
Nvidia Set To Become The Hub Of AI Ecosystem, Similar To Amazon's Dominance In E-Commerce, Says Expert Ahead Of Q2 Earnings

Nvidia Set To Become The Hub Of AI Ecosystem, Similar To Amazon's Dominance In E-Commerce, Says Expert Ahead Of Q2 Earnings

Benzinga ·  08/28 12:12

NVIDIA Corp. (NASDAQ:NVDA) is set to become the central player in the artificial intelligence ecosystem, similar to Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) in e-commerce, according to Kevin Mahn, CIO of Hennion & Walsh.

英偉達公司(NASDAQ:NVDA)有望成爲人工智能生態系統的核心參與者,類似於亞馬遜公司(NASDAQ:AMZN)在電子商務領域的地位,根據Hennion&Walsh的首席投資官Kevin Mahn的說法。

What Happened: Mahn anticipates Nvidia will surpass expectations when it reports its second-quarter earnings on Wednesday. Mahn predicts significant growth in Nvidia's data center business. He shared this perspective in an interview with Yahoo Finance on Tuesday.


"Nvidia is positioning themselves to be the hub of the AI ecosystem in a similar fashion that Amazon became the hub of the e-commerce ecosystem, Mahn said.


Additionally, Mahn highlighted other stock options beyond Nvidia, including Digital Realty Trust Inc. (NYSE:DLR), Modine Manufacturing Co. (NYSE:MOD), and Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ:AVGO).

此外,Mahn還提到了英偉達以外的其他股票選擇,包括Digital Realty Trust Inc.(NYSE:DLR),Modine Manufacturing Co.(NYSE:MOD)和Broadcom Inc.(NASDAQ:AVGO)。

Why It Matters: Nvidia's upcoming earnings report is highly anticipated, with analysts expecting the company to report second-quarter revenue of $28.68 billion, according to Benzinga Pro. This marks a significant increase from the $13.5 billion reported in the same quarter last year. Nvidia has consistently beaten revenue estimates in seven of the last eight quarters.

爲什麼重要:英偉達即將發佈的收益報告備受關注,據Benzinga Pro報道,分析師預計公司將報告第二季度稅前收入爲286.8億美元。這標誌着與去年同期135億美元相比的顯著增長。英偉達在過去八個季度中有七次超過收入預期。

Technical indicators also show bullish momentum for Nvidia stock ahead of the earnings report. The stock has surged approximately 170% over the past year and about 163% year-to-date.


However, Gene Munster, managing partner at Deepwater Asset Management, cautions that Nvidia's "hyperfocused" investors might trigger a negative stock trend post-earnings. Despite the recent 30% surge and proximity to all-time highs, Munster foresees potential short-term setbacks due to ongoing demand-supply imbalances and possible delays in the Blackwell project.

然而,Deepwater Asset Management的管理合夥人Gene Munster警告說,英偉達的「過於專注」的投資者可能會在業績後引發股價的負向趨勢。儘管最近上漲了30%且接近歷史高點,Munster預計由於持續的供需失衡和可能的Blackwell項目延遲,短期內可能會出現 setbacks。

On the flip side, Carter Braxton Worth, founder of Worth Charting LLC, remains bullish on Nvidia. He suggests that investors should consider a long-term strategy for the stock, especially around the earnings period. Worth emphasized that technical indicators point towards a continued upward trajectory for the company.

而Worth Charting LLC創始人Carter Braxton Worth則對英偉達看好。他建議投資者在股票的長期策略中,特別是在業績期間考慮。Worth強調技術指標指向公司持續的上升趨勢。

Price Action: Nvidia's stock closed at $128.30 on Tuesday, up 1.46%. In after-hours trading, the stock slightly dipped by 0.46%. Year to date, NVIDIA's stock has surged by an impressive 166.35%, according to data from Benzinga Pro.

行情走勢:英偉達股票週二收盤價爲128.3美元,上漲1.46%。盤後交易中,股票略有下跌,下跌0.46%。根據Benzinga Pro的數據,英偉達股票今年迄今上漲了166.35%。

  • Top Nvidia Analyst Sees No Major Impact From Blackwell Delay, But Flags One Caveat He's Wary About Ahead Of Earnings
  • 頂級英偉達分析師認爲,Blackwell延遲不會對其產生重大影響,但在業績發佈之前,他對一個注意事項持謹慎態度

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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Kaustubh Bagalkote

