
P.A. Reports Strong Financial Performance For FY2024

P.A. Reports Strong Financial Performance For FY2024

Business Today ·  08/28 14:30

P.A. Resources Berhad ("P.A."), Malaysia's leading aluminium extruder, has announced impressive financial results for the fourth quarter (Q4FYE2024) and the full financial year ended June 30, 2024 (FYE2024).

馬來西亞領先的鋁擠出商P.A. Resources Berhad(「P.A.」)公佈了第四季度(Q4FYE2024)和截至2024年6月30日的整個財政年度(FYE2024)令人印象深刻的財務業績。

For the full year, P.A. recorded a revenue of RM564.6 million, marking a 22.4% increase from the previous year. Profit before tax (PBT) grew by 36.7% to RM60.6 million, while profit after tax (PAT) surged by 45.8% to RM45.7 million. The Group also reported a four-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 29.3% in revenue and 49.7% in PAT, highlighting its consistent growth trajectory.


The strong financial performance was primarily driven by the Group's successful capacity expansion, which enabled P.A. to meet higher customer demand. This strategic initiative has reinforced P.A.'s market position and set the stage for future opportunities.

強勁的財務表現主要是由集團成功的產能擴張所推動的,這使P.A. 能夠滿足更高的客戶需求。這項戰略舉措加強了P.A.”的市場地位,爲未來的機會奠定了基礎。

In Q4FYE2024, P.A. achieved a 40.4% increase in revenue, reaching RM146.8 million compared to the same quarter last year. The Group's PBT and PAT for the quarter were RM15.1 million and RM13.3 million, respectively, representing year-on-year increases of 10.8% and 296.9%.

在 Q4FYE2024 中,P.A. 的收入增長了40.4%,與去年同期相比達到14680萬令吉。該集團本季度的PbT和PaT分別爲1510萬令吉和1330萬令吉,同比增長10.8%和296.9%。

A key highlight of the quarter was the introduction of P.A.'s in-house brand product, the aluminium harvesting pole. With Malaysia being one of the world's leading producers and exporters of palm oil, this product is expected to tap into the strong demand for efficient and durable harvesting tools. The aluminium harvesting pole not only promises improved profit margins but also creates an additional revenue stream, contributing to the Group's overall financial performance.

本季度的一個關鍵亮點是推出了 P.A.”自有品牌產品,鋁質收割杆。由於馬來西亞是世界領先的棕櫚油生產國和出口國之一,該產品有望滿足對高效耐用收穫工具的強勁需求。鋁收穫極不僅有望提高利潤率,而且還創造了額外的收入來源,爲集團的整體財務業績做出了貢獻。

As of June 30, 2024, P.A.'s balance sheet remained robust, with a cash and bank balance of RM72.5 million, a current ratio of 13.5 times, and zero gearing.

截至2024年6月30日,P.A. '的資產負債表保持強勁,現金和銀行餘額爲7250萬令吉,流動比率爲13.5倍,資產負債爲零。

The Board of Directors has declared an interim single-tier dividend of 0.5 sen per share, amounting to RM7.5 million. This brings the total dividend declared for FYE2024 to 1 sen per share.

董事會宣佈中期單級股息爲每股0.5先令,總額爲750萬令吉。這使得 FYE2024 宣佈的股息總額達到每股 1 仙。

Commenting on the results, Tan Sri Lau Kuan Kam, Group Managing Director of P.A. Resources Berhad, stated, "The Group has demonstrated consistent growth over the past several years, and FYE2024 continues this trend despite global economic challenges. We achieved a significant milestone by surpassing RM500 million in revenue and securing our largest contract to date, valued at RM1.1 billion from First Solar."

P.A. Resources Berhad集團董事總經理Tan Sri Lau Kuan Kam在評論業績時表示:「該集團在過去幾年中表現出持續增長,儘管全球經濟面臨挑戰,FYE2024 仍延續了這一趨勢。我們實現了一個重要的里程碑,收入超過了5萬令吉,並獲得了First Solar迄今爲止最大的合同,價值11令吉。」

Looking ahead, P.A. plans to further expand its production capacity through the acquisition of industrial lands and the construction of a new plant, which is set to commence production in the coming years. Tan Sri Lau added, "These strategic initiatives underscore our commitment to sustainable, long-term growth and enhancing shareholders' value. We are confident that our solid foundation and strategic vision will elevate P.A. to new heights, ensuring our ongoing success in an evolving market."

展望未來,P.A. 計劃通過收購工業用地和建造新工廠來進一步擴大其生產能力,該工廠將在未來幾年內開始生產。Tan Sri Lau補充說:「這些戰略舉措凸顯了我們對可持續長期增長和提高股東價值的承諾。我們相信,我們堅實的基礎和戰略願景將把P.A. 提升到新的高度,確保我們在不斷變化的市場中持續取得成功。」

