
A New Meaning to Restoration: Duke Energy, Tampa Electric Come Together With State, Local Agencies to Plant Nearly 700 Mangroves at Two Shorelines in Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties

A New Meaning to Restoration: Duke Energy, Tampa Electric Come Together With State, Local Agencies to Plant Nearly 700 Mangroves at Two Shorelines in Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties

PR Newswire ·  08/28 01:53

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. and TAMPA, Fla., Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- While restoration is a critical part of Duke Energy Florida's and Tampa Electric's everyday work and hurricane response plans, this is the first time the two local utilities have combined resources to protect Tampa Bay's ecosystems and increase environmental resilience within the region.


Today, more than 40 volunteers, employees and environmental experts from Duke Energy Florida, Tampa Electric, Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) Florida, Hillsborough County's Conservation and Land Management and Pinellas County's Environmental Management Division, led a unique restoration project by simultaneously planting nearly 700 red and black mangroves at two locations impacted by tidal influence.

今天,來自杜克能源佛羅里達公司、坦帕電力公司、佛羅里達州沿海保育協會(CCA Florida)、希爾斯伯勒縣保護與土地管理局和皮內拉斯縣環境管理部門的40多名志願者、員工和環境專家,同時在受潮汐影響的兩個地點種植了近700棵紅色和黑色紅樹林,進行了一項獨特的恢復項目。

"Teaming up with our neighboring utilities, governmental leaders and key community organizations to prepare, protect and power our communities is not something new for our company and industry," said Melissa Seixas, Duke Energy Florida state president. "As we've learned from decades of storm response and service, collaboration is essential to addressing our communities' most pressing needs. Today's event is no different. We thank Tampa Electric, CCA Florida, Hillsborough and Pinellas counties, among the many others, who are dedicated to keeping our communities safe, resilient and thriving."

佛羅里達州杜克能源公司總裁Melissa Seixas表示:“與我們的鄰近公用事業、政府領導者和關鍵社區組織合作準備、保護和爲我們的社區供電對我們公司和整個行業來說並不新鮮。通過幾十年的風災響應和務實經驗,我們已經了解到,合作是解決社區最緊迫需求的關鍵。今天的事件也不例外。我們感謝坦帕電力公司、佛羅里達州沿海保育協會、希爾斯伯勒和皮內拉斯縣等衆多致力於保持我們社區安全、具有韌性和繁榮的組織。

The two locations, EG Simmons Regional Park and Keystone/Carlton Road in Northern Pinellas County, were selected based on need, environmental factors and consultation with Hillsborough County's Conservation and Land Management and Pinellas County's Environmental Management Division.

EG Simmons區域公園和Northern Pinellas縣的Keystone/Carlton Road這兩個地點根據需求、環境因素和與希爾斯伯勒縣保護與土地管理局以及皮內拉斯縣環境管理部門的諮詢被選定。

"This project is a win for the shoreline, a win for our partners, and it reflects our continued commitment to environmental stewardship," said Archie Collins, president and chief executive officer of Tampa Electric. "We are delighted to collaborate with like-minded neighbors – including Duke Energy Florida – to complete this important coastal resilience project."

坦帕電力公司的總裁兼首席執行官Archie Collins表示:「這個項目對海岸線來說是一次勝利,對我們的合作伙伴也是一次勝利,並反映了我們對環境保護的持續承諾。我們很高興與志同道合的鄰居合作,包括佛羅里達州杜克能源公司,完成這個重要的海岸韌性項目。」

Florida's mangrove ecosystems serve a vital role in the overall health of the state's coastal estuaries. Mangroves reduce coastal erosion caused by storm surges and improve water quality by absorbing excess nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. Mangrove soils and roots also sequester carbon dioxide while providing habitat and refuge to a wide variety of fish and wildlife.


The mangroves are grown and donated by CCA Florida and the Duke Energy Crystal River Mariculture Center, a company-owned-and-operated environmental restoration and conservation center dedicated to rebuilding and maintaining Florida's fish populations and habitats.

紅樹林由CCA Florida和杜克能源水晶河養殖中心種植並捐贈,該中心是一個專門致力於重建和維護佛羅里達州魚類種群和棲息地的公司所有和經營的環境修復和保護中心。

More than 30 years ago, the Duke Energy Crystal River Mariculture Center started as an environmental compliance requirement to operate nearby power plants and has since grown into one of Florida's most successful fish hatcheries and conservation allies.


Instead of shutting down the operation when the power plants closed and the environmental requirement was no longer necessary, Eric Latimer, Duke Energy Florida's manager of the Mariculture Center, found ways to work with nonprofits, universities and state agencies, like CCA Florida, among others, to rebuild and maintain Florida's fish populations and habitats that were being impacted by declining water quality and disasters such as red tide and hurricanes.

當發電廠關閉且環境合規要求不再必要時,杜克能源水晶河養殖中心的經理埃裏克·拉蒂默找到了與非營利組織、高校和佛羅里達州政府機構等進行合作的方法,例如CCA Florida,以重建和維護受到水質下降以及紅潮、颶風等災害影響的佛羅里達州魚類種群和棲息地。

To date, the Mariculture Center, with help from CCA Florida, has released nearly 5 million fish and crustaceans along Florida's coasts and has donated approximately $200,000 worth of submerged aquatic vegetation for habitat restoration projects in lakes, springs and shorelines across the state.

迄今爲止,水晶河養殖中心在CCA Florida的幫助下,已在佛羅里達州沿海地區釋放了近500萬條魚類和甲殼動物,並捐贈了價值約20萬美元的水生植物來進行湖泊、溫泉和海岸線的棲息地恢復項目。

For more information about the Duke Energy Crystal River Mariculture Center, click here.


Duke Energy Florida


Duke Energy Florida, a subsidiary of Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), owns 12,300 megawatts of energy capacity, supplying electricity to 2 million residential, commercial and industrial customers across a 13,000-square-mile service area in Florida.


Tampa Electric


Tampa Electric, one of Florida's largest investor-owned electric utilities, serves more than 840,000 customers in West Central Florida. Tampa Electric is a subsidiary of Emera Inc., a geographically diverse energy and services company headquartered in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

坦帕電力是佛羅里達最大的投資型電力公用事業之一,在西中佛羅里達地區爲超過84萬客戶提供服務。坦帕電力是Emera Inc.的子公司,Emera Inc.是一家總部位於加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯的地理多樣化能源和服務公司。

CCA Florida


The Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) was founded in 1977 after drastic commercial overfishing along the Texas coast decimated redfish and speckled trout populations. One of 19 state chapters, CCA Florida became the fifth state chapter in 1985. A 501(c)3 non-profit, the purpose of CCA is to advise and educate the public on conservation of marine resources. Through habitat restoration projects, water quality initiatives and fisheries advocacy, CCA Florida works with its over 18,000 members including recreational anglers and outdoor enthusiasts to conserve and enhance marine resources and coastal environments. Join the conversation on Facebook or learn more at


Duke Energy Media Contact: Audrey Stasko
Media line: 800.559.3853
Twitter: @DE_AudreyS


Tampa Electric Media Contact: Cherie Jacobs
Cell: 813.334.7779
Email: [email protected]

電子郵件:[email protected]

SOURCE Duke Energy


