大略省、卑詩省、阿爾伯塔省和馬尼托巴省註冊進行交易。Velocity Trade是TMX和加拿大投資監管機構(CIRO)的成員。此外,該公司通過其附屬公司,還受到英國金融行爲監管局(FCA),荷蘭金融市場當局(AFM),澳大利亞證券投資委員會(ASIC),南非金融行業監管機構(FSCA)以及新加坡金融管理局(MAS)的國際監管。

The Company and Velocity Trade are not related parties and have no other agreements other than the agreement. The engagement of Velocity Trade by the Company to provide market liquidity services is subject to approval of the TSXV.

公司與Velocity Trade不是關聯方,除了合同外沒有其他協議。公司委託Velocity Trade提供市場流動性服務需要經過TSXV的批准。

Grant of Options and RSUs


The Company announces that it has granted an aggregate of 4,500,000 stock options to purchase common shares in the capital of the Company and an aggregate of 175,000 restricted share units ("RSUs") convertible into common shares of the Company to certain officers, directors, employees and consultants of the Company and a company performing investor relation activities to the Company in accordance with the omnibus long term incentive plan of the Company. The stock options are exercisable at a price of $0.81 per common share for a period of five (5) years. The RSUs vest on the date that is one (1) year from the date of grant. The common shares issuable upon exercise of the options are subject to a four month hold period from the original date of grant.


Qualified Person


The scientific and technical content of this news release was reviewed, verified, and approved by Kelly Malcolm, P.Geo., President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, and a Qualified Person as defined by Canadian Securities Administrators' National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿的科學和技術內容由該公司的總裁兼首席執行官Kelly Malcolm等人進行了審查、驗證和批准,並且符合加拿大證券管理局的國家工具43-101-礦產項目披露標準的定義的合格人員的要求。

Borealis Mine


The Borealis mine property, located close to the town of Hawthorne, NV, is fully permitted and equipped for present mine operations and future expansion, with existing open pits, heap leach pads, modern infrastructure, and a functional ADR facility which produces doré bars. The project has historically produced over 600,000 ounces of gold from an open pit heap leach operation. It is an under-explored property and has not been drilled since 2011. The property possesses high grade expansion potential with excellent historical drilling results, along with a number of untested regional targets.

Borealis礦場位於霍桑鎮附近,已完全獲得許可,並配備現有露天礦井、堆浸墊、現代化製造行業和生產金條的ADR設施,可支持目前的礦業操作和未來的擴展。 該項目歷史上已經通過露天礦堆浸工藝生產了60多萬盎司的黃金。這是一個未被充分開發的礦產,並自2011年以來沒有進行過鑽探。 該礦產具有很高的品位擴展潛力,具有優秀的歷史鑽探結果,以及一些未經測試的區域目標。

About Borealis


Borealis is a gold mining and exploration company focused on exploration and resumption of production of the Borealis Mine in Nevada. The Borealis Mine is a fully permitted minesite, equipped with active heap leach pads, an ADR facility, and all necessary infrastructure to support a heap leach gold mining operation. In addition to the mine, the property, comprised of 751 unpatented mining claims of approximately 20 acres each totalling approximately 15,020 acres and one unpatented mill site claim of about five acres located in western Nevada, is highly prospective for additional high-sulfidation gold mineralization. Borealis is led by a strong board and management team, many of whom have founded, managed, and sold highly successful mining and exploration companies.

Borealis是一家專注於內華達州Borealis礦場勘探和重新開採黃金的礦業公司。Borealis礦場已獲全面許可,配備了活躍的堆浸墊,ADR設施和所有必要的基礎設施,以支持堆浸法黃金採礦操作。 除了該礦場,該礦產還包括約751個未經專利的礦業索賠,每個約20英畝,總計約15,020英畝,以及一個位於內華達州西部約5英畝的未經專利的磨礦廠地塊索賠,極具潛力尋找到額外的富含硫化物的黃金礦化。 Borealis由一支強大的董事會和管理團隊領導,其中許多人曾經創辦、管理併成功出售了許多采礦和勘探公司。

For further information, please contact:


Kelly Malcolm
President and Chief Executive Officer
Tel: (289) 371-3371

Kelly Malcolm
電話:(289) 371-3371

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